
Letter from the Head of the Department of Anthropology at National Taiwan University to Mainland Students on the Epidemic Letter from the Head of the Department of Anthropology at National Taiwan University to Mainland Students on the Epidemic


<h1>Letter from the Head of the Department of Anthropology at National Taiwan University to Mainland Students on the Outbreak</h1>

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Letter from the Head of the Department of Anthropology at National Taiwan University to Mainland Students on the Epidemic Letter from the Head of the Department of Anthropology at National Taiwan University to Mainland Students on the Epidemic

Letter from Lin Kaishi, a teacher from the Department of Anthropology, National Taiwan University, to Lu Sheng

Dear students,

I am the head of the department, Lin Kaishi, and this letter was written on the evening of the 2/6th, due to the unpredictable epidemic, the policy has changed several times a day, and it may be becoming increasingly tight. Therefore, please pay attention to the relevant information that Taida keeps updating, I only report to you at this time, the situation of the department, if there is an update, I will tell you as much as possible, please be patient and read this letter.

Let's first inform you about the measures in administrative matters.

For students who are currently unable to return to Taiwan and are trapped abroad, the latest measures of the school have not yet been officially announced. However, the content can be referred to this summary produced by the representatives of the student union participating in the epidemic prevention meeting seven hours ago.

Re-posting schools' reassuring school attendance measures:

Registration fee: If you need to postpone registration, you can apply to the Academic Affairs Office for verification and certification, and you can entrust others to handle it.

Mode of study: The instructor may provide synchronous or asynchronous distance teaching courses (ㄉㄜˊ).

Leave of absence, suspension of school: inspection tool certification project processing.

Duration of study: If the suspension or extension of the period of study due to the epidemic situation is not counted, the extended semester will not be counted.

Please note that if the epidemic continues to develop, the most unfavorable situation will be the relevant provisions of overseas registration: the degree examination can be conducted by video, only those who write papers, those who only study special topics, those who only take distance courses, and those who only need to complete the graduation threshold (such as publishing papers, etc.).

Therefore, students who are eligible for the examination, degree examination, and qualification examination preparation meeting, please keep in touch with the instructor, maintain the original plan, and adjust the schedule.

For other students, please tell the department about your plans for the next semester, the expected class schedule, and the things you are worried, worried about, and unclear, and let the department help solve and clarify.

It is really difficult to say whether the plans that everyone has planned for next semester will be realized, or whether they will become more favorable through the struggle.

Therefore, students, be sure to have any thoughts or worries, follow the department's reaction. Those who can provide assistance will do their best to assist; those who seem unable to provide assistance, let us think together to see if there is a chance to make him possible.

In addition, if there is an opportunity to relax border controls before the start of the school on the 3/2nd, students must undergo quarantine measures when returning to school, and there will be inconvenience in life, please contact the department. Whatever the need, the department will assist through formal or informal channels.

While waiting for the start of school and the opening of the border, please do not panic too much. When students come to the Department of Anthropology, the Department of Anthropology will not fail everyone. Please try to maintain your original career plan as much as possible and be prepared for the record in case the border is not opened. All formal and informal assistance will be provided as much as possible.

Some of the more introverted students, please do not hesitate to keep in touch with the department.

In addition, please continue to maintain the existing contact with classmates, senior sisters, and younger siblings, many of whom are worried about the recent situation of students who are now unable to enter and return to school. You must remain at peace and let those who care about you know that you are safe.

Pay attention to your own health, whether physical or mental. Don't affect your life because of the malice and gossip of unrelated people. Diseases destroy not only life, but also souls.

In times of doubt and difficulty, we have to preserve not only our health, but also our ordinary daily life. During this time, everyone will inevitably be affected by the emotions and troubles aroused by the epidemic. This is something that no one should suffer, so please remember that when you come back here, you are safe and loved and cherished by everyone.

The department would like to reiterate to you the position of the department of anthropology: due to various conditions, students who fail to enter the country smoothly, regardless of their status and health, are not excluded dangerous others, but our students who are trapped in distant places.

Take out the books that you didn't finish last semester and take out the books you miss next semester; if you are worried about the impact of your career plan, call back to the department for consultation; if you are embarrassed to call back to the department, ask your classmates or senior sisters to help you inquire; if you have a psychological head that can't say it, find a way to practice appealing to the department; in short, don't suffer from malice and hatred alone, this is not what we should suffer.

I don't know what books to read, just refer to these: (Attachment 1)

Don't ask me to introduce me to you, don't test me, I've only read a few books.

I really don't want to miss academic works, just look at these: (Appendix 2)

I hope you understand that this letter is not an administrative notice, but an order from your teachers to the anthropologists in formation: do not be alone in panic and malice, but should be troubled and pondered with us who are stationed on campus. You have only one identity, not the number or annotation of any community, but the anthropologists in the cultivation of this department.

Finally, I would like to remind you of what to do now:

1. Take the initiative to maintain contact with the department and discuss the progress of the epidemic situation, whether you are in Taiwan or not. If you are uncertain or unclear, ask the school or the competent authority together.

2. Think about what you want to eat after returning to complete the quarantine measures, and do you have any wine that you would like to drink? After the quarantine measures are completed, the teachers and students of the department will have a party and welcome everyone back. Whether it's next month or a little longer, there will be.

Department of Anthropology Lin Kaishi

P.S. I would like to give special thanks to your brother Xu Chongming for continuing to pay attention to the development of epidemic prevention in the school.

Appendix I: Anthropological Writings on Infectious Diseases

Basic reader

The Anthropology of Epidemics

Anthropology of Infectious Disease

Archaeological and evolutionary perspectives

Emerging Pathogens: The Archaeology, Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Disease

The Archaeology of Disease

History of the Plague (Chinese)

Plagues and Peoples

The structure of global inequality

Unprepared: Global Health in a Time of Emergency

Infections and Inequalities: The Modern Plagues,

Three recent cases

Zika: From the Brazilian Backlands to Global Threat

Ebola: How a People's Science Helped End an Epidemic

The Viral Network: A Pathography of the H1N1 Influenza Pandemic

Association of animals with infectious diseases

Zoobiquity: The Astonishing Connection Between Human and Animal Health

Framing Animals as Epidemic Villains: Histories of Non-Human Disease Vectors

Illness and panic

Stories in the Time of Cholera: Racial Profiling During a Medical Nightmare

When Germs Travel: Six Major Epidemics That Have Invaded America and the Fears They Have Unleashed

How locals see doctors

The Collectors of Lost Souls: Turning Kuru Scientists into Whitemen

Appendix II: Entertainment Beyond Learning

For those who do not want to exhaust themselves, when the plague spreads, except to nibble on academic books. In fact, we still have a lot of options.

1. Of course, the originator of the escape from the plague in the novel is Boccaccio's Decameron.

If you don't want to read weird Chinese translations, you have a movie adaptation of the Italian Taviani brothers to watch!

2. People who love to read horror novels, stephen King's Doomsday Approaching Trilogy, is probably his best work.

3. The plague (or black death) of Camus, everyone says it's great. In fact, I have read it, and I don't feel it, but it seems that it should be listed to show that I still like serious literature.

4. The science fiction novel "The Andromeda Strain", Chinese retranslated as "Alien Germs", seems to be out of print, but you can see two film versions of the 1971 and 2008 TV mini-series.

Then, and the Band Played on: Politics, People, and the AIDS Epidemic (2000), an investigative literary masterpiece about the plague of the century of AIDS. But you can also watch this TV movie.

6. Those who like classic movies certainly can't miss Inmar Bergman's "Seventh Seal", the knight who plays chess with the god of death between the spread of the plague.

7. Foucault's "History of Madness in the Classical Era" tells us about the birth and change of the concept of isolation, which is better than the novel.

8. Also, also, audiences who like local culture, don't forget the famous drama Thunderbolt Nine Thrones of the Golden Age of the Thunderbolt Bag Drama, and see how Su Zhenzhen and the Chivalrous Sword Shu Daoxing fight against the Xuankong Blood Raid of the Plague of the End times. The Nine Abysses of the Upside Down is really dueling with the death of the two males of the Heavenly Destruction, which is a classic.

9. If you still believe in love— the continental translation — love during cholera.

Prays. blessing. Everybody come on

— END —