
What exactly is love?

author:Ah San said emotionally

What is love? Can it be defined precisely?

Marilyn Aaron, in her scholarly book The History of the Wife, frankly frustrates, claiming that "love" is a mixture of sexual desire and emotion, intoxicating, but no one can accurately define it;

For the old parents who are born of marriage, love is the best reason for us to reproduce;

For example: if you look at someone else's children, how happy and loving you are when you get married, what can you do as a single man?

For example: Your little two are so affectionate, are you thinking about having a baby? Having children is more like a home;

For sex workers, love is unusually high for five minutes or less;

For realists, love is just a mutually beneficial transaction;

For most of us, love is a safe haven between us and the people we cherish, and it is also a solid shield between us and our partners to resist the ups and downs of life;

What exactly is love?

The picture and text come from the public number: No. 3 Lighthouse

But different ages and different cognitions, the description of love is not the same;

For around the age of 17, love is the overlap of homework books, love is a short encounter between classes, love is to find fun places together on weekends, and explore the freshness of the opposite sex driven by curiosity;

The love at this stage is more of an imitation of film and television dramas or fantasies about love from childhood to adulthood, and the love at this time is not innocent, but the specific expression of love is not clear;

For around 20 years old, love is impulsive, pay everything for love, love is sweet, enjoy the uniqueness brought by each other, love is stimulation, enjoy the moment;

For 22 to 26, a lollipop and a box of chocolates can not be exchanged for love, love is not only maintained by feelings, the scope of love is broader at this moment;

Love at this age, sexual desire accounts for the majority, so that we can practice our curiosity about sex in the previous first love, and at the same time, all kinds of feelings derived from sex are considered to be the expression of love;

More need to be inclusive, understanding, trust, while adding some practical factors, such as: family, economy, wisdom, character, character, etc.;

What exactly is love?

For about 30 years old, love is a lover who regrets missing before, love is arrogant and unbridled, love is to give up, choose a partner to live a good life;

The love of this period is more like a reciprocal alliance based on the exchange of interests, and everyone has already marked the price in the minds of others, what price is the age, what the price of looks, what the price of work and education, and so on;

For 30 to 40 years old, love is responsibility, love is responsibility, the proportion of responsibility far exceeds the feeling of love, you at this age, all have a common goal: to work hard for a better life;

Of course, love at this stage also hides the risk of cheating, so the sense of security is not only needed before, but also needed at this stage, to manage your lower body, to manage your likes and dislikes of the old;

For 40 to 50 years old, the essence of love has changed, from love to family affection, this time love is more biased towards the family, whether poor or rich, old and sick and dead, love is in the same boat;

For 50+, looking back at half a life, love is not so, the rest of the life has a white head is satisfied, a person will not have anything else to ask for, love is to put down;

These age-corresponding descriptions of love are not precise enough, but most of the ideas are indeed so;

It's like, you tell an 18-year-old young man to find a girl to live a good life, and he only goes in and out of the right ear, after all, his own life is not fully understood;

You tell a 40-year-old aunt that you want to talk to her about a sweet relationship, do you think your aunt will promise you like a little girl full of expectations?

What exactly is love?

Are there love between those who approach you in the name of love and end up inadvertently hurting you?

Director Zhan Jinglin only took 3 weeks to write the script, the shooting time (and handheld shooting) was only 12 days, the cost was only 400,000, but it received nearly 20 film nominations and awards - "Island of Rivers" is reproduced from ID: dianyingzazhi8

The toll booth is like the midway of life, and the shuttle cars are like fish in the river, and after passing through, they will never turn back, and the stop is also short.

What exactly is love?

As the name suggests, this is a tragic story where the two protagonists meet briefly and eventually part.

In this story, Ah Wen is like the toll booth where she works, an island in the middle of a lonely traffic.

She was middle-aged, divorced and alone with her son, and originally lived a life that was not too bad until a phone call forced her into a desperate situation.

In order not to let her son leave the case, Ah Wen gritted her teeth and agreed to be private.

But the question is, how did this huge sum come together?

The only way Ah Wen could think of was to call her ex-husband for help.

However, the ex-husband refused to help.

Because helping her ex-husband borrow money from the underground bank has affected her credibility, Ah Wen, who is cornered and in a desperate situation, thinks of Zhihao——

What exactly is love?

For this hanging Erlang's uncontrolled showholder, Ah Wen has always been indifferent.

But after much hesitation, she dialed the phone anyway.

After Zhihao learned that Ah Wen was in urgent need of money, he agreed to help, but on the condition that Ah Wen be his girlfriend.

In fact, Zhihao did not take advantage of the fire to rob, he originally just wanted to use this to get close to Ah Wen and fall in love with Ah Wen.

Middle-aged divorced women, who want to make quick money, seem to have only one way: to sell their skin and flesh.

Ah Wen tacitly acquiesced to this cruel reality in her heart, so she made a deal with Zhihao: make a one-time ten thousand.

In the beginning, for Ah Wen, it was just a pure money transaction, and every time they met, they went straight to the subject and half pushed and half pushed.

But gradually, she was melted by Zhihao little by little.

Although he had to give Ah Wen money every time, Zhihao did not think that the relationship between them was between a prostitute and a prostitute.

He felt that love was the main thing, and giving money was just to meet Ah Wen's needs.

When Zhihao passed the toll booth again, the receipt was no longer a phone number, but a sentence of earthy love.

Not only is he genuinely nice to Ah Wen, but he also mingles with Superman and drives the mother and son out for a picnic.

During this time, Ah Wen's life once again suffered major changes.

The leader announced the realization of ETC throughout the territory, the company laid off a large area of employees, and Ah Wen was about to face layoffs.

In the face of the heavy and oppressive reality, Zhihao became the only color in Ah Wen's life.

However, Ah Wen did not know that Zhihao was not a small driver, but just an ordinary who helped his brother and sister-in-law drive a truck.

Due to the long-term borrowing of money from his brother, which caused dissatisfaction in his sister-in-law, Zhihao and his brother-in-law eventually quarreled and were completely swept out.

Zhihao confessed that he did not have the money to give Ah Wen again, and vowed to help Ah Wen find a way to face difficulties together.

But after hearing the news, Ah Wen felt like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, and she felt that her only hope was shattered.

Ah Wen coldly told Zhihao that there was no affection between them, only a financial relationship.

Zhihao was stunned for half a moment, and finally left with tears in his eyes.

What exactly is love?

On the last night before the toll booth was demolished, Zhihao, who had disappeared for many days, drove the truck through again.

He no longer giggled or said anything, just handed the ticket stub in a serious and affectionate manner.

After Zhihao left, a gust of wind blew the ticket stub away.

Ignoring the danger, Ah Wen rushed into the traffic to pick up the recycled documents, only to turn over and find that this time there was no handwriting on it.

But what exactly is love?

Zhihao relies on trading to get the so-called love; Ah Wen is trapped in the mud of reality, breeding love in the transaction and not daring to believe that it is love;

In the film, does Zhihao have no love for Ah Wen? Surely, so why did it end up hurting Ah Wen?

This question is like: he obviously loves you so much, why should he do something to hurt you, it is a truth;

Love is serious and sincere, but not loving is also serious;

In feelings, we can't avoid unhappy emotions such as sour, bitter, spicy, salty, etc., even if you have the guidance of a superior person, these emotions will still appear;

The above hopes can help you;

Finally: I wish you all true love and happiness;