
The Inner Mongolia online rumor dispelling platform is a message for the third anniversary of the launch of the China Internet joint rumor dispelling platform

author:Inner Mongolia online rumor refutation platform

On August 29, 2018, the China Internet Joint Rumor Dispelling Platform was officially launched, and it has been three years since then.

In the past three years, you have not been afraid of tests, breaking the illusion again and again, so that the truth is no longer far away from the mountains and seas.

In the past three years, you have braved challenges, dispelled rumors again and again, and returned a clear cyberspace to the public.

Inner Mongolia online rumor dispelling platform

Congratulations to The China Internet Joint Rumor Dispelling Platform

Three years of online operation!

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"Spread rumors with a mouth, refute rumors and run off your legs." For the work of dispelling rumors, if every time you spread true knowledge and clarify fallacies, you can avoid being troubled and hurt by rumors, then "running and breaking your legs" is also worth it. Here, I wish the Chinese Internet joint rumor dispelling platform to carry forward the past and open up the future and write a new chapter! ”

——Inner Mongolia Radio and Television Station host Nagya

"Strengthen physical exercise and create a healthy body." Stay away from online rumors and arm your mind with science. Sweat in the sun and share civilization in the network. ”

- Silver medalist at the Tokyo Olympics

Inner Mongolia female boxer Li Qian

In the years to come, we are willing to sow this enthusiasm and bloom the flower of wisdom in the light of civilization. We are willing to work with you to guard this clear and find the truth in the complex network information. We are willing to share the fruits of the development of the Internet and write a new chapter in network civilization. Warm congratulations on the third anniversary of the launch of the China Internet Joint Rumor Dispelling Platform! May China's Internet joint rumor dispelling platform become better and better! ”

——Internet in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region

Illegal and Bad Information Reporting Center

"Discern the false information on the Internet, clear the fog of online rumors, and always have you on the way to find the truth." I wish that China's Internet joint rumor dispelling platform will flourish, build a barrier to online civilization, and escort the healthy growth of young people. ”

——Inner Mongolian dancer Li Degejing

"Where there is a border, there is order, and only by guarding the bottom line can there be freedom." Don't let your unintentional forwarding become a tool for people with ulterior motives to use, do not create rumors, do not believe in rumors, do not spread rumors, starting from you and me. ”

- Fifth place in taekwondo at the Tokyo Olympics

Inner Mongolia male taekwondo athlete Sun Hongyi

"Remove the fog of rumors, see the truth of the facts, maintain a good order in cyberspace, and create a healthy and harmonious spiritual civilization home." I wish that China's Internet joint rumor-busting platform will become better and better. I would like to accompany you, gather the power to dispel rumors, and promote the light of civilization. ”

——Raymond, chief reporter of Inner Mongolia Radio and Television Station

The 17.73 million netizens in Inner Mongolia once again warmly congratulated the third anniversary of the launch of the China Internet joint rumor dispelling platform, and wished that the China Internet joint rumor dispelling platform would become better and better!