
Lan Xiaolong's "Winter and the Lion": What did the volunteer army rely on to achieve victory

author:The Paper

The Paper's reporter Gao Dan

Lan Xiaolong's "Winter and the Lion": What did the volunteer army rely on to achieve victory

Lan Xiaolong and Shi Hang

Recently, writer Lan Xiaolong's new work "Winter and the Lion" was published, and the People's Literature Publishing House invited screenwriters and film critics Shi Hang and Lan Xiaolong to share topics such as "Winter and the Lion" and the Battle of Chosin Lake online.

Lan Xiaolong's "Winter and the Lion": What did the volunteer army rely on to achieve victory

Winter and the Lion

The main setting of the story of Winter and the Lion is the Battle of Chosin Lake on the Eastern Front of the Second Battle of the Korean War in 1950. Through the description of the Seventh Interspersed Company of the Ninth Corps, "Winter and the Lion" takes the reader to feel the indomitability of the volunteer soldiers in this war.

In Shi Hang's view, "Winter and the Lion" is about the question of what the volunteer army relies on to defeat the US army. "The Americans have also been wondering, what exactly defeated them on the Korean battlefield? Is the volunteer army a heroic army or is it just a bitter cold weather? Is it winter or a lion? Winter and the Lion answers what is more important in this war, is it the weather or the hearts of the people? It is the army and the spirit of sacrifice. "In fact, there are many experts in the volunteer army, and the volunteer army is particularly shrewd in fighting, which is also in line with Lan Xiaolong's attitude when he wrote about our army on the Korean battlefield."

Shi Hang also made many comparisons between "Winter and the Lion" and Lan Xiaolong's old work "My Regiment Leader My Regiment", such as Mei Sheng and Ah Yi, Lei Gong and Hao Veterinarian, the similarity of personality, experience and fate, in order to show that "Lan Xiaolong's characters have a sense of inheritance of spiritual blood." "There is no black hole in Lan Xiaolong's universe, his stars have not fallen, you think he has disappeared, he just went around the back of your head, and after another circle he appeared again, reincarnated into another warm story." Watching "Winter and the Lion", "you can see the similar things you have felt before (in "Soldier Assault", "My Regiment Leader My Regiment", "Life and Death Line", "Good Guys"),, and there is a feeling of being in a different country."

In the live broadcast room, Lan Xiaolong introduced the idea of writing "Winter and the Lion" born in 2014. "When I joined a script seminar for our army in 2014, I said About Chosin Lake." When asked how to summarize "Winter and the Lion" in one sentence, Lan Xiaolong borrowed a sentence from the book tanziwei and replied in a poetic way: "Victory needs to be proved." ”

In the Korean battlefield, the strongest infantry and the most equipped modern army, what exactly are our volunteer soldiers facing? Lan Xiaolong said, "Suppose I am a person of the 7th Company, what is unfolding in front of my eyes?" It's a sci-fi film. It's a bit like we see a Transformer today, like a unit fighting a Transformer, and everything you come across is something you haven't seen. I think the 7th Company entering the Chosin Lake battlefield is a bit like Alice in Wonderland, and then fighting, still fighting, and still winning. ”

Lan Xiaolong's "Winter and the Lion": What did the volunteer army rely on to achieve victory

Movie "Chosin Lake"

Shi Hang believes that the most valuable or basic belief in Lan Xiaolong's writing is equality, not to degrade one role to elevate another role, "Those stories in 'Soldier Assault', good soldiers and poor soldiers do not abandon, do not give up. In "Soldier Assault", this group of people debuted in a group, everyone is a group soul, I probably like it. They have not been consumed or used by Lan Xiaolong, the author. And many authors often complete this and suppress that. Shi Hang believes, "Lan Xiaolong writes group portraits, and he never sacrifices one role to complete another role." ”

Related to equality is Lan Xiaolong's favorite use of local dialects in his works. "You are Sichuanese, he is Hubei dialect, Yunguichuan all over the country." What does this dialect platter mean? It's all of us, people from anywhere in the north and south of the world, saying things that seem to be incomprehensible, but in fact, everyone understands, because as long as you sacrifice, as long as you are kind, as long as you are equal, everyone will understand each other." He portrays group portraits, not only writing their own vivid side, but also digging out the meaning contained in the hearts of different people.

Editor-in-Charge: Liang Jia

Proofreader: Yijia Xu

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