
XiangRui's Divine Beast World Dragon

author:Mango Life Chronicles

In the ancient legends, there are traces of auspicious beasts everywhere, their appearance is unique, their temperament is majestic and sacred, and their stories are endless. They are considered spiritual and carry all kinds of beautiful visions. They embody an ancient spiritual culture.

XiangRui's Divine Beast World Dragon

So today we will talk about the head of the divine beast, the dragon

The appearance of the dragon combines the characteristics of several animals, and it is also a natural combination of the abilities of these animals, and in the body of the dragon, people can feel a power to break through the shackles of space. In ancient times, emperors liked to call themselves "True Dragon Heavenly Sons" to demonstrate their unquestionable rights. Hero Haojie also likes to compare himself with a "dragon", which shows the grand ambition of the world. Dragons have always been regarded as spirit beasts that obey the orders of heaven, symbolizing the irreversible mandate of heaven, and people are both obedient and afraid of dragons. And this complex emotion can be traced back to the "origin of the dragon".

XiangRui's Divine Beast World Dragon

People's sense of awe of dragons coincides with a sense of nature. In ancient times, when the level of production and culture were relatively low, people could not explain the unpredictable natural phenomena, and it was inevitable that they would imagine that there was a god in the underworld who controlled everything, and the image of the dragon was closely related to thunder and lightning. People often use the sound of "rumble" to describe the sound of thunder, and "rumble" is both the harmonic sound of "dragon". And the thunder is accompanied by lightning, and a closer look will reveal the shape of the dragon and the lightning and its resemblance. Coupled with the heavy rain after the thunder and lightning, the dragon was naturally regarded as the "rain god". Legend has it that the dragon will, according to the orders of heaven, bring the water of rivers, lakes and seas to the heavens and then land on earth.

XiangRui's Divine Beast World Dragon

Considering the dragon's immense divine power, people often respectfully refer to the dragon as the "Dragon King." Anyone who has seen Journey to the West knows that the "Dragon King" is in charge of the rain. However, the "Dragon King" is not all sympathetic to the human world, especially after being provoked by humans, they will use the divine power of the clouds and rain to give people revenge. Rain can both survive and perish.

As a legendary spiritual creature, the dragon's body embodies two characteristics: benevolence and majesty. It rains for mankind, nourishes all things, and brings great favors to mankind, but when it feels despised and hurt, it will fight back without mercy, showing a fierce side. This coincides with our Chinese spirit: both benevolent and mighty. Therefore Chinese proudly called himself "the descendant of the dragon".

XiangRui's Divine Beast World Dragon

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