
It is even more delicious than dumplings, it only takes 8 minutes to steam on the pot, the skin is thin and you can see the filling, and the value is double high


It is even more delicious than dumplings, it only takes 8 minutes to steam on the pot, the skin is thin and you can see the filling, and the value is double high

I remember eating crystal dumplings when I was a child, not only because the taste is delicious, but mainly because it is particularly good-looking, and you can see the filling inside from the outside, which feels very interesting. Then I learned the method of crystal dumplings with my mother, and after trying it myself, I felt that the taste was still very good. In fact, its practice is relatively simple, you can follow the following methods to practice. After learning to show your cooking skills to your family at the right opportunity, it is still very rewarding to watch your family taste your own fruits of labor. Just follow the steps, ready to steam for eight minutes, basically, the child can eat seven or eight, not only the taste is delicious, but also looks very beautiful.

It is even more delicious than dumplings, it only takes 8 minutes to steam on the pot, the skin is thin and you can see the filling, and the value is double high

【Cuisine】: Emerald crystal dumplings

【Ingredients】: A handful of leeks, a handful of fresh shrimp, an egg, 80 grams of noodles, 20 grams of tapioca flour, a bowl of boiling water, 1/2 spoon of onion and ginger powder, 1/2 spoon of mushroom essence seasoning, 2 spoons of cooking oil

【Cooking steps】:

It is even more delicious than dumplings, it only takes 8 minutes to steam on the pot, the skin is thin and you can see the filling, and the value is double high

1: Use a kitchen scale to weigh the flour and tapioca flour that need to be used, and put them in a clean container for use. The leeks first remove the bad leek leaves, and then wash the leeks, control the water and drain; fresh prawns are cleaned, after the head is shelled, the shrimp are peeled out, the shrimp line is picked out with a toothpick, and finally rinsed with water, controlled water drainage can be.

It is even more delicious than dumplings, it only takes 8 minutes to steam on the pot, the skin is thin and you can see the filling, and the value is double high

2, control the dried water leeks on the dry board, use the hand to place the leeks neatly, use the kitchen knife to cut the leeks as far as possible, cut well, put them in the filling bowl, waiting for other ingredients.

It is even more delicious than dumplings, it only takes 8 minutes to steam on the pot, the skin is thin and you can see the filling, and the value is double high

3, control the dried water shrimp also put on the board, first cut into small pieces, and then use a knife to chop up some, after coming out, put it in a bowl filled with leeks.

It is even more delicious than dumplings, it only takes 8 minutes to steam on the pot, the skin is thin and you can see the filling, and the value is double high

4, clean small bowl, beat an egg, with chopsticks to fully disperse, then use the wok to add oil, the egg liquid fried and chopped, turn off the heat, the wok away from the heat source, put aside, wait for the natural cooling.

It is even more delicious than dumplings, it only takes 8 minutes to steam on the pot, the skin is thin and you can see the filling, and the value is double high
It is even more delicious than dumplings, it only takes 8 minutes to steam on the pot, the skin is thin and you can see the filling, and the value is double high

5, after the eggs are cooled, also pour into the filling bowl, mix with leeks and shrimp, and then pour mushroom essence condiments and onion and ginger powder into it, and mix well with chopsticks again. In this way, the filling of the crystal dumplings is ready, put aside for flavor, and wait for the noodles.

It is even more delicious than dumplings, it only takes 8 minutes to steam on the pot, the skin is thin and you can see the filling, and the value is double high

6: Prepare a large bowl of noodles, pour the weighed flour and tapioca flour into the same bowl, and mix the two with chopsticks or directly.

It is even more delicious than dumplings, it only takes 8 minutes to steam on the pot, the skin is thin and you can see the filling, and the value is double high

7, and the noodles use boiling water, the noodles are slightly harder.

It is even more delicious than dumplings, it only takes 8 minutes to steam on the pot, the skin is thin and you can see the filling, and the value is double high

8, after the dough, just like the dumplings that everyone usually wraps, rolls the dough into long strips, cuts into small dough agents, rolls into a dough, and then puts the mixed filling on the dumpling skin, according to their own local customs, the crystal dumplings are wrapped into their favorite shape. When wrapping crystal dumplings, the closing place must be put away, so as not to expose the filling from the skin of the dumplings, which is not good-looking.

It is even more delicious than dumplings, it only takes 8 minutes to steam on the pot, the skin is thin and you can see the filling, and the value is double high

9, the wrapped crystal dumplings into the steamer, steamer with water, after the high heat boiling, put the steamer basket into the steamer, cover the pot lid, start steaming crystal dumplings. Generally, a pot of crystal dumplings is steamed in about ten minutes, and the steamed crystal dumplings are sandwiched into the plate with food clips and placed well.

A plate of crystal dumplings is ready, delicious and good-looking, like friends must not miss it.

【Cooking Tips】:

1, in order to prevent the crystal dumplings from sticking to the steamer basket when steaming crystal dumplings, it is generally necessary to spread non-stick paper on each dumpling, or use carrot slices to pad under the crystal dumplings.

2, you can wrap more crystal dumplings at one time, excess crystal dumplings raw blanks, placed in the dumpling freezer box, put in the refrigerator frozen preservation, want to eat when you take out the direct can be steamed under the pot, simple and convenient.

3, the prepared crystal dumplings can be eaten directly, you can also match your favorite sauce, dip and eat, there will be other flavors.

4, the filling, you can change to other like to eat the filling on the line, how to like how to come.

5. Because the mushroom powder condiment contains a certain amount of salt, it generally does not need to add additional salt. If you don't have onion and ginger powder, prepare ginger and chives and chop them up.

[Copywriter]: Mu Hai Food Wang Wei