
Why do people who rarely get sick have a serious illness all their lives? What does the doctor have to do with the fact that the body is not sick? Why do people who rarely get sick have a serious illness all their lives? If you want to live a long and healthy life, the key is to improve immunity and find problems in time to treat them in time:


"People who rarely get sick and don't need to take a little medicine, once they get sick, most of them are more serious or fatal diseases."

Why do people who rarely get sick have a serious illness all their lives? What does the doctor have to do with the fact that the body is not sick? Why do people who rarely get sick have a serious illness all their lives? If you want to live a long and healthy life, the key is to improve immunity and find problems in time to treat them in time:

Uncle Li is a native of the countryside, usually in addition to working or work basically have no hobbies, but also do not know how to maintain health, a lifetime of thick peasant rough tea and light rice life. Uncle is now 88 years old, and he usually does not need to take medicine, not to mention that there are many chronic diseases of hypertension now. Many people asked Uncle How such a body is done; Uncle smiled and said: He has no health skills, if you say health, you should ask the doctor. Uncle is so healthy, how is it? Today Dr. Li of the Gynecology and Internal Medicine Department came to talk about this issue.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="01" data-track="35" what does > body not getting sick have to do with it? </h1>

We know that the health of human beings is very closely related to their own immunity. If our body is sick, it is generally attributed to the low immunity of a certain system or the loss of resistance, resulting in the occurrence of physical diseases.

Our body should be healthy, and the circulatory system in the body is constantly undergoing metabolism to produce an immune ability to resist the invasion of the virus into the human body and prevent the body from being damaged and causing disease. The body's immunity is the protective wall of our human body, like our majestic Great Wall to prevent enemy invasion, playing the ability to maintain the stability of the domestic environment. Because the air that exists in the space where we live is filled with a wide variety of microorganisms, bacteria, viruses, mycoplasma, chlamydia, fungi, etc. These germs fight the resistance in our bodies. When the resistance of our body is relaxed for various reasons, all these germs become enemies that infringe on human functions at all times. Infection with the virus after constantly invading the body so that the body cannot resist the invasion of the virus and causes the body to be damaged.

Why do people who rarely get sick have a serious illness all their lives? What does the doctor have to do with the fact that the body is not sick? Why do people who rarely get sick have a serious illness all their lives? If you want to live a long and healthy life, the key is to improve immunity and find problems in time to treat them in time:

Medical science has found that immunity is a factor closely related to disease, and the decline of immune function is an important factor in triggering diseases. Some special cells of our body's immune system can engulf and destroy bacteria, viruses and cells that have aged and died in the body, mutated cells and substances that cause allergic reactions, thereby stabilizing the stability of the internal environment and maintaining the health of the body.

It can be seen that the body is not sick and the body's immunity has a close and important relationship!

The cells of metabolism in the body continue to divide, it is easy to produce problem cells, these problem cells can not resist the invasion of the virus will cause immune function abnormalities, that is, we often say poor resistance. Most of the immunity of good health depends on genetic genes, and the influence of environmental factors, if diet, sleep, exercise, stress, etc., the lack of any of them will affect the function of the body's immune system.

Why do people who rarely get sick have a serious illness all their lives? What does the doctor have to do with the fact that the body is not sick? Why do people who rarely get sick have a serious illness all their lives? If you want to live a long and healthy life, the key is to improve immunity and find problems in time to treat them in time:

We humans have a strong immune function, which not only has the ability to resist the invasion of foreign microorganisms, but also has a solid role. When the human body is invaded by viruses or harmful cells, the immune system can quickly exert the ability to recognize resistance and kill harmful cells in time, so in the case of normal immune function, the human body has a certain ability to resist diseases.

In some longevity people, generally they have a strong immune function in the body, so a strong immune system is helping to monitor and maintain the health of the body, therefore, the general virus is not easy to invade, which is a feature of longevity.

According to foreign media historical data, the British royal family is a long-lived group, the queen life expectancy is up to 102 years old, Prince Philip is 100 years old, Queen Elizabeth II is now 95 years old, still active in the workplace, this fact and genetics, environment, diet. Sleep, exercise, and stress all have a certain relationship. The royal family has a supreme quality of life, and there is also a great deal of pressure, but because of the inheritance of longevity genes and regular diet, sleep, exercise and the most professional health care, it is longevity.

Why do people who rarely get sick have a serious illness all their lives? What does the doctor have to do with the fact that the body is not sick? Why do people who rarely get sick have a serious illness all their lives? If you want to live a long and healthy life, the key is to improve immunity and find problems in time to treat them in time:

Combining the genes of the longevity of ordinary people such as Uncle Li and members of the British royal family, it is not difficult for us to find that the longevity of Uncle Li, the empress dowager of the British royal family and the queen is mainly closely related to immunity in addition to genes.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="02" data-track="50" >why are people who rarely get sick all their lives? </h1>

As mentioned earlier, the main reason for the human body to be sick is the problem of immune function, and people with strong immune function are not easy to get sick. People who are usually rarely sick are in good health, but often a serious illness is a serious disease, or even a fatal disease. People feel this way because they don't know that our bodies have many compensatory functions that, while silently helping lives through danger, can also mask the budding point of the disease and are mistaken for signs of very healthy health.

For example, fatal myocardial infarction, why is the fatality rate of myocardial infarction so high? Because before the onset of myocardial infarction, there is a blockage of blood vessels in the coronary arteries, but when the blood vessels begin to form thrombosis blockages, many people generally do not feel it. Because vascular evolution has a special ability, that is, once the main branch blood vessel is blocked, the blood will re-establish a side branch blood supply, we can understand it in this way, as if we usually receive water and electricity, open a side branch next to the main branch to connect the water and electricity.

Why do people who rarely get sick have a serious illness all their lives? What does the doctor have to do with the fact that the body is not sick? Why do people who rarely get sick have a serious illness all their lives? If you want to live a long and healthy life, the key is to improve immunity and find problems in time to treat them in time:

This disease has been neglected for a long time and has established a good cycle in repeated attacks, even if the patient feels unwell for a while, it will not die immediately, and may even be sick and alive. On the contrary, those who are usually rarely sick, because they have other diseases that have not been detected in time, because the time of the onset of the disease is too short, it is too late to establish this side support defense system, and the virus cannot be recognized by the system and immediately eliminated, and a fierce disease or even a fatal occurrence will occur. Therefore, many people who usually rarely get sick will be seriously ill, although the body seems to be very good, but it is easy to be killed by serious illness or death, which is what people often say, do not envy less sick people, it is not their special health, but the danger of being covered up by the disease and dying at any time! Or willing to have some minor illnesses in time to find problems as well!

The body has a strong compensatory function, such as even if the human body donates an organ or removes half of some organs, the impact on the body is not very large, because there is a special compensatory function of the body to make up for it in time, and the symptoms cannot be seen from the body, which is also the so-called "health" of those who are usually less sick, but a sick person is a serious illness or a fatal reason!

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="03" data-track="62" > want to live a long and healthy life, the key is to improve immunity and find problems in time to heal:</h1>

After the new crown virus epidemic, many people know the importance of improving immunity, especially now that the whole people are vaccinated to improve immunity and disease resistance, people know the secret of wanting health and longevity - improve immunity - timely detection - timely medical treatment!

Why do people who rarely get sick have a serious illness all their lives? What does the doctor have to do with the fact that the body is not sick? Why do people who rarely get sick have a serious illness all their lives? If you want to live a long and healthy life, the key is to improve immunity and find problems in time to treat them in time:

Improving immunity is an important key to fighting diseases, but if you want to live a long and healthy life, it is also very important to find epidemics in time and treat them in time.

Often we often see that some people who usually have minor illnesses have rarely been tortured by major diseases, because they have discovered the root causes of major diseases in the process of treating small diseases, and have taken timely medical treatment to avoid acute attacks in major disease areas and help tide over the dangerous period.

If you want to live a long and healthy life, you need to find problems in time and treat them in time to achieve true health and longevity.

The way to live a long and healthy life is that if the body is unwell, don't hold on to it, and heal it in time to ensure the health of the body! In fact, people who usually seem to be in good health will have discomfort in their bodies, which is only the cause of a serious illness that is only neglected or misunderstood to cover up the development of the disease.

I am a gynecologist Dr. Li, committed to using easy-to-understand language, sharing health knowledge, being your health assistant, if you feel that the article is beneficial to you, give a thumbs up, give a support! You can forward it to people around you who have the same needs, so that more people can benefit and avoid misfortune!

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