
The wife of the Prime Minister of Canada was diagnosed with new crown before attending the 10,000-person event

author:Red Star News
The wife of the Prime Minister of Canada was diagnosed with new crown before attending the 10,000-person event

The Prime Minister's Office of Canada issued a statement saying Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's wife, Sophie, was confirmed to be infected with the new crown virus. Pictured according to The Associated Press

According to Xinhua News Agency reported on the 13th, on the evening of Thursday (12th) local time, the Canadian Prime Minister's Office issued a statement saying that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's wife Sophie tested positive for the new crown virus.

According to BBC News, just after returning to Canada from an event in London, Sophie began to feel unwell on Wednesday (11th) night and developed mild symptoms such as a cold such as low fever, she underwent a new coronavirus test on the 12th and began to self-isolate at home.

A statement from the Prime Minister's Office said Sophie's symptoms were not severe and were currently subsiding. Health workers will begin screening people who have had close contact with Sophie.

He and his daughter-in-law went to the UK to participate in activities, and close contacts included the former Prime Minister of Australia

Last Wednesday (March 4), Sophie attended the "Our Days 2020" charity event and concert at London's Wembley Stadium, as well as Trudeau's mother, Margaret Trudeau, according to CBC News Canada. An estimated 13,000 young people participated during the event.

"Our Day" is a youth event organized by the Canadian non-profit organization We Charity, the main part of which includes a presentation by a well-known person from all walks of life around the world.

This year's event was attended by actor Idris Elba, British celebrity chef Jamie Oliver, F1 driver Lewis Hamilton and former Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard. Virgin Atlantic boss Richard Branson's daughter Holly was also involved in organizing the work.

The wife of the Prime Minister of Canada was diagnosed with new crown before attending the 10,000-person event

Over the weekend, Sophie also posted a photo on her Instagram attending an event with F1 driver Hamilton and others. Screenshot from Instagram

At the event, Sophie Trudeau joined Gillard and British singer Liana Lewis in a discussion on the theme "Education and Empowerment of Girls and Women". Last weekend, Sophie also posted a photo of her participation in the event on her Instagram. However, after returning to Canada after finishing her activities, she began to experience discomfort symptoms.

After being confirmed to be infected with the new crown virus, Sophie herself said in a statement: "First of all, I would like to say thank you very much to all those who contact me to express their concern. Although I am experiencing the uncomfortable symptoms of the virus, I will recover soon. ”

The wife of the Prime Minister of Canada was diagnosed with new crown before attending the 10,000-person event

Sophie, Gillard and Liana Lewis (from left to right) speak at the SSE Arena at Wembley on March 4. Figure according to CBC News

She added: "Being quarantined at home is nothing compared to other Canadian families who may experience this and face more serious health problems." ”

Currently, Sophie and Prime Minister Trudeau and their three children are self-isolating at home.

Trudeau was in close contact with his wife and had attended a meeting of 10,000 people with confirmed cases

According to CCTV News, Trudeau himself was in good health and did not show any symptoms. However, as a precaution, he will continue to self-isolate for 14 days and work from home. According to the doctor's advice, Trudeau does not currently need to be tested for the new crown virus.

On Thursday, Trudeau held a conference call with the leaders of Italy, the United States and the United Kingdom, and he will deliver a national address on the coronavirus pandemic on Friday local time. The prime minister's office statement said: "The prime minister will work from home during the period of self-isolation, attend briefings, teleconferences and virtual meetings, talk to other world leaders and attend special cabinet meetings on COVID-19 by phone." ”

In addition to close contact with his wife, Sophie, one attendee was diagnosed with the novel coronavirus at the Canadian International Mining Congress attended by Trudeau in early March. Trudeau said in response to the media in Ottawa on the 11th local time that he was following the advice of medical and health experts to monitor his health status.

According to Canada's CBC News, on the 10th local time, the Ontario Public Health Bureau of Canada reported that a man in his 50s was diagnosed with the new crown virus after attending a large-scale mining international conference in Toronto.

According to the Canadian Global News Network reported on the 12th, the annual mining conference held from March 1 to 4 attracted 25,000 people from 130 countries around the world to participate, and the patient participated in the meeting from March 2 to 3, and he had no other travel history, which was the second case of community transmission in Canada.

Canadian health authorities warned that more than 20,000 people who had attended the meeting should be watched for symptoms such as cough or fever over the next 14 days, but there was no need to self-isolate at this time.

Trudeau spoke at the conference on March 2. Oregon, the Minister of Natural Resources of Canada, who also attended the meeting, said through social media on the 11th that he had suspected symptoms, had been tested for the virus and began to self-isolate, and he was currently waiting for the test results.

At the same time, the only Chinese minister of the Canadian government, Wu Fengyi, the minister of small businesses and the Minister of Export Promotion and International Trade of the Federal Government, also attended the meeting, saying that she had recently had an asthma attack and cough, and had been tested for the new crown virus and self-isolated according to medical advice.

As of Thursday, there were a total of 145 confirmed cases and 3 suspected cases in Canada. In the past day, Ontario has seen 17 new cases of coronavirus infection, including a baby boy. Currently, Ontario has closed all schools until April 5.

Red Star News reporter Wang Yalin Xu Huan

Edited by Zhang Xun