
"Quality men" banned? With one terrier after another, why was he criticized by CCTV? The first cause was a blind date video posted by a man named Xu Jingen. However, to say that the fermentation point that has aroused the heated discussion of the whole network is the oil imitation competition on the short video platform.

author:Dingmu Vision

Recently, there have been many incidents that have been particularly hot, and they have also brought fire to one stem after another. I don't know if you have ever heard of human high-quality males? The name of the person with the fire stem is Xu Qingen.

His appearance has made a song directly popular all over the Internet and become the latest greasy representative. It also brought a photo pose with fire, which attracted celebrities to imitate. Today we're going to talk about the high-quality human males.

"Quality men" banned? With one terrier after another, why was he criticized by CCTV? The first cause was a blind date video posted by a man named Xu Jingen. However, to say that the fermentation point that has aroused the heated discussion of the whole network is the oil imitation competition on the short video platform.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="4" > the first cause of the incident was a blind date video posted by a man named Xu Jingen. </h1>

In the video, the characteristics of this Xu Qingen are very obvious, his hair is all combed backwards, and he also smears a lot of hairspray, which looks very greasy.

Not only that, his face seems to have a lot of makeup, do you know the appearance of the pig eight precepts in Stephen Chow's movie? It's like that, it's like having a few pounds of flour on your face. It's really oily noodles, and the word is simply tailor-made for him.

"Quality men" banned? With one terrier after another, why was he criticized by CCTV? The first cause was a blind date video posted by a man named Xu Jingen. However, to say that the fermentation point that has aroused the heated discussion of the whole network is the oil imitation competition on the short video platform.

The central meaning expressed in his video is that he is courting, that is, a blind date video. How can a simple blind date video be on fire? In fact, this is still due to his self-introduction. He said he was of high quality, so there were a number of advantages, so what were the advantages?

The first point, of course, is that he is very rich, and he can give women the greatest support financially, whether it is buying luxury goods or doing anything.

"Quality men" banned? With one terrier after another, why was he criticized by CCTV? The first cause was a blind date video posted by a man named Xu Jingen. However, to say that the fermentation point that has aroused the heated discussion of the whole network is the oil imitation competition on the short video platform.

Of course, he also has the advantage of speaking English, because he has studied abroad, so he is also handy in speaking English, and when the woman needs to travel, he can be a translator and a tour guide. But the next thing he said in English was humiliating, and his English pronunciation was really not very good.

"Quality men" banned? With one terrier after another, why was he criticized by CCTV? The first cause was a blind date video posted by a man named Xu Jingen. However, to say that the fermentation point that has aroused the heated discussion of the whole network is the oil imitation competition on the short video platform.

Of course, as the most worthy of showing off in the male group, this Mr. Xu Qingen said that his physical strength is very good, and there are many muscles on his body, but he belongs to a relatively low-key type, and usually does not let people see.

Many netizens feel that nothing is wrong after watching this video, and Mr. Xu Qingen seems to be trying to imitate human speech, as if he is not used to it. Not only is it greasy, it's stiff.

"Quality men" banned? With one terrier after another, why was he criticized by CCTV? The first cause was a blind date video posted by a man named Xu Jingen. However, to say that the fermentation point that has aroused the heated discussion of the whole network is the oil imitation competition on the short video platform.

So at the beginning there were rumors that Xu Qingen was actually an alien or a lizard man, but these rumors tended to be outrageous. But I have to say that it is precisely because of such public opinion that Xu Qingen suddenly became angry.

The first thing that catches fire is the posture of taking pictures, Xu Qingen likes to reveal his brand-name clothing label when taking selfies in the mirror, so his right hand is inserted in the pocket of his pants, and then he is half squatting and pouting his ass, which looks very incongruous, but it is very funny.

"Quality men" banned? With one terrier after another, why was he criticized by CCTV? The first cause was a blind date video posted by a man named Xu Jingen. However, to say that the fermentation point that has aroused the heated discussion of the whole network is the oil imitation competition on the short video platform.

Therefore, this posture has been ridiculed as a high-quality photographic pose of humans, which has attracted many celebrities to imitate. Many influencers began to do similar actions and then posted them online, and also @ stars.

Sure enough, the star circle also began to ferment. Yang Di as a funny artist, imitators are simply handy, he released a video on social platforms, in which he also combed his oil head, put on glasses, and did the same photo pose, I have to say that Yang Di imitated too much.

"Quality men" banned? With one terrier after another, why was he criticized by CCTV? The first cause was a blind date video posted by a man named Xu Jingen. However, to say that the fermentation point that has aroused the heated discussion of the whole network is the oil imitation competition on the short video platform.

Di Li Reba also seemed to see the news, so he posted a group of photos, which were the same photo pose as Xu Qingen. Not only these stars, like Fan Chengcheng also joined in. The heat of this piece of news is really very high.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="26" > but to say that the fermentation point that has aroused the heated discussion of the whole network is still the oil imitation contest on the short video platform. </h1>

"Quality men" banned? With one terrier after another, why was he criticized by CCTV? The first cause was a blind date video posted by a man named Xu Jingen. However, to say that the fermentation point that has aroused the heated discussion of the whole network is the oil imitation competition on the short video platform.

Tian Yi, do you know, he just imitated Xu Qingen out of the circle, and also brought a song with fire. Tian Yiming is a small Internet celebrity, his conditions himself are very good, singing is very good, looks not bad, but has not been particularly large traffic, sometimes a video may be hundreds of thousands of reads.

"Quality men" banned? With one terrier after another, why was he criticized by CCTV? The first cause was a blind date video posted by a man named Xu Jingen. However, to say that the fermentation point that has aroused the heated discussion of the whole network is the oil imitation competition on the short video platform.

But this time, he grabbed the high-quality male terrier, dressed himself up as an oily noodle, and the tone and demeanor also tried to imitate, and then with a song, singing on the street while doing greasy movements, this time did not expect it, his video directly on fire.

Since then, each of his videos has been read more than 5 million times, and the song has been used by many people. Therefore, Tian Yi was able to imitate Xu Qin's root fire, and brought wealth and traffic. And how can our event protagonist do nothing?

On the Internet, there are many rumors about Xu Jingen. Some people say that he graduated from Tsinghua University, and later went to study at a well-known university abroad, and his family was very rich and had a mansion.

"Quality men" banned? With one terrier after another, why was he criticized by CCTV? The first cause was a blind date video posted by a man named Xu Jingen. However, to say that the fermentation point that has aroused the heated discussion of the whole network is the oil imitation competition on the short video platform.

Travel is very domineering, taking a luxury car, but also has its own private jet, really very rich. But in the face of such rumors, Xu Jingen still came out to respond.

He said that he was just an ordinary person, not as rich as the legend, but in fact he was just an ordinary worker in the financial industry. Some people also questioned him for wearing a fake watch, but he also responded, saying that he never wore a fake watch. Of course, then his riot operation began.

"Quality men" banned? With one terrier after another, why was he criticized by CCTV? The first cause was a blind date video posted by a man named Xu Jingen. However, to say that the fermentation point that has aroused the heated discussion of the whole network is the oil imitation competition on the short video platform.

Xu Qingen's popularity is simply getting stronger and stronger, so many stars began to imitate, so many Internet celebrities became popular because of imitating him, Xu Qingen himself also followed closely to open a live broadcast, in the live broadcast, the gimmick he created is still as always courting.

In the live broadcast, Xu Qingen also revealed that his commercial value is relatively high, and even began to have brands looking for their own shooting advertisements. On social platforms, Xu Jingen also spoke very frequently, whether it was to intimidate netizens or respond to questions, he never stopped.

"Quality men" banned? With one terrier after another, why was he criticized by CCTV? The first cause was a blind date video posted by a man named Xu Jingen. However, to say that the fermentation point that has aroused the heated discussion of the whole network is the oil imitation competition on the short video platform.

He even opened his own fan base, which was on the brink of danger. According to the news, Xu Qingen's fan base is not everyone can enter, if you want to join, the annual cost is 75,000 yuan, if you only want to join for a month, it is also necessary to 25,000.

"Quality men" banned? With one terrier after another, why was he criticized by CCTV? The first cause was a blind date video posted by a man named Xu Jingen. However, to say that the fermentation point that has aroused the heated discussion of the whole network is the oil imitation competition on the short video platform.

This is too outrageous, so many netizens began to question, spending so much money in the group can get what? In this regard, Xu Jingen's answer is that it involves financial transaction consulting. Anyway, it is to cut leeks, which is equivalent to IQ tax. Therefore, there are officials who come out to criticize by name.

So it didn't take long for Xu Jingen's account to be banned. The official answer was that the subscription fee was set too high privately, so he was cancelled directly, and even his own account could not speak directly.

"Quality men" banned? With one terrier after another, why was he criticized by CCTV? The first cause was a blind date video posted by a man named Xu Jingen. However, to say that the fermentation point that has aroused the heated discussion of the whole network is the oil imitation competition on the short video platform.

Indeed, seeing that their traffic is relatively high, they are eager to make money, and they do not even have a little moderation, violating the regulations.

After this incident occurred, many netizens said that in fact, the video xu Jingen released at the beginning was not for courtship, it was not a blind date video at all, in fact, all he thought about at the beginning was to make money. Why?

Because there have been similar things before, some men have cheated on single girls on the Internet under the guise of talking about friends.

"Quality men" banned? With one terrier after another, why was he criticized by CCTV? The first cause was a blind date video posted by a man named Xu Jingen. However, to say that the fermentation point that has aroused the heated discussion of the whole network is the oil imitation competition on the short video platform.

At the beginning, they all packaged themselves as business elite men, not only rich, good looking, but also understand investment, after knowing girls on the Internet, first determine the relationship, and then sell products, do financial investment, and so on after the girls invest money, they will find that their money is not only not received back, but also the boyfriend has disappeared directly.

Therefore, some netizens suspect that the form of this pig killing plate is actually Xu Qingen's routine, maybe Xu Qingen is also to fool people into making financial investment, but we don't know how things are specific, these are just reasonable speculations of netizens. And Xu Qingen really doesn't look like he's really on a blind date.

"Quality men" banned? With one terrier after another, why was he criticized by CCTV? The first cause was a blind date video posted by a man named Xu Jingen. However, to say that the fermentation point that has aroused the heated discussion of the whole network is the oil imitation competition on the short video platform.

Because of the Xu Qingen incident, it has brought fire one after another on the Internet, and has fired one Internet celebrity after another, but with Xu Qingen's ban, the heat of this matter has gradually faded. What do you think Xu Qingen is? Welcome to leave a message in the comments to discuss, tell me your opinion, if you also like my sharing, give me a thumbs up, thank you for your support.