
The finisher makes the "troubles" in the family "break away"

author:Palm Qujing

Reporter Chen Hongjiewen/Photo

The finisher makes the "troubles" in the family "break away"
The finisher makes the "troubles" in the family "break away"
The finisher makes the "troubles" in the family "break away"
The finisher makes the "troubles" in the family "break away"
The finisher makes the "troubles" in the family "break away"
The finisher makes the "troubles" in the family "break away"
The finisher makes the "troubles" in the family "break away"

We often say that home is a haven of happiness, but when the home is full of clutter, how can we live in peace of mind, often making people feel confused. But too many modern people face this situation: high-intensity work takes up most of life, and cleaning up the home has become a luxury. How can you make your home look new without bothering? The finisher can come and help you. In China, finishers are a new profession, but they have long been popular abroad. It originated from the British royal family and later spread to Japan, forming its own genre. Now, this profession is also slowly becoming well known in society in our country.

In Qujing, there is a company aiming at this business opportunity, began to build the most professional door-to-door finishing service team, and under their training, a batch of excellent finishers and planners were born. They use their own hands to create a clean and tidy living environment for more families. As the saying goes, the state is born from the heart, the heart will also turn with the situation, when you decide to tidy up and start to do it, the happy life is already beckoning to you!

■ Accurately sniff business opportunities

Wang Zhaoping is 42 years old this year, and after working through all walks of life, he still chose to settle down as a finisher. Talking about why he chose such an industry, he told us about his experience as a soldier. "When I was a soldier, I often had to sort out military affairs, which gave me a lot of confidence." Since entering the industry, he has worked while grinding and grinding, and from time to time to give guidance to the new starters.

When it comes to finishers, people who don't understand it are accustomed to understanding it literally, confusing it with domestic service, but in fact it is completely different. Housekeeping may only help with cleaning and cleaning, but the finisher helps the owner plan the entire house, customize the exclusive plan and then start tidying up. Therefore, for them, the job must have enough care, patience and planning ability, which is also the biggest test for them.

■ Bringing the family back to cleanliness is the "mission" of the finisher

Leaving the high-tech stability work to run from Xinjiang to Yunnan seems absurd, but it has gained more because of it. She is Tan Chunrong, an excellent employee in today's finishing division team. Tan Chunrong said about this profession: "Ten years ago, I knew something, but I didn't expect to develop so well, although my work was relatively stable before, I always felt that it was not what I wanted, since becoming a finishing division, although there are also hard times, but the result is happiness." "Coming to Qujing from Xinjiang, it not only feels the charm of this profession, but is also deeply attracted by the humanistic environment of this city."

Focus on the development prospects, focus on the actual needs of customers. During her time as a finisher, there were more than thirty families of all sizes that she had sorted by hand, and she would also encounter various surprises. "When I work, I often pull out iron plates from my closet, or gold and silver jewelry that has been hidden for a long time, or rings that have been lost for many years." These little things about work have also become their daily talk.

However, one of the most impressive was the experience of going to an old man's house to tidy up. The old man's life is very hard, in the face of many miscellaneous things are difficult to give up, such as the elderly often appear in the plastic bags that are reluctant to be discarded, in order to make them feel at ease, and respect their choice, the finisher will fold and arrange them one by one, so that the elderly can collect them in the future. I still remember that time it was for an old grandmother, who lived in the old neighborhood, and the living room of the family had not been sorted out for a long time. In the process of tidying up, Tan Chunrong was the most moved, because there were too many traces of the years found in the grandmother's living room: there were various certificates and certificates from the grandmother's youth, there were various hair tools, there were various food and oil stamps that had never been met, and countless plastic bags were scattered in various corners of the kitchen.

In the process of cleaning up, they chatted and communicated with grandma and helped her sort out again, "When we were leaving, grandma was particularly touched to send us, and we were very grateful for making her home very tidy." Tan Chunrong said. It seems that the finisher not only brings cleanliness to other people's families, but also brings warmth to others. This is the professional ethics of the finishers, and it is also their way of treating people.

Among the other examples she took over were the ordinary families. Once I received a tidying task as a family of four, and after talking to the landlord, I found that the difficulty of tidying up exceeded expectations. Although the team will arrange personnel to pre-harvest in advance before each mission and then make adjustments to the finishing plan, the photos sent by this pre-acquisition make the team stunned, and there are all kinds of miscellaneous things in the room of more than 100 square meters, which are disorganized and almost impossible to get off. In addition to the huge workload, the landlord also asked for "one day", and the time pressure gave them, which brought them a challenge.

So they immediately led the team to discuss the finishing plan, and made a detailed layout of the house, and then began the tidying up work without stopping. From the living room entrance to the master bedroom, from pots and pans to clothes and shoes, large and small, no matter how big or small, from morning to night, the whole home has a new look, and the items that are "broken away" alone are beyond the imagination of the owner.

Even if Tan Chunrong's previous work has never been related to the finisher, but in the process of knowing and getting along with them, she was deeply touched by the small partners of the whole team, and saw their calm and patient response in the face of the chaotic environment, and she had reason to believe that this choice was not wrong.

■ Careful planning and sorting work of the "guide"

In the team of the finisher there is such a role - planner, in order to ensure the smooth completion of the finishing work, they need to go to the customer's home in advance to ask for requirements, if the storage is not satisfied, the planner needs to do is to find the reason and find a solution, and finally make the customer satisfied. As a local in Kunming, Li Shuang had heard about the profession a long time ago, and by chance she got acquainted with this industry, she learned that this industry has also developed in the local area, and she received a series of trainings without stopping.

During the three-month training period, many trainees gave up halfway, but she persevered. Whether it is a finisher or a planner, physical fitness and physical strength are the criteria for entering the industry, and patience and care are the basic qualities that must be possessed. From her mouth, she learned that there are more "post-90s" finishers in the company at present, and only physical strength can keep up with them to complete the task better, and the whole process of sorting out is less than ten hours, and more will take a few days.

Since the beginning of the industry, Li Shuang has witnessed too many rooms that are cumbersome to "have no way to start". Due to the gradually strong shopping desire of modern people, the number of families hoarding miscellaneous things in the home is also increasing day by day, so the novice finisher will also have the collapse scene of the clutter placed in front of the eyes and do not know how to operate. In a previous mission, because the hourly workers in the home did not have a sense of storage, more than 140 square meters of house things were piled up everywhere, plus the head of the household was a shopping master, the family liked to hoard various hobbies and fashion trends of clothing, and there were many treasures in the home. Many novices who have just entered the team are "frightened" by seeing all kinds of items piled up in the house, "The level of chaos at that time is beyond the imagination of many of us, for such a family, it is necessary to make good plans with the head of the household before the tidying up work begins." ”

As a planner, Li Shuang must be a good "trailblazer" of the team, and go to the door in advance to discuss and sort out the plan with the head of the household. By understanding the general situation of the home and the specific types of items and the layout of the house, the progress of the follow-up work can be guaranteed. "There are too many things in that family, and there are some more valuable things, so the communication of details is particularly important, and the best results can be obtained by communicating well." After taking pictures of the scene and designing the layout of the house and understanding the types of items, they immediately sent two teams to act separately, one group responsible for clothing and the other specializing in miscellaneous items. In the end, it took 16 hours to finish the work, and I received a satisfactory answer and smile from the parties.

For Li Shuang, the finisher and planner are not so bright and beautiful in the eyes of the outside world and take a high salary, "We must pay a hundred times more careful and patient, in order to make customers satisfied, customers are satisfied with our work is successfully completed, and the fee is also charged according to time and difficulty of sorting." ”

■ Team "leaders" make home warmer

Teams can't go a long way without a leader. In the entire finishing team, in addition to the important role of planners and finishers, the person in charge Wang Gang also plays a pivotal role in the entire team, and sometimes faces the situation that there are not enough people to go up to him. For him, the work of the team is important, but the quality of the personnel must also be improved. "We are the only company in Qujing that specializes in Japanese finishing, the customer's behavior habits and the use of items are planned, easy to use after the finishing, and will not be chaotic in a certain period of time, before the door-to-door finishing will make an appointment with the customer for a door-to-door consultation, the planner will go to the customer's home to do a space diagnosis, and then give the customer a personality test and living habits test, and then make a tidying plan that meets the customer's living habits and saves space."

"At present, our team has spread all over the country, and our business scope involves providing home tidying, moving and packaging." After looking at so many dirty and messy rooms, these finishers in the team now gradually realize that for everyone, tidying up is not something that can be improved by blindly reducing items, because even if the finisher changes the appearance, he cannot change the essence of life.