
Scholars dissected the false negative nucleic acid detection caused by multifactorial nucleic acid, and called for a good reagent with high sensitivity and specificity

Zhongxin Online Hai, February 12 (Chen Jing, Jiang Rong) Prevention and control of new crown pneumonia, early diagnosis and early treatment are fundamental. At present, the results of the "false negative" of viral nucleic acid testing are confusing.

Scholars dissected the false negative nucleic acid detection caused by multifactorial nucleic acid, and called for a good reagent with high sensitivity and specificity

Infographic: Nucleic acid testing. Photo by Wu Min, China News Service

The reporter learned on the 12th that Chinese scholars conducted in-depth analysis of the influencing factors of nucleic acid testing showing "false negatives" and found that in the actual clinical application of nucleic acid testing, the lack of large sample virus genome research and clinical verification, the error caused by clinical sampling, the restrictions on sample preservation and transportation, and the imperfection of the kit itself affected the virus test results to a certain extent, resulting in a "false negative" situation.

Researcher Mo Qian, who is engaged in pathogen molecular diagnosis at Shanghai Children's Medical Center affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, and Guan Ming, director of the Department of Laboratory Medicine of Huashan Hospital affiliated to Fudan University, jointly published a paper "Correct Understanding of the Influencing Factors of Nucleic Acid Detection of The New Coronavirus" in the Chinese Journal of Laboratory Medicine.

The article points out that at present, due to the urgency of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, the State Drug Administration has launched a "green channel" for a variety of new crown nucleic acid detection reagents, which provides great convenience for the early diagnosis of the virus and the monitoring of the epidemic. Scholars believe that ensuring the quality of kits, standardizing the sampling/preservation/transportation process, improving the laboratory equipment of hospitals, improving the technical level of testing personnel, and optimizing the testing process are crucial to improving the accuracy of the results of the new crown nucleic acid test, and are also the key to the current epidemic prevention and control.

In the paper, scholars called for the increasing number of detection reagents on the market, it is necessary to share information resources as soon as possible, and conduct multi-center performance evaluation to clarify that some reagents with high sensitivity and good specificity are used by medical institutions, which is also a top priority to ensure the current epidemic prevention and control. (End)

Editor-in-charge: Qin Lumin