
The boiling point of the whole network is | The 14th Five-Year Plan for the development of medical security in Tianjin was released; the Epidemic Prevention Manual for the Winter Olympics was released

author:Netinfo Tianjin
The boiling point of the whole network is | The 14th Five-Year Plan for the development of medical security in Tianjin was released; the Epidemic Prevention Manual for the Winter Olympics was released

Weather: Today during the day it is cloudy and sunny, the northwest wind is 4-5 gusts of 6, the probability of precipitation is 20%; the night is cloudy, the north wind is 2-3, the probability of precipitation is 10%; the maximum temperature is 19 °C, and the minimum temperature is 6 °C.

Ambient air quality: Grade II to Grade III light pollution, primary pollutant PM2.5.

Limit numbers: Limit numbers 1 and 6 today, limit numbers 2 and 7 tomorrow.

The boiling point of the whole network is | The 14th Five-Year Plan for the development of medical security in Tianjin was released; the Epidemic Prevention Manual for the Winter Olympics was released

The 14th Five-Year Plan for the Development of Tianjin Medical Security was released. A few days ago, the Tianjin Municipal Medical Security Bureau issued the "14th Five-Year Plan for the Development of Medical Security in Tianjin", proposing 7 major reform goals, 12 key reform tasks and 18 monitoring indicators, making it clear that at the end of the "14th Five-Year Plan", tianjin's basic medical insurance will reach 11.84 million people, the proportion of employee medical insurance and resident medical insurance hospitalization self-payment will be further reduced, the cumulative balance of the medical insurance fund can be controlled for 6-9 months, and the number of centralized procurement of drug varieties will reach more than 500.

The boiling point of the whole network is | The 14th Five-Year Plan for the development of medical security in Tianjin was released; the Epidemic Prevention Manual for the Winter Olympics was released

Tianjin Municipal Measures for the Recognition of Occupational Skill Levels were promulgated. Recently, the "Tianjin Municipal Measures for the Recognition of Occupational Skill Levels (Trial)" was issued and implemented from October 21, 2021, and employers and social training evaluation organizations can carry out vocational skill level recognition work according to these measures.

The Tianjin Municipal Market Commission has opened a CCC exemption channel. Since November 1, 2021, the Tianjin Municipal Commission for Market Regulation has opened a convenient channel for exemption from the "China Compulsory Product Certification" (hereinafter referred to as "CCC"), and eligible enterprises can obtain the exemption certificate in the national CCC exemption system to further improve the speed of customs clearance of imported products.

The list of higher education institutions is published. On the 25th, the Ministry of Education released the list of national colleges and universities in 2021, with a total of 69 in Tianjin, including 56 ordinary colleges and universities and 13 adult colleges.

Mr. Ye Jiaying won the 6th World Contribution Award for Chinese Studies. On October 18th, the 9th World Forum on Sinology opened at the Shanghai International Convention Center, where the winners of the 6th World Sinology Contribution Award were announced. Mr. Ye Jiaying, Director of the Institute of Chinese Poetry and Classical Culture of Nankai University and the only academician of Chinese classical literature in the history of the Royal Society of Canada, was awarded the award.

Tianda's "Curriculum Ideological And Political Teaching and Research Demonstration Center" was inaugurated. On October 25th, the seminar on ideological and political construction of college courses with the theme of "casting the soul and educating people to keep the original intention, and Lide tree people shouldering the mission" was held in Tianjin University. At the meeting, the "Curriculum Ideological And Political Teaching and Research Demonstration Center" of Tianjin University was unveiled.

Tian university has developed new materials that can be applied to 6G communication devices. Recently, Zhan Yu, an undergraduate student at the School of Microelectronics of Tianjin University, published a paper "Research on the Wide Temperature Stability of Lithium-based Media Ceramics" in the authoritative journal "Journal of Alloys and Compounds" in the industry, and successfully developed a dielectric material with excellent wide temperature stability for 5G millimeter wave devices, and related technologies also have the potential to be applied to the design and development of 6G wireless communication devices.

48 projects in Tianjin were shortlisted for the finals of this national competition. In the pre-selection and recommendation of the first National Postdoctoral Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition in Tianjin, a total of 48 projects in Tianjin were shortlisted for the finals of the national competition.

Nineteen overseas projects registered for the National Postdoctoral Competition. At present, a total of 19 overseas projects from 7 countries and regions in Tianjin have registered for the National Postdoctoral Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, accounting for 6.5% of the total number of overseas competitions.

The temporary power supply of photovoltaic projects with the largest power generation capacity in Tianjin is transmitted. On October 21, CECEP Binhai Taiping Town 300 MW photovoltaic composite power generation project temporary power transmission, the project covers an area of 8,000 acres, will become the largest photovoltaic power station in Tianjin.

Sino-German Eco-City signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Tianpai. On the 25th, the Tianjin Sino-German Eco-City Administration and Tianjin Emission Rights Exchange Co., Ltd. signed a strategic cooperation agreement, and the two sides will carry out all-round and in-depth cooperation in the fields of carbon verification, carbon finance and low-carbon technology.

Chaoyang Street in Jinghai District was officially listed. On the 25th, Chaoyang Street in Jinghai District was officially listed. At present, Jinghai District administers Huakang Subdistrict, Chaoyang Subdistrict, 2 subdistricts, 16 towns and 2 townships.

The boiling point of the whole network is | The 14th Five-Year Plan for the development of medical security in Tianjin was released; the Epidemic Prevention Manual for the Winter Olympics was released

Xi Jinping attended the meeting commemorating the 50th anniversary of the restoration of legitimate seats in the United Nations in the People's Republic of China and delivered an important speech.

The boiling point of the whole network is | The 14th Five-Year Plan for the development of medical security in Tianjin was released; the Epidemic Prevention Manual for the Winter Olympics was released

Xi Jinping and King Philippe of Belgium exchanged congratulatory messages on the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Belgium.

Xi Jinping sent a letter congratulating the CCTV Olympic Channel and its digital platform on the launch of the CCTV Olympic Channel.

Li Keqiang will attend a series of leaders' meetings on East Asia cooperation.

On the 25th, the Chinese Embassy in the DPRK commemorated the 71st anniversary of the Chinese Volunteer Army's going abroad to fight in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea.

The boiling point of the whole network is | The 14th Five-Year Plan for the development of medical security in Tianjin was released; the Epidemic Prevention Manual for the Winter Olympics was released

Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said: The Taiwan region's participation in the activities of international organizations must be handled in accordance with the one-China principle. The Taiwan authorities' attempt to gain self-respect and expand the so-called "international space" by relying on foreigners is in essence seeking to expand the space for "Taiwan independence" separatism, and it is bound to end in failure.

On the 25th, the first edition of the epidemic prevention manual for the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games was officially released, stipulating that a closed-loop management policy will be implemented during the Beijing Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games.

The Supreme People's Procuratorate decided to arrest Yin Jiaxu, former secretary of the party leading group and chairman of the board of directors of China North Industries Group Co., Ltd., in accordance with the law.

The boiling point of the whole network is | The 14th Five-Year Plan for the development of medical security in Tianjin was released; the Epidemic Prevention Manual for the Winter Olympics was released

On the 25th, the Sudanese military detained a number of government officials, including Transitional Government Prime Minister Hamduk. The Chairman of the Sudanese SovereignTy Commission declared a state of emergency and the Sudanese Armed Forces continued to pursue a democratic transition until the transfer of authority to the future Government.

According to the Russian news agency, on the 25th local time, the Russian "vector" National Science Center for Virology and Biotechnology for the first time published a photo of the new crown variant strain "Delta", which was taken by an electron microscope.

The boiling point of the whole network is | The 14th Five-Year Plan for the development of medical security in Tianjin was released; the Epidemic Prevention Manual for the Winter Olympics was released

The corruption case involving Lee Jae-myung, the presidential candidate of South Korea's ruling Party of the Common Democratic Party and governor of Gyeonggi Province, continued to ferment, and prosecutors once again summoned the key people involved in the case.

Comprehensive: Xinhua News Agency, CCTV News, People's Daily, China News Network, Tianjin Daily, Tianjin Broadcasting, Tianjin Meteorology

Review: Wang Shaoyun

Editor: Wang An

Cover: Zhu Zhaofei

Material arrangement: Xu Xiaowei, Wang An