
Gomez: I didn't dare to watch the video of my injury, when my little niece was there

author:Tiger soccer
Gomez: I didn't dare to watch the video of my injury, when my little niece was there

Tiger Punch, February 29 - Andre Gomez was interviewed by the Mirror about the serious injuries he had suffered. Gomez dislocated his ankle in a match against Tottenham last November and returned to the game four months later.

"It was so painful, it was really painful, it was more like a psychological trauma. When the collision happened, I didn't dare to look at my foot, I tried to avoid getting hurt, but it happened anyway, I didn't dare look at the picture of me when I was injured. ”

"The only thing I could do was scream, I was angry and upset about what was happening, I lifted my knees but couldn't see my feet, and I began to understand that things were going in a bad direction."

"I also saw the spectators in the stands, and their eyes were as panicked as mine. My brother was also in the stadium and he took my little niece with him. This is the first time my little niece has come to see me play... But they witnessed such things..."

"My brother tried to rush into the pitch from the stands but was stopped by the staff, who said no, you can't do that. Obviously, this is a tough one for everyone. I could see some corners of the stands, and parents who brought their children covered their eyes. ”

"I suffered two kinds of injuries – bone and ligaments. I don't know when it started to get damaged, but I'm sure I can tell you that I didn't dare to go to see the replay until now! ”

"The doctor's diagnosis was incredible, he was great and important. I knew he wanted to move his ankle into the distance, I refused oxygen, the adrenaline rush drove me crazy, I was angry, I understood it all. ”

"The doctor did two fixations, he spun the ankle back and fixed it, and yes, it hurt! Now, although I'm not in good shape at times, I'm much better than before. My feet seemed to be saying to me: You know what? We're all right, now try to walk around and see! ”

(Editor: Yao Fan)