
Old Jiang had eight king kongs, and he was the last one, but he was the most prestigious one

author:The Big Bang of History

Chiang Kai-shek had eight great Kongs, namely He Yingqin, Chen Cheng, Gu Zhutong, Liu Zhi, Zhang Zhizhong, Qian Dajun, Jiang Dingwen, and Chen Zhi. Don't look at Chen Succession at the end, but he is the one most respected by the Huangpu students.

Old Jiang had eight king kongs, and he was the last one, but he was the most prestigious one

Chen Ji was a graduate of the Baoding Military Academy, and he was also a graduate of a famous school, with a certain prestige and knowledge. So after the founding of the Whampoa Military Academy, he was appointed as a tactical instructor. In 1937, Zhang Zhizhong, the former chief of education of the Whampoa Military Academy, left office, and Chen Became the successor, a job that lasted for five years, until he left office in 1942, and he became the longest-serving chief of education of the Whampoa Military Academy.

In the position of education chief of the Whampoa Military Academy, Chen Inheritance is very qualified. During his tenure, he has been practicing what he preached, leading by example, demanding himself with the strictest standards, and driving students not to relax their requirements for themselves. In addition, during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the site of the Whampoa Military Academy changed again and again, and each relocation was extremely costly, manpower, and material resources, but Chen Inheritance had been handling it in an orderly manner and did not let the students of Huangpu leave a day's course.

Therefore, Chen Inheritance's prestige among Huangpu students is very high, even if some students have not directly received Chen Inheritance's education, they still have great respect for him, as long as they see Chen Inheritance appear, they will immediately stand up and salute.

Old Jiang had eight king kongs, and he was the last one, but he was the most prestigious one

Therefore, although Chen Inheritance himself did not go to the anti-Japanese battlefield, every Huangpu student who stood on the battlefield had the painstaking efforts injected by Chen Inheritance, which was the greatest contribution made by Chen Inheritance to the great cause of japan.

After the outbreak of the Liberation War, Chen Was appointed by Chiang Kai-shek as the first deputy commander of the "North China Bandit General Headquarters", as Fu Zuoyi's right and left hand, in fact, Chiang Kai-shek sent to monitor Fu Zuoyi. Fu Zuoyi was very dissatisfied with this, but he would not openly oppose Chiang Kai-shek, so he found various reasons to drive Chen away, and later there was a story of Fu Zuoyi's uprising and the peaceful liberation of Peiping.

After Chiang Kai-shek's defeat on the mainland, Chen went to Hong Kong to live in seclusion, but Chiang Kai-shek did not forget him and invited him to Taiwan again. In Taiwan, the prestige of Chen Inheritance is still very high, and at the birthday party of Chen Inheritance on June 11, 1971, when he turned 79, many people came to wish for the birthday.

Old Jiang had eight king kongs, and he was the last one, but he was the most prestigious one

Chen Ji was very touched, and in front of everyone, he said the following unashamed and heartfelt words: "I have nine of my seventy years this year, and I have been innocent in my life and worthy of the country." Mrs. Xianshu, sharing weal and woe, the youngest son has a specialty in learning, has been accomplished, although the grandson is one, the granddaughter and the two granddaughters are at an early age, which is enough to entertain me in the evening scene, and there is no hatred in this life. ”

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