
Dialogue with Kim Jung-hoon: I want to enjoy acting while studying

author:Korea bnt news
Dialogue with Kim Jung-hoon: I want to enjoy acting while studying

If the meeting with Kim Jung-hoon can be summed up in two words, it is "reversal and rediscovery." Previously, the image he presented had always been a "star of excellence in learning", but after the actual meeting, we had to admit that his charm was not only that.

Looking back on our meeting, he was a man like no other in the world. With a kaleidoscopic expression, easy-going personality, and mischievous tone, he sat down in a hooded sweatshirt and a sportswear and began to tell his story frankly, without the slightest image of "someone else's child" who was careful during filming.

The conversation with him went very smoothly. He also intersperses unexpected humorous aspects in the middle from time to time, and when he expresses his opinion, he not only points it out appropriately, but also extends the other party's problem. After a burst of noise, Kim Jung-hoon's appearance was impressive.

Actor Kim Jung-hoon has unknowingly debuted in his 17th year. Now try to forget the old clichés and listen to the real story about him that we don't know.

<b>Q. How did the photo shoot feel? </b>

I don't usually read magazines much, but I often hear people mention bnt as a well-known media, and I am very happy and honored to be able to cooperate (laughs).

<b>Q. What is the filming location? </b>

When shooting in Korea, most of them chose places like photo studios or cafes, but today I shot in a different place, which is really gratifying. In fact, when I first came to this place, I wanted to joke about coming to the market (laughs). But when I really came in to take a look, I found that this is a beautiful and special place, which makes me very satisfied.

<b>Q. What is your favorite theme? </b>

I love the subject of bangs and floral costumes on my second shoot. Although I don't usually like the pattern, I feel that today's hairstyle and clothing are very compatible.

<b>Q. Do you pay more attention to fashion on weekdays? </b>

As soon as you look at it, I know that I don't know anything about fashion at all (laughs). For example, when I was in school, I was a student who could only get "beauty" in art grades. I have no sense of fashion at all, and I wear whatever the stylist asks me to wear. When I don't have a schedule, I usually go out in my sportswear, so my friends around me often point fingers at my fashion views. In fact, I don't even know what kind of clothes look good. I took a photo shoot with bnt this time, and I will work hard to regain my life (laughs).

<b>Q. The producers of tvN's "The Man in question" have been throwing olive branches for three years, and Kim Jung-hoon only recently finally decided to star, so what is the reason for the previous refusal? </b>

I had previously starred in tvN's "The Genius", but I didn't want to star in a similar show because I was exhausted at the time. Usually, it is not the type that gets hurt by the comments, but after starring in "The Genius", I was very sad when I saw the comments on the Internet. The more the audience looks forward, the greater the disappointment. At that time, I also had the nickname of "flower screen". It was originally just a "screen", but because I was dressed very well, I added a "flower" word, so even my game account was "flower screen" (laughs).

It is precisely because of this test that I will be burdened to star in this kind of variety show and reject the proposal. But I was deeply moved by the actions of the producers of "The Man in Question", who not only sent flowers, but also met me twice near our house. So I decided to give it a try at the end, and it worked out pretty well. I think it's probably because those questions are all right for me.

<b>Q. I heard that the opportunity to overcome depression as a student was mathematics? </b>

Rather than overcoming, it's actually "escaping" to me. In my sophomore year of high school, if I woke up from a dream, I would feel that I had no self and was very empty. Now I think it should be because of academic pressure. During the class, my head was also blank and I couldn't concentrate. So I've been doing math problems in other classes or during my self-study hours. The moment I solved the math problem, it was like finding my original self, filling my sense of emptiness with mathematics, and the only hiding place that could make me breathe.

<b>Q. Isn't it a pity that you dropped out of the Department of Dentistry at Seoul National University? </b>

In fact, I had something else I wanted to learn, and I just chose a stable place at the time. After entering the school, because the course was not suitable for me, I often skipped class. But just when I wanted to switch departments, I came into contact with show business. Although I don't regret it, because it is a very good university and the major is also very famous, it is a pity to be honest.

<b>Q. What did you want to learn? </b>

I wanted to study something like cosmic physics or natural sciences, and studying the universe in terms of physics and mathematics was my dream since I was a child.

Dialogue with Kim Jung-hoon: I want to enjoy acting while studying

<b>Q. What was the opportunity from a student who had no connection with the show business at all to debuting as a singer? </b>

I hadn't dreamed of show business since the beginning, so there was no bond at all. I happened to drink with my seniors at the Mi Hotel in front of the university, and I was suggested to debut as a singer. In fact, in addition to that, I've received such advice at Lotte World and Theo-tei Roadside, even when the sauna is naked (laughs). After repeating this 4 or 5 times, I learned about the world of show business and debuted as UN.

<b>Q. Not long ago, I published "Kim Jung-hoon's Mathematical Notes", what was the opportunity? </b>

On JTBC's I Went to School, I competed in math competitions, and I was contacted by several publishers. At that time, because I felt that I did not have the talent to write, I refused. But when filming TV dramas in China, I had received a proposal to write books in China in time, so I picked up a pen.

I wrote the story of my childhood and the part related to math learning, and sent it there, and then I put it together and published the book. Although I was shy because of my poor writing ability, I published it anyway (laughs).

<b>Q. Ever hated the image of someone else's child or genius? </b>

In fact, there is nothing wrong with this, but the only drawback is the limitations of choosing works as an actor. I also wanted to try the role of rogue or gangster, but I never received a similar proposal. I also wanted to try extreme roles that I hadn't played, but a lot of people said I wasn't a good fit. My image seems to have been labeled, so there will be times when I want to escape.

<b>Q. Have you ever heard of a childlike face? </b>

I hated looking young as a kid, but now I love it (laughs). But this image also makes me have limitations in choosing works, and sometimes I want to escape. So, I've also deliberately made low-budget works with a mustache that aren't commercial films, but they don't fit that well. In any case, this is a problem that I need to solve in the future.

<b>Q. What is your personality like in real life? </b>

First of all, I'm a type that doesn't like to go out very much, so I'm generally not seen by people. This has nothing to do with the profession of an artist, but I don't like to go to crowded places. Relationships are also not particularly widespread and do not get involved in certain things. Even if you go out to drink, you don't like noisy places, but you will go to quieter places. Drinking too much will not play drunk, but very Sven drunk.

<b>Q. Do you like to drink? How much alcohol? </b>

The amount of alcohol is a bit large, as if it is inherited from the father. I don't know exactly how much alcohol I drank, but I didn't count the bottles when I drank it (laughs). The most drunk was when two people drank about 30 bottles, and it seemed that they drank from the evening to noon the next day.

Drinking is mainly with agents or non-entertainers' community friends. If you are an artist, you will drink with Jin Qinghao, who lives in the same neighborhood, and the two of us have been drinking together for more than 10 years near our house, and as long as you see the back of your hair, you will know that it is Jin Qinghao (laughs). Moreover, recently because of Jin Qinghao, I have become very familiar with Jin Yanyu. And we're both good at kim, so we're even closer, and we've been getting together a lot lately to drink.

<b>Q. Do you read reviews a lot? </b>

I belong to the type of person who would not read it, and if I read it, I would read it all. Personality doesn't get very attached to this, but if I really start reading it, I'll find it interesting and keep reading it. It's nice to see positive reviews, and it's annoying to see bad reviews.

<b>Q. Are you experienced in love? </b>

More. Because as soon as I entered college, I felt that everything was over, so I began to be exposed to alcohol and love as soon as I was 20 years old (laughs). In his early 20s, he also had a relationship with his sister who was 10 years older than himself, and foreigners also had a relationship. Since I was a child, my ideal type has been a woman with short hair, fresh and proud like Song Juda or Xian Yushan. However, as I grew older, I began to pay attention to personality, and the exact ideal type object seemed to be gone.

<b>Q. What is the marriage plan? </b>

Because I don't understand things yet, it's not time to get married. But one day they will get married, and they are not ready to take responsibility for the whole family, and when they are ready, they will want to get married.

Dialogue with Kim Jung-hoon: I want to enjoy acting while studying

<b>Q. What are your usual hobbies? </b>

There are about 2 to 3 hobbies. First of all, I've loved billiards since I was in college. Now because I am resting, I often go to play billiards, and I can play about 300. I've also recently met a few professional billiards players, and billiards is now not just a hobby, I also plan to challenge the national amateur competition. On PC, World of Warcraft has been playing for almost 8 to 9 years. In addition, boxing, which was interrupted a few years ago because of being an actor, has recently resumed. It just so happened that Kim Yeon-woo was also studying boxing near our house, so I also went to the same boxing ring. I will also learn to climb rock next month.

<b>Q. What role do you want to try? </b>

I wanted to challenge characters who did nothing like little bastards. For example, the funny role played by Cha Tae-hyun is like a role in the morning glory in the movie "My Savage Girlfriend".

<b>Q. What are the areas you want to challenge in the future? </b>

Because I not only like to learn, but also like to teach, I want to challenge the profession of teaching in the future if I have the opportunity. But so far I haven't been very confident in a particular area. In fact, a lot of artists make the most of the show business as a professor, but I want to challenge a newer, more professional aspect, so I'm currently learning the language. Although I am also studying English, I feel that I can speak Japanese better, so I want to obtain a Japanese level 2 and level 3 qualification certificate in the near future. Of course, I also like math, but there are still many shortcomings in becoming a professional, and I now want to learn Japanese in depth.

<b>Q. What about album activity plans? </b>

Although I love music, I don't have the idea of an album campaign. Previously, album production was mainly because fans wanted to hear it. I prefer acting as an actor to a singer. More frankly, my voice has a sense of distance from the recent Korean Daeshi music. But in Japan, because many people like my voice, I occasionally hold concerts and release albums.

<b>Q. Recently, many combinations from the 1990s to the 2000s have been active again, is there any intention for the UN to regroup? </b>

Not long ago, they starred in JTBC's "Sugar Man", and at that time, many people around me mentioned recombination, but it seemed to be difficult to do UN activities again. In the past, we had to digest 7 or 8 schedules a day during activities, but now both of us don't have the strength to do that, and we are all concentrating on acting.

<b>Q. Is it possible to release a planned album? </b>

Not long ago, when a fan meeting was held, Zhengyuan suddenly appeared. At that time, I was really grateful, and even moved to the point of almost crying. Although it is difficult to continue to carry out activities through recombination, it feels good to hold performances or release planned albums together.

<b>Q. Discord was also rumored at the time of the dissolution of the UN. </b>

There were a lot of rumors at the time, and the reason was that we were each doing our own activities. I made movies, and Zhengyuan went in the direction of variety shows, and the two of us would often sit separately in the car. When people saw us like this, they began to talk about it, and there were even rumors that we used the standby room separately, but it was just that everyone didn't know the truth, and we didn't do that. After all, it is not always possible to have a good relationship when we are active together, and sometimes we will talk about it, but this is not the reason for dissolution, we have embarked on different paths because our contracts have expired.

<b>Q. What was the timing of the Hollywood movie Pacific Rim 2? </b>

I am now in a state where filming in Australia has all ended. As for the opportunity to star, I knew that the production company of that film was related to the Chinese side, and the staff that I had worked with when I was in China recommended me to that film. But the casting was over, so I planned to create even small roles that would allow me to play. The appearance as a driver was really short. In fact, at the beginning I played the role of Chinese, but the director said that because I was Korean, I was asked to act in Korean. It's not a very important role, but I think it's important to get together.

<b>Q. Do you have any intention of entering Hollywood in the future? </b>

There should be no one who doesn't want to (laughs). In order to collaborate with the producers of this film on the next work, I am currently working on it while also learning English.

<b>Q. What is the turning point? </b>

After the dissolution of UN, when I was thinking about preparing to study, director Huang Renlei suddenly contacted me and proposed to me whether I could star in MBC "Palace", and I have only started acting since then. If I hadn't starred in that work, I might not have developed into a learning area.

<b>Q. What are the role models? </b>

In terms of acting, my role model is Li Bingxian. I think he's a perfect guy with both talent and hard work, and there's a lot to learn from me.

<b>Q. What is the ultimate goal of being an actor? </b>

It seems too ambitious to be the best actor, and I hope to be able to learn and enjoy acting at the same time. Wu Jingyi/Wen Yin Haoyi/Figure JOYRICH,R.MUTT,AM. WE, KUDZU, DRUG HOMME/Clothing

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