
Face access solutions at campus entrances and exits

Face access solutions at campus entrances and exits

1. Background overview

1. Status quo analysis

A. Due to its open management model, the school often has nearby residents entering the school for exercise or visiting and sightseeing by outsiders, which is easy to mix with various social lawbreakers or various types of abnormal personnel, which is easy to cause school property losses.

B. Campus entrances and exits, as the first line of defense for campus safety, teachers, students, parents, visitors, couriers, takeaways, and criminals, to enter the campus, in principle, must pass the strict screening and control of the entrance and exit defense line.

C. Statistics in 2019 show that there are a total of 213,800 primary and secondary schools in China, as well as 266,700 kindergartens, and the vast majority of primary and secondary schools and kindergartens are still traditional manual management methods, with obvious security loopholes and imperfect emergency response mechanisms.

2. Demand analysis

a. Security precautions: stranger alarm linkage, active protection; visitor appointment registration, authentication to enter the campus; student and faculty access rights, campus personnel statistics records.

b. Traffic efficiency: live detection, face recognition authentication; extremely fast recognition, adapt to various types of backlight, smooth light and other harsh environments; after face authentication, fast passage.

c. Efficient management: attendance information is pushed to parents and teachers in real time; attendance data is generated into reports and data summaries; leave data and attendance data are exchanged.

Second, the highlights of the program

1, face protection, efficient and safe: through face recognition, automatically identify the identity of teachers and students, to prevent illegal personnel from entering; 0.2 seconds face without sense of passage, no fear of backlight, shunguang and other harsh environments.

2. Face attendance, real-time push: realize face attendance business, solve the problem that teachers forget to punch in; at the same time, it can effectively prevent cheating such as card swiping; students go to the school to leave the school Information WeChat real-time push to parents and teachers.

3. Online visitor registration and improve security efficiency: Through the visitor system, online reservation/invitation is realized, the visitor experience is optimized, and the identity card is integrated to ensure the authenticity of visitor information and strengthen campus security.

Third, the scene should be

This solution is mainly applied to kindergartens, primary and secondary schools and other campus pedestrian entrances and exits, guard booth scenes.

4. Schematic diagram of the scene

Face access solutions at campus entrances and exits

Fifth, expand the map

Face access solutions at campus entrances and exits