
The "100 People And 100 Lectures celebrate 100 Years" Party history story telling activity entered Shandong Polytechnic Vocational College

author:Qilu one point

Editor's Note:

In order to conscientiously study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech, implement the relevant arrangements of the central government and the relevant requirements of the provincial party committee, the Shandong Provincial Federation of Social Sciences planned to launch the "'100 People, 100 Talks and Celebrations' Party History Story Telling" activity. In accordance with the organizational model sponsored by the Provincial Federation of Social Sciences, co-organized by the Municipal and Colleges and Universities Social Science Federation, and undertaken by the Provincial Speech Society, and centering on the overall requirements of selecting hundreds of social science experts, telling a hundred party history stories, and praising the party's century-old glory, this activity adopts the combination of offline narration and online dissemination, the telling of stories is connected with the exposition of philosophy, principle, and reasoning, and the activity method of coordinating the entry of the mind with the entry of organs, schools, enterprises, villages, and communities, aimed at encouraging and guiding the vast number of cadres and masses to learn history and reason, increase credibility in learning history, and learning history and reverence Learn from history and practice, unite more closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, present gifts to the party's centennial birthday, and help start a new journey to realize the dream!

On the afternoon of June 2nd, sponsored by the Shandong Provincial Federation of Social Sciences, co-organized by the Jining Federation of Social Sciences, and undertaken by the Provincial Speech Society and the Shandong Polytechnic Vocational College, the "100 People and 100 Lectures celebrating the 100 years" party history storytelling activity entered the Shandong Polytechnic Vocational College, kicking off the prelude to the "100 people and 100 lectures celebrating the 100 years" party history story telling activity into Jining. More than 300 people attended the event, including Xu Yan, member of the party group and vice chairman of the Jining Federation of Social Sciences, Licensing, secretary of the party committee of Shandong Polytechnic Vocational College, Li Yunzhi, vice president of the college, Huang Yan, vice president of the college and director of the Organization Department, Shi Yihe, director of the Propaganda Department of the college, An Shu, executive director of the Provincial Speech Society and director of the Financial Communication and Media Center of Jining Radio and Television Station, as well as the general secretaries of the party branches, branch secretaries and activists who joined the party in some faculties.

Four members of the Party History Storytelling Group, including Na Chong, director of the Shandong Provincial Speech Society, Zeng Zhen and Xiao Tao, members of the Shandong Provincial Speech Society, and Fan Zhenzhen, host of Jining Radio and Television Station, shared the story of the Red Party History with everyone.

The "100 People And 100 Lectures celebrate 100 Years" Party history story telling activity entered Shandong Polytechnic Vocational College

Na Chong tells the story of "Heroic Couple Chen Ming and Xin Rui". Chen Ming and Xin Rui, famous husband and wife heroes in the history of our army, died heroically in a battle to cover the breakthrough of their comrades-in-arms.

The "100 People And 100 Lectures celebrate 100 Years" Party history story telling activity entered Shandong Polytechnic Vocational College

Zeng Zhen took "Starting from an Oil Painting" as the title, telling the heroic story of the Red Army soldiers in the Battle of the Xiangjiang River who fought the enemy bravely and bloodily.

The "100 People And 100 Lectures celebrate 100 Years" Party history story telling activity entered Shandong Polytechnic Vocational College

With the title of "The Highest State of Love is Loving the People," Xiao Tao told the touching story of Comrade Kong Fansen taking root in Tibet and serving the people in Tibetan areas.

The "100 People And 100 Lectures celebrate 100 Years" Party history story telling activity entered Shandong Polytechnic Vocational College

Fan Zhenzhen told everyone the story of "The Founding of New China" on October 1, 1949.

The "100 People And 100 Lectures celebrate 100 Years" Party history story telling activity entered Shandong Polytechnic Vocational College

Teachers and students at the scene said that the story of party history shared by the storytelling group was inspiring and touching. The college will take this activity as an opportunity to continuously deepen patriotic education and greet the 100th anniversary of the founding of the party with excellent results.

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