
The city's economic operation analysis and comprehensive performance appraisal promotion meeting in the first three quarters was held

author:Tengzhou Daily
The city's economic operation analysis and comprehensive performance appraisal promotion meeting in the first three quarters was held

The city's economic operation analysis and comprehensive performance appraisal promotion meeting in the first three quarters was held

Chen Yongsheng presided over and delivered a speech Ma Hongwei and Li Jianzong attended the meeting

On October 26, the city's economic operation analysis and comprehensive performance appraisal promotion meeting in the first three quarters was held, informing the city's economic operation and Zaozhuang's pre-assessment of the city's third quarter since this year, and arranging the deployment of the next step of the work task. Chen Yongsheng, secretary of the municipal party committee, presided over the meeting and made a speech. Municipal leaders Ma Hongwei, Li Jian, Zong Daquan, Zhu Yanchen, Gao Xin, Xue Dengfeng, Li Yi, Wang Tao, Du Maoguang, Qin Shengxue, and Zhang Xiaocui attended the meeting.

The meeting conveyed and studied the spirit of zaozhuang city's economic operation analysis and comprehensive performance appraisal promotion meeting in the first three quarters, and informed Zaozhuang City of the city's pre-assessment of the third quarter of the city's comprehensive performance appraisal.

Chen Yongsheng pointed out in his speech that since the beginning of this year, the whole city has closely focused on the deployment requirements of "first getting the economy up and concentrating on strengthening industry," vigorously implemented the strategy of "strengthening the city with industry and rejuvenating the city with industry," and accelerated the construction of a modern and strong city. Now that there are still more than two months to go before the end of the year, all levels and departments must firmly establish the concept of "fast is the overall situation, and dry work is to take responsibility", enhance their mental state, come up with extraordinary measures, go all out to grasp the key points and key points, and ensure the successful completion of all the goals and tasks for the whole year.

Focusing on doing a good job in the next step, Chen Yongsheng demanded that, first, we should make efforts to strengthen monitoring and ensure operation. Keep an eye on core economic indicators, strengthen regular and phased monitoring, early warning and index dispatch, and solve emerging and tendentious problems in a timely manner; increase the coordination and transportation of thermal coal reserves, optimize orderly electricity consumption plans, and adopt the form of maintained pressure to classify power supply adjustments。 Second, efforts should be made to attract investment and project construction. Focus on the three pillar industries of high-end equipment, high-end chemicals and new materials, continue to deepen cooperation with large enterprises and large groups, and promote more large projects of more than 10 billion yuan to settle in Tengzhou; implement the whole life cycle management service system, promote the rapid landing and early start of signed projects, the rapid construction and early completion of projects under construction, and the rapid transformation of production projects and improve quality and efficiency; and pay close attention to planning and reserve key projects at the provincial, municipal and county levels next year to ensure that more projects are included in the "big plate" of provinces and cities. Third, we must make efforts to become a large enterprise and a strong park. Highlight the cultivation of "247" pilot enterprises, and strive to build a number of leading enterprises with strong core competitiveness and outstanding scale and brand advantages; economic development zones should speed up planning adjustment, institutional reform, and project attraction construction, and do a national level as soon as possible. Fourth, we must make efforts to drive reform, opening up, and innovation. Focusing on the theme of "strong industrial city and industrial rejuvenation city", we will focus on building a system integration reform work system to release more kinetic energy for the construction of a modern and strong city; strengthen the main position of enterprise innovation, deepen cooperation with colleges and universities, and explore replicable and generalizable intelligent technological transformation models; vigorously support backbone foreign trade enterprises to expand exports and ensure that the work of opening up to the outside world has reached a new level. Fifth, efforts should be made to create the top ten counties and the double ten towns. Seize the opportunity to create strong industrial counties and modern agricultural strong counties in the province, compare the assessment index system, highlight the key points, and accurately exert forces to ensure successful creation. Sixth, efforts should be made to increase fiscal and taxation revenues and provide financial support. It is necessary to increase the intensity of collection, strengthen the control of key tax source enterprises, strengthen the comprehensive management of financial sources, ensure that the levy must be levied and enter the treasury in full; give play to the role of the fund, and leverage more bank funds and social capital to support the development of the real economy. Seventh, we must work assessment sprints and accurate improvement. Adhere to the problem-oriented, accurate rectification and improvement, weak indicators should be quickly increased, narrow the score difference; the midstream indicators should be dug deep and careful, and efforts should be overtaken; the strong indicators should be closely watched and expanded; and the deduction of points should be strictly guarded against and hidden dangers eliminated. Eighth, efforts should be made to guard the bottom line and make overall plans for development. Make overall plans for the study and education of party history, safe production, epidemic prevention and control, people's livelihood security, ecological environmental protection, autumn and winter seeds, county and township changes, etc., plan ahead of time for next year's work, ensure that all work is carried out in a solid, stable and orderly manner, hand over satisfactory answer sheets for the opening year of the "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan", and make greater contributions to accelerating the pace of building a modern and strong city and striving to walk in the forefront of the province in the process of achieving common prosperity.

Ma Hongwei, deputy secretary of the municipal party committee and mayor, briefed on the analysis of the city's economic operation in the first three quarters and made arrangements for the next step. He demanded that all levels and departments should pay more attention to the industrial economy, redouble their efforts in industrial agglomeration, enterprise echelon cultivation, and intelligent technological transformation, and make every effort to promote the improvement of the quality and speed of the industrial economy. It is necessary to grasp project construction with greater intensity, speed up the promotion of key projects at the provincial, municipal, and county levels, make overall plans for urban and rural infrastructure projects and people's livelihood projects, meticulously plan reserve projects, pay close attention to attracting investment and investment, and consolidate the foundation for economic development. It is necessary to grasp fiscal taxation with greater intensity, do everything possible to expand the stock of financial resources, cultivate incremental financial resources, dig deep into potential financial resources, and provide a strong financial guarantee for promoting high-quality development. It is necessary to grasp reform and opening up with greater efforts, promote reform in key areas, stabilize the basic plan of foreign trade, improve the level of utilization of foreign capital, and provide inexhaustible impetus for the strategy of "strengthening the city with industry and rejuvenating the city with industry." It is necessary to do a better job in ensuring elements with greater efforts, strengthen the guarantee of land use, improve the financing capacity of enterprises, do a good job in ensuring power supply, and continue to optimize the business environment. It is necessary to pay more attention to operation monitoring, supervision and assessment, give play to the role of the statistical work committee, seek breakthroughs around the weaknesses of the short board, strengthen business guidance and training, and effectively form a strong atmosphere of taking responsibility for development and striving to be the first, and lay a solid foundation for the construction of a modern and strong city with the in-depth implementation of the strategic goal of "strong industrial city and industrial rejuvenation city".

Written by Li Hui and Zhao Chengdong

The city's economic operation analysis and comprehensive performance appraisal promotion meeting in the first three quarters was held

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