
Words written in autumn (I)

author:Pale ink leaves blank
Words written in autumn (I)


Fang Chengqin

Title Roadside Weeds

Rooted in the yellow earth, overhead one side of the sky.

Even if he lives in the countryside, he does not bend at the waist.

Riding on National Highway 237, I was surprised to find the weeds on the side of the road, standing straight up

View the sea from the door

Go out and watch the waves rolling, surging without knowing the depth.

But when I saw the traffic coming and going, there was no ferry!

Leaning out of the window to listen to the rain

Tonight the weather is cool, and the rain and wind are crazy at night.

Alone under the window, listen to the autumn rhyme.

China Southern Airlines feels free

China Southern Airlines universities help to sail, and the scientific and technological elite is leading the world.

I have the privilege of watching the grand scenery of the campus, and the pines and cypresses are towering in the sky.

Watch the lotus

Thousand leaves and hundred stems are ten incense, nine flowers, eight clean and seven points of fragrance.

Six people five points four square guests, three steps, two poems and one acre of pond.

Cold dew

The cold dew is busy in autumn, and the winter wheat enters the field valley.

Enjoy the hardships of farming in this dynasty, and have the fragrance of rice flowers in the coming year.

Autumn morning on the outskirts of the city

The morning exercise citizens rejoiced, and the light shone brightly among the clouds.

Although the autumn twilight is exhausted, the birds and insects are singing and noisy.

Driving a strange road has a feeling

Navigation refers to the journey on the road, and it is not clear how close and what is far away.

Blue water autumn lotus yellow crane dance, if not detour how to meet.

Who will put plum rain in the Mid-Autumn Festival


Who will put plum rain in the Mid-Autumn Festival, interpret the time of farming and be worried.

Corn is difficult to dry winter wheat late, worry wisps on the brow.


Cold dew cool breeze people wrapped in fur, who will put plum rain in the Mid-Autumn Festival.

If the heavens have mercy on the peasants, why should the clouds cover the sun's head?


The Jade Emperor had no plan on his mind, and there was no seedling in the four fields.

I pity myself for farming and hard work, who will put plum rain in the Mid-Autumn Festival?


It has not felt cold in the autumn, and the hot wind is still messy.

The golden cicada seemed to feel the wind, leaning on the tree and shouting short and long!

Words written in autumn (I)

Fang Chengqin's calligraphy works

Autumn before winter

The clouds opened and the north wind was crazy, and the autumn was desolate.

Even though the rioter knows that the autumn color is cold, he still believes in the pen to give the sky light.

Autumn leaves can also be compared to falling English

The golden wind blows down thousands of branches, half a car trace and half a poem.

A beautiful landscape photo attracts a talent for a ride.

The charm of autumn leaves

Whoever will drop the leaves with red lips will make the hundred flowers lose their soul.

Drunk on a few windy guests, not to stir up autumn colors but to charm people.

Tan Qiu (written in this rainstorm)

The rain knocked on the window and the wind was crazy, and the town looked at the ocean.

Qiu'er had something sad to do, and even cut off the Galaxy crying!

Autumn rains are also pleasant

Early from the mangs to complain about the sky, summer is still hot wave.

Recently, there is nowhere to go, and a storm sends autumn coolness.

Autumn cicadas

Autumn is clear again, and I can't bear to see that the Tiger is running rampant.

The autumn cicada wept in the wind with all its might, as if complaining to the heavens for injustice.

Autumn rain

The night rain is unprovoked in summer and autumn, and the sound tells the world's sorrow.

Self-singing is like a field water, and qinghe refuses to flow.

Autumn window wind and rain

The autumn rain is about to break the window, and the west wind is still helping the desolation.

Single clothes are more like late autumn, and the night cold is only barely frosted.

Mid-Autumn Moon

I can't bear to look at the mid-autumn festival in the month, I am afraid that I will be sad through the beaded curtain.

The ice wheel did not understand the pain of lovesickness, as if it were empty and cold.

I don't feel that the time has entered autumn, and the noon breeze is extremely hot and the night breeze is soft.

Looking up, I saw the double stars shining, and the silver man gushed endlessly.

Rain falls on autumn morning

The thick clouds deliberately gathered in the air, and the posture he once wanted to borrow the wind.

Mo Dao autumn is as hot as a tiger, and a curtain of autumn rain can descend dragons.

A different kind of early autumn

Autumn attacked people slightly cold, and the whole people did nucleic acid overnight.

The epidemic situation is as big as the sky, and the hand in hand to fight drugs is bigger than the sky.

Rain or shine

Autumn has not seen a few days of sunshine, and the sound of frog drums is frequently heard in the fields.

The sunset opens the rainbow road today, and the sticky light rain has not stopped.

Today is slightly cool, there is a sunset in the west, a rainbow in the east, but the sky is drifting with autumn rain. Is it the shyness of the sun, or the persistence of the rain...

Words written in autumn (I)

Two songs of life

A few times in life, Mo Xiao is not idle.

Confucius Chen Bang was in trouble, and Taigong Weishui was a fish man.

The future of the ambush horse is short, waiting for the dragon lobster crab.

Jin Feng flew towards Taiyu, and the Pheasant dared to follow?

All kinds of frost days compete for freedom, and do not turn white because of disadvantages.

The spirit chicken has wings and is difficult to fly, and the black grasshopper has no enough to jump up.

Gao Zu's weak soldiers rejuvenated the Han Dynasty, and the Chu King's strong brigade cut his throat.

It is difficult for the US nuclear hegemony to become a tiger, and the ice and snow melt and flow for thousands of miles.

Ming Palace (New Rhyme)

Daming Hongwu sat in Jinluan, and Wenzhi Wugong was not idle.

At the beginning, Kyoto was built to connect the four seas, and then the palace was built for a thousand years.

Ma Long car water bustling, monument stone gold bridge rich mountain.

The splendid scenery is ancient, leaving only a city brick to pave the road.

Tour of Nanjing Presidential Palace Caprice (New Rhyme)

The high-walled compound is very majestic, and the terraces are not ordinary everywhere.

Pond water rockery view, bloody rain and dreams.

Speculation is violent and scattered, and corrupt and weak troops are happy.

Fortunately, there are hammers and hammers to eliminate maladministration, and the red flag sweeps away the injustices of all the people.

Nanjing Museum (New Rhyme)

In the museum, Chen Baicui, brilliant and radiant.

Lingering Garden Palace Que Hidden Qu Shui, Copper Sword Chime Cornucopia.

One room Yotoki Chiyoshi, a soul for many years.

It is difficult to search for dry intestines, and how can a shallow rhyme praise Lun.

Nearly mid-autumn cloudy days have a feeling

The floating clouds are still in the sky, and it is expected that the mid-autumn night is not sunny.

Put the lamp in front of the moon, and taste the tea hall under the chanting wind.

The sandbar was not cold at night, and the aroma of dangui was quietly presented.

Whoever can cover the sun with haze, the Ming Dynasty should be able to illuminate a thousand cities.

Words written in autumn (I)

A cut of Mei Play Lai dark clouds night to morning

Playing with dark clouds night to morning, the wind is not gentle, and the rain is not heavy. Autumn is helpless to hate the yellow, when the day can be, the moon is full of stars.

The torrential rain broke through the doors, flooded the fertile fields, and scattered thick clouds. It is whether it is worrying about the hearts of people, and it is also worrying about the king, and it is also the king who is happy.

Linjiangxian is more exposed at the beginning of the autumn night

The early autumn night is more exposed, and the stars are cold. Mosquito bites the arm shirt. The stagnant god double phoenix eyes, as if to see the moon hanging.

The cowgirl is on both sides of the strait, and it is difficult to understand the love affair, and the tears on the three living stones are like a fountain. There is no travel along the way, and there is no Meng Po tip.

I didn't feel that spring was far away

I don't feel that spring is far away,

Who knows about autumn.

But see the flowers blooming,

It's still the same as it used to be.

Both love spring, mo hurt autumn,

Each has a kind of prosperity in mind.

Spring flowers and summer lotus,

Qiu Ju is still dancing.

Even if it is a cold day,

Look at the crystal,

Ice carved jade.

The jade dragon flew up all over the sky with snow,


Plum blossom dots,

East Wind One Branch,

Fragrant four wild.

Words written in autumn (I)