
Tuya, who relies on "hiding from the man" to go out of the circle again and frequently "overturns", can he still laugh?

author:Zhao Fengyu

In recent years, "touching the fish" as an Internet buzzword, the popularity has remained high.

Tuya, who relies on "hiding from the man" to go out of the circle again and frequently "overturns", can he still laugh?

The term "touch the fish" is derived from the idiom "touch the fish in the muddy water", the original meaning is that in the turbid water, the fish is dizzy, take the opportunity to touch the fish, you can get unexpected benefits. Parables take advantage of chaos to reap improper benefits.

Nowadays, "touching fish" is more used in the workplace, referring to doing things that are not related to work during working hours.

A few days ago, its synonym, "Hide Man", also caught fire because of a song called "Horse Pole Set".

Tuya, who relies on "hiding from the man" to go out of the circle again and frequently "overturns", can he still laugh?

Singer Ulantuya, when singing "Set horse pole", always likes to hide the lyrics of the chorus with "Hanzi", and netizens ridicule her for trying to obscure the way to escape the high pitch, as "hiding from Hanzi".


"Hide Man" compilation

When singing on stage, Ulantuya's self-created "Hide Man" trilogy generally looks like this:

The first trick is "pretend to interact": when you suddenly forget the words during the singing, you hand the microphone to the audience and shout "Let's come together".

The second trick is "Soul Lamai": When the highest-pitched part of the song is made, the microphone is pulled away from the mouth, so that even if the high note cannot be sung, or the sound is broken, no one will notice.

The last trick is "let's come together": Ulantuya on the stage also broke the jar and broke the can and directly replaced the song with a dance posture.

Tuya, who relies on "hiding from the man" to go out of the circle again and frequently "overturns", can he still laugh?

The process is accompanied by a polite and awkward smile.

So, a song down, Ulantuya can hardly put on a man...

So why did Tuya "hide from the man"?

This matter still needs to start from the beginning...


In 2009, Ulantoya released her solo album I'm going to Tibet.

Set horse pole Ulantoya army - best selection of popular extreme burnt 2009

Tuya, who relies on "hiding from the man" to go out of the circle again and frequently "overturns", can he still laugh?

Among them, one of the songs, "Set the Horse Pole", was rated as "Top Ten Internet Hit Songs of the Year" by Tencent that year, and it was popular all over the streets and alleys, and it was an essential divine comedy for big mothers to dance square dance.

Because of the popularity of singing, Ulantoya soon ushered in the first peak of her career.

Tuya, who relies on "hiding from the man" to go out of the circle again and frequently "overturns", can he still laugh?

But unlike the enduring performance of the song "Horse Pole", Ulantoya's career soon lost its highlights.

Toya, who thought she would not be able to get the support and publicity of the agency ("Crescent Company"), was soon forgotten by everyone.

In addition, the treatment in the company is general, only 1,000 yuan a month living expenses, which makes her have the idea of terminating the contract.

So in 2011, after the expiration of the three-year contract, Ulantoya terminated the contract with the company, left Guangzhou, and went north to develop.

In fact, at this time, "Horse Pole" was already very popular in Inner Mongolia, and Ulantoya's fame had spread.

When Ulantoya decided to leave, she did not know what a precious opportunity she would lose.

According to the company's regulations, after the termination of the contract, the singing rights of "Horse Pole" belong to the "Crescent Moon Company", and no one is allowed to sing commercially, including the original singer of this song, Ulantoya.

For Ulantoya, not being able to perform her own famous song almost means starting all over again. Her career has fallen into a low ebb.


After Ulantoya terminated her contract, the Crescent Company was also anxious.

Because the popularity of "Horse Pole" is still continuing, it is a big loss for the company.

"Crescent Moon Company" is looking for new singers all over the country, and has continued the popularity of the songs since then.

After several twists and turns, the "Crescent Company" found Ulantuya, also from Inner Mongolia and had just graduated.

Tuya, who relies on "hiding from the man" to go out of the circle again and frequently "overturns", can he still laugh?

I don't know whether it was deliberate or coincidental, the two singers not only have similar names, but also dressed and looked a little similar.

Ulantuya successfully became the "replacement" of Ulantoya and became the legal singer of "Horse Pole".

Set horse pole Ulantuya - Phoenix Fly

Tuya, who relies on "hiding from the man" to go out of the circle again and frequently "overturns", can he still laugh?
Tuya, who relies on "hiding from the man" to go out of the circle again and frequently "overturns", can he still laugh?

It's easy to sing the same song, and it's not so easy to "replace" it completely.

At the time, it was easy for the audience to discover that Ulantoya and Ulantuya were two different singers.

So in the beginning, Ulantuya performed many times under the banner of "Ulantoya": the name and photos were all Ulantoya, but it was Tuya who appeared.

Because of this incident, Ulantoya once posted on Weibo for exposure.

Tuya, who relies on "hiding from the man" to go out of the circle again and frequently "overturns", can he still laugh?

Unfortunately, at that time, the attention of this matter was not high, and Ulantoya was sued by crescent company, saying that it defamed its singer Ulantuya.

Soon after, the matter was gradually forgotten.


With Tuya having to sing the song more times, coupled with her always exaggerated styling and makeup, most viewers have come to Ulantuya as the original song for "Horse Pole".

Tuya, who relies on "hiding from the man" to go out of the circle again and frequently "overturns", can he still laugh?

Taking advantage of the heat, Ulantuya once again launched new songs such as "Hot Love Songs" and "Standing on the Grassland looking at Beijing", and the popularity only increased.

Stand on the grassland looking at Beijing Ulantuya - world music long tune

Tuya, who relies on "hiding from the man" to go out of the circle again and frequently "overturns", can he still laugh?
Tuya, who relies on "hiding from the man" to go out of the circle again and frequently "overturns", can he still laugh?

In 2014, Ulantuya, which became more and more popular, took this famous song to the stage of the Spring Festival Gala.

Soon, with her identity as a minority, Tuya was created as a representative symbol of Mongolian singers, and the resources of CCTV's song music programs continued to tilt towards her, and the music channel kept scrolling to play her tracks.

Tuya, who relies on "hiding from the man" to go out of the circle again and frequently "overturns", can he still laugh?

Along with them were honors such as "Mongolian Young Singer", "Member of the All-China Youth Federation", "Director of the Chinese Musicians Association" and so on.

We have to sigh that Tuya's luck was so good.

Although Tuya's success is inseparable from its own efforts, the company's packaging, and the grasp of timing.

But without Ulantoya paving the way for her, tuya would hardly have the status she has now.

Tuya was originally a mezzo-soprano voice condition, forced to be Ulantoya, a high-quality soprano "Li Ghost", and Shang sang almost all songs that were more suitable for soprano voice conditions.

In live performances without sound modification, there are often embarrassing situations of broken sounds, so Tuya invented the classic "hideaway man" famous scene.

It is hard to imagine that such a person with such a low level of singing and trying his best to touch the fish is a regular visitor to the CCTV Spring Festival Gala and major party activities.


As far as this song "Set the Horse Pole" is concerned, there is indeed a big gap between Tuya's singing ability and performance, and the original singing Ulantoya.

In the show, Ulantoya also said bluntly, "I think she (Tuya) doesn't sing as well as me." ”

Tuya, who relies on "hiding from the man" to go out of the circle again and frequently "overturns", can he still laugh?

Although Ulantoya said on her lips not to collapse, not to regret.

But she really wasn't as lucky as Tuya.

Without the packaging of the professional team and the right stage, Toya's singing career has declined year by year.

Even though Toyah sang a famous song "Fiery Sarilang", it was far less popular than the original "Horse Pole".

Fiery Sarilang Ulantoya - Fiery Sarilang (Original)

Tuya, who relies on "hiding from the man" to go out of the circle again and frequently "overturns", can he still laugh?

Today, Toya can only be active in small stage commercial performances everywhere.

Therefore, some people say that Tuya stole the wonderful life that originally belonged to Toya, and it is "unworthy of virtue".

Tuya, who relies on "hiding from the man" to go out of the circle again and frequently "overturns", can he still laugh?

Tuya naturally does not think so, she has posted that she is more suitable for singing "Horse Pole".

Tuya, who relies on "hiding from the man" to go out of the circle again and frequently "overturns", can he still laugh?

Who sings better, in fact, the audience knows.

However, many times, people rarely compare and pay attention to who sings the song well? Who is the original singer?

Therefore, this year, there was a UP master published, and after the Ulantuya broken audio and video compilation album, it quickly attracted the onlookers of netizens.

There is also up main 1000% also (evil) original (engaged) overturning video, netizens seem to have discovered the door to a new world...

Tuya, who relies on "hiding from the man" to go out of the circle again and frequently "overturns", can he still laugh?

Source: B station "JKAI Jiekai" works

Then the short video blogger put the "hidden man" material to the screen.

In the face of the famous scene of the whole network today, I don't know how Tuya feels.

Tuya, who relies on "hiding from the man" to go out of the circle again and frequently "overturns", can he still laugh?

This song "Hide From The Man", Ulantu Yaming has been singing for nearly ten years, and has not yet overcome the difficulty of "Hanzi". Instead, he practiced a set of mature stage actions to "hide from the man" to cover up his lack of strength.

We all understand that behind this "hiding man" reflects Tuya's attitude of neglecting practice and not being dedicated.

It is said that playing iron also needs to be hard, relying on strength to win respect.

Is the title of "Young Singer" on Ulantuya's head really recognized and respected?

As a post-80s Ulantuya, at such a young age, it is better to polish your business ability!

I sincerely hope that the singers and actors will speak with strength, but don't think that our audience is confused!