
The most hated female celebrity list ever


Written by Robert Yaniz Jr

Translator: Issac

Proofreader: Zhu Puyi

Source: Cheat Sheet

Hollywood is a capricious place. Those who are supposed to be at the top of the pyramid may fall just because of a bad interview or a movie's box office hit. While some actresses may still be successful, that doesn't mean they're popular with the public. In fact, some people have caused so much controversy that many people in the film industry will hesitate to work with them.

17. Stacy Dash

The most hated female celebrity list ever

The actress is best known for starring in the comedy "The Solitary", but she has not been in the acting work all the time. She is now well known for her controversial views on race. She is one of the few stars to defend Paula Dean, a star chef who once admitted in court that he had said the word beginning N in the past. Dash expressed his support for Dean on Twitter, "Only God can judge your heart, and by the way, my daughter loves your show."

The most hated female celebrity list ever

"Leading the Way"

Dash also opposed the existence of black entertainment television, calling williams a "plantation slave" after Jesse Williams received the BET Humanitarian Prize and gave a deafening speech.

"What you've just seen is the perfect example of a plantation slave in Hollywood!" "Sorry, Mr. Williams," she said. "But you're standing next to those trophies on stage, and that look tells people you don't know what you're talking about." It only makes people hate and anger."

The most hated female celebrity list ever

Dash had sought a copywriter at Fox News for his remarks, but was subsequently fired. Her bad comments have no doubt alienated Hollywood, and she became a laughingstock at the 2016 Oscars.

16. Raven Simone

The most hated female celebrity list ever

She debuted as a child star in The Cosby Family, and then worked with Disney to continue on the star path. Until she began to make some highly controversial remarks, she was loved by people. Many of these statements were made by her in The View.

The most hated female celebrity list ever

A police officer used violence against a girl who refused to put down her phone, and Simeone defended the officer on the show before drawing a petition from the audience to fire her. However, the program team did not agree, and ABC also responded that it would continue to invite her to the program.

15. Anna Gon

The most hated female celebrity list ever

Sadly, some actors are hated not because of what they do, but because of the roles they play. Fans hate Anna Gunn's role as Schuyler White in Breaking Bad.

The most hated female celebrity list ever

Breaking Bad

The reaction was so strong that Gang responded by writing a story called "I Want to Talk to You About My Role." In the article, she said, "People's hatred for Skyler slowly turned into dislike for me as a person, and everyone's anger made me a little confused at first."

14. Jane Fonda

The most hated female celebrity list ever

Jane Fonda has been in the film for a long time, has been acting since 1960, and has been often controversial ever since. In July 1972, she and North Vietnamese troops took a picture of an anti-aircraft gun that had shot down an American plane. The whole thing should have been anti-war, but she was quickly met with fierce criticism from American veterans, who still resent her.

She herself did not get rid of the effects of this incident. "I sit down and talk to the veterans whenever I get the chance," she says, "because I understand how they feel, and I'm sad." It hurt me, and I will never forget to the end that I made a big, big mistake that made many people think that I was against the military."

13. Heidi Rama

The most hated female celebrity list ever

Rama, who starred in Samson and Dalila, was a pioneer. She made several films from 1930 to 1958, and besides that, she was an inventor! She invented spread spectrum, a technique used to prevent enemies from intercepting stolen information. She was supposed to be loved for it, but unfortunately she was ostracized for another experiment.

The most hated female celebrity list ever

"Into the Mystery"

She has starred in "Into the Mystery". She performed an orgasm in the film, the first time in a movie. The Pope criticized the film, which was banned in the United States because it was officially considered "offensive and dangerous." The star was able to continue his acting career by criticizing and condemning the film, but there has always been a stain.

12. Sean Young

The most hated female celebrity list ever

Shaun Young, who starred in Blade Runner, hasn't appeared in a long time, in part because people hate her so much that she's ostracized! It was caused by her bad behavior. In 1988, actor James Woods claimed that Sean Young had harassed him for placing a destroyed doll outside his house. Woods sued Young for this.

Yang allegedly also fanned a security guard at the party. Sean Young also angered director Oliver Stone for his chatter during wall street shooting, eventually drastically reducing her role. In fact, after this, her career is basically over.

11. Terry Hachel

The most hated female celebrity list ever

The actor is known to have had conflicts with the rest of the team members of Desperate Housewives. This also led to the main cast of the series not writing her name on the card when giving the crew a parting gift. Nickert Schelldan, who played with Haichel, also said that Haichel was "the most vicious woman in the world."

10. Kristen Stewart

The most hated female celebrity list ever

"Twilight" is certainly a hit blockbuster, but there is no doubt that it is also a bad hit. Stewart is often ridiculed for his lack of change, strange acting style, and lack of screen glamour, such as Snow White and the Huntsman. However, she was also commended for some small-scale independent productions such as Sils Maria.

9. Julia Roberts

The most hated female celebrity list ever

Even though she's one of Hollywood's most popular actresses (or is that exactly what?). Roberts has not been the most popular person for moviegoers since this time. Many people think that her talents are grossly overrated, and her signature smiles and laughter are extremely harsh. Either way, her performance at the Oscars seems to be less important.

8. Jennifer Lopez

The most hated female celebrity list ever

Lopez went from dancer to actress to singer, and over the years she has gained a good reputation for her singing performance. Although she still wants to engage in things like "Jenny from the block", she was born and raised in New York's Block District, but many people think that her attitude is not worth mentioning, but only deliberate behavior, trying to hide her loss of connection with her roots and race.

7. Angelina Jolie

The most hated female celebrity list ever

Much like Roberts, Jolie is often thought of as an overrated Hollywood actress. In addition, many fans believe that she is responsible for jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt's divorce, which does not help her career. Not to mention that she often engages in crazy behavior, such as kissing her brother on the red carpet.

6. Gwyneth Paltrow

The most hated female celebrity list ever

Do so many people hate this Oscar-winning actress just out of jealousy? Her "intentional alienation" from Coldplay lead singer Chris Martin was of little use, and she seemed to make everyone think she was snobbish and arrogant. (This refers to the scandal between Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin, who are rumored to have maintained an "open marriage" for many years.)

5. Anne Hathaway

The most hated female celebrity list ever

We're not sure why people complain about Hathaway. Was it because of the unpleasant weird laugh she and James Franco had when they hosted the Oscars? Or is she a notoriously spoiled kid in her circle? Or is she reminiscent of some filmmakers of the popular and recognized perfect girl of her middle school days? We guess there may be all these reasons.

4. Megan Fox

The most hated female celebrity list ever

Since starring in Transformers, Fox has become a gender symbol in Hollywood, attracting men and being despised by both men and women. Similarly, she has poor acting skills, but has reached such a high level in business, which is why many moviegoers choose to avoid her. If that's the case, we can understand that too.

3. Amanda Bennis

The most hated female celebrity list ever

Once a brilliant comedian on nickelodeon's children's channels, Bennis has suffered mental torture in recent years. Her personal struggles may make her likable, but her moody and bizarre behavior actually backfires. Hopefully she can get the help she needs.

2. Lindsay Lohan

The most hated female celebrity list ever

Lohan is also an example of a child star debuting and falling into chaos in his adult life. She has starred in the hit movies "Mean Girl" and "Hot Mom hot girl", but has been abstaining from alcohol and drugs for the past decade and making some bad movies like "I Know Who Killed Me", or the two things in exchange.

1. Catherine Heigl

The most hated female celebrity list ever

Judd Apato's "One Night Belly" helped her enter the film industry, but she sang the film down, and there were reports of her misconduct on the set of Grey's Anatomy, both of which made it known that she was difficult to work with. Correspondingly, her star path has dimmed a lot, and Hollywood and the audience have a very indifferent attitude towards her.

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