
Double non-World War I cross-examination people's congress, the first experience on the shore here math English professional course politics

author:Bing Ge Economics Graduate School

Last Saturday, Zhang Guangcun, the senior of this year's People's Congress on the shore, made a sharing with everyone, full of dry goods, and many students reported that they had gained a lot.

Double non-World War I cross-examination people's congress, the first experience on the shore here math English professional course politics

My undergraduate degree is the University of Jinan (a double non-academic institution), majoring in materials science and engineering (one of the four major sinkhole majors), and the examination of Renmin Economics is completely three spans (cross-school, cross-professional, cross-regional). But I successfully landed in the first battle, and belonged to the high-score landing, with a total score of 413 points, and the number of political and English specials was 69, 70, 134, 140 respectively.

Double Non, Three Spans, World War I People's Congress, Small Professional Comprehensive First, before I did not believe that these keywords can describe a graduate student at the same time, and is a popular economic direction, but it did happen. It wasn't until the university president told me to follow the research a few days ago that I really realized that I had been admitted.

I say this about myself, not to brag about how good I am, but to tell everyone that I can, you can, as long as you find the right way, make efforts, and persevere to the end, the heavens will always give you a corresponding return.

Here's how I prepared for the exam.

My main learning technique is to focus on breakthrough learning, which I think is more suitable for me, allowing me to concentrate on the difficult problems in the preparation process.

But maybe it's not for everyone, and everyone should adopt the appropriate method according to their own situation.

Double non-World War I cross-examination people's congress, the first experience on the shore here math English professional course politics

< h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > mathematics</h1>

Main references: Li Yongle review of the whole book, 1800, 600 questions, Hegong University Beyond Volume Innovation Volume, other simulation questions.

These materials are more conventional information, the information is not much in the fine, each material I do repeatedly, so as to master the problem solving methods of each problem type.

High number I have been following Tang Jiafeng teacher, Tang teacher lecture more emphasis on the basics, clear steps, suggest that students with a bad foundation can follow Teacher Tang, the line generation is definitely followed by Teacher Li Yongle, Teacher Li Yongle is simply a god, the line generation of the god is worthy of the name, his intensive class must listen, I generally listen to 2 times the speed, about 2 times to start doing the problem, and then use my concentrated breakthrough method.

Dedicate three days to only learn the line generation, and understand its overall framework in one go, because I think those places where the line generation is abstract are more suitable for this kind of coherent learning. Taking only one course in a while made me feel like I had a deeper understanding of it.

Probability theory, I listened to teacher Fang Hao, may be relatively niche, there has been no authoritative teacher in the field of probability theory, Wang Shi'an, Yu Bingsen, Cao Xianbing.... Students can choose their own suitable teacher. Teacher Fang Hao's lectures are very skillful.

I schedule the math review time from 9:00 to 12:00, which coincides with the exam time. Since October, I have been pinching the table every morning to do real or simulated questions, completely in the mode of the examination room, and the answer paper is also the same as the formal exam, all of which is used for mathematics and correction in the morning. I highly recommend that you use this realistic simulation, which allows you to better find your own answer rhythm.

During the preparation period, I did about 70 sets of mock papers, and I can say that as soon as I went to the exam room, I knew all the types of questions. It can be said that my score of 134 in mathematics is closely related to these 70 simulation papers.

I am the first to do the real questions, and then do the simulation questions, the real questions can only be done in recent years, too long the real questions do not need to be done, the significance is not great, but to leave a few sets of the latest real questions for simulation. Simulation questions, the simulation questions I use of the University of Technology, the innovation volume and the beyond volume, the beyond the volume must be done, the innovation volume does not have to be done in full.

This year's number three objectively speaking, the comparative basis of the examination, but the high score is not much compared to previous years, especially the line generation part, the topic is very novel, but the examination is still the foundation, there is no super-program thing. Everyone must pay attention to the basics, do not blindly brush up on difficult problems and highly skilled questions, the cost performance is not high. According to the law of occasional difficulties and oddities in previous years, 21 number three should not be too difficult, so it must be solid. The difficult problems cannot be separated, and the simple problems are the basic questions that we have to grasp.

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > English</h1>

I scored 70 points in English, which is a relatively ordinary score.

Main references: Red Book, Yellow Book, IELTS Essay Sample 100

From September to December, spend 2-3 hours a day reviewing English, 7:30-8:00 in the morning, memorizing English words, and reading comprehension at 20:00-20:30 in the evening.

The most important thing in English is words and reading, words must insist on memorizing, you can use books or APP, now a variety of memorized words of the App (ink, scallops, hundred words chop ...) It is more convenient to use, you can choose one, I used the Red Treasure Book, and I have memorized it many times.

Reading comprehension is mainly to do the real questions, do the real questions again, and then try to translate them yourself to understand the points of the questions. It can be said that it is enough to do the real questions two or three times, and English does not need to do any simulated questions, which is a waste of time.

Other question types, such as Gestalt fill-in-the-blanks, new question types, to November to start reviewing on the line, Gestalt fill-in-the-blank cost performance is relatively low, stay in the later stage until the English level improves, naturally will do, Gestalt generally can not open the gap.

The new question type recommends the course of teacher Li Yuji, and her course is more skillful. But she doesn't lecture now, and she can search the previous video online.

Translation and composition can be reviewed together, the composition is mainly on the Internet search for 100 IELTS sample texts, learned the common sentence patterns, and summarized the composition template. It is recommended to follow the professional teacher, Wang Daochang's composition class is more classic.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > professional course</h1>

Main references: Gao Hongyehong Micro, Mankun Macro, Ping Xinqiao 18 Lecture Afterwords, Palm Cheng Summer Intensive Lecture Notes, Bing Ge Economics True Questions Collection, Fan Lian.

As an interprofessional candidate, the professional course is the course I pay the most, from Mr. Gao Lao's book to Pingxin Qiao's micro eighteen lectures, it is all difficult, it can crush me at any time. I really appreciate Bingge.

The focus of the 834 inspection of the National People's Congress is increasingly biased towards the middle and high macro micro, and Man Kun's economic principles are very rare, purely from the perspective of test taking, I think it is possible not to read this book. Just looking at mr. Gao's macro and micro can no longer make you cope with the 834 exam questions.

You need to see some intermediate tutorials, such as Man Kun's Macro, PingXin Qiao Micro Eighteen Lectures, etc. And be sure to do more real questions from other colleges and universities, I use the real question set written by Bingge, which includes almost 99% of the test points.

Here's my main review plan

From March to June, it is mainly to lay the foundation, watch Gao Hongye macro and micro and do after-class exercises.

From July to August, the second round of macro and micro review and summary, the main review textbooks are FanRian microeconomics and Man Kun's "Macroeconomics" and Pingxin Qiao XVIII lectures, and the supporting textbooks are the lecture notes and exercise sets of Bingge Intensive Order.

In the summer, follow Bingge's intensive level course, go to class on time, review the knowledge learned that day, and brush up on the questions to consolidate knowledge points.

September-December 14:00-18:00 >19:00-20:00 Repeatedly brush the enhanced order lecture notes and the calendar year real questions compiled by Bingge himself

In October, we began to memorize the memorization materials compiled by Bingge (noun explanations, short answer questions, hot topics, etc.)

In December, Bingge sprinted to bet 3 sets of volumes must be done

It can be said that the professional course followed Bingge is a very correct choice for me, thanks to Bingge, the professional course only got a high score of 140 points, for me a zero-based inter-professional candidate, this score really makes me happy.

< h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > politics</h1>

I spent the least amount of time on politics, so the score was also average, 69.

Politics is really a subject that takes less time and is less expensive.

Main reference materials: Concise lectures, 1000 questions, Xiao Si Xiao Eight, Xiao Bai Bet Question Bank

From September to October, look at the condensed lecture and concise supporting 1000 questions, politics is mainly brushing questions, you can see Xu Tao's intensive course in the Ma Zhe section, and other parts can brush the questions themselves.

In November, re-brush 1000 questions, memorize the key points that are easy to make mistakes, prepare a wrong question book, write down the easy points and difficult points, and take it out to see more in December.

In December, the multiple choice knowledge points continue to be memorized, memorizing the small white bet question bank, and doing the major bets, Xiao 8 Xiao 4 multiple choice questions, and Xiao 4 big questions and look at current politics.

I know you are very anxious at this stage, but I tell you that it is normal not to do questions now, and the reason why the graduate school is arranged in December is because you are not ready in the early stage. On September 2 last year, after I did math, my mentality also collapsed, and I sent a message saying, "I don't believe I can't pass the exam, ** Even if I didn't review well before, ** I can definitely get in." Give yourself encouragement.

Double non-World War I cross-examination people's congress, the first experience on the shore here math English professional course politics

Dear students, I believe that if you persist, God will not treat you badly.

Double non-World War I cross-examination people's congress, the first experience on the shore here math English professional course politics