
Preface and Catalogue of Translations of the Classics of Mountains and Seas (Welcome to forward and reprint)

author:Yu Zhenbao

The Classic of Mountains and Seas is a famous work in China and has always been considered difficult to read. There are three difficulties: First, the pronunciation of strange characters and polysyllabic characters, the currently published "Shan Hai Jing" reading materials have the most errors in this regard, either zhuyin errors, or do not note polysyllabic characters, and even the state authoritative dictionary "Hanyu Da Dictionary" has obvious zhuyin errors in some words in the "Shan Hai Jing". The author of this book is a philologist, who has studied Chinese characters, especially polysyllabic characters, for more than twenty years, and it took four years to make this "Commentary on the Translation of the Classic of Mountains and Seas", and the strange characters and polysyllabic characters in them are carefully annotated, and the annotations are based on evidence, so that primary school students can read through the "Classic of Mountains and Seas" without turning the dictionary. 2. Notes. The annotations of many publications are contrary to common sense, making people feel that the Classic of Mountains and Seas is very mysterious. The annotations in this book are common sense and lead to many of the most mysterious problems. 3. Translations. At present, most of the books that have been published are published at their own expense or by publishing funds, so the authors refuse to work hard, and the translations are either wrong, jerky, or monotonous. For example, in many places in the Classic of Mountains and Seas, "there is no water in a certain mountain", all the translations I have seen are translated as "no water", and I do not know that "no water" here means "no river originates from this mountain". The Classic of Mountains and Seas records a bird such as an owl "human face", which many translators directly translate as "human face", making the reader feel that this is an ancient monster. In fact, the "human face" here is to say "slightly like a human face", and birds such as owls are like this, which is the minimum common sense. The author of this book strives to make the translation accurate, vivid, and interesting, and to add relevant stories, arguments, or ridicule to the translations of some chapters, so that the reader can increase their knowledge without feeling boring.

Translation of the Shan Hai Sutra

Yu Zhenbao translation note

About the Author

Yu Zhenbao, scholar and philologist. Character Circle Text, Mr. Net Name. Born on March 7, 1965 in Xindian Town, Yucheng County, Shandong Province, after graduating from junior high school in 1979, he was admitted to the secondary school class of the PLA Institute of Surveying and Mapping, and after graduating in 1981, he successively served as a technician, assistant engineer and engineer of a certain department of the Plaster General Staff. He is the author of "Rapid Recognition of Polysyllabic Characters", "Rapid Recognition of Shape-like Characters", "Strange Dreams", "Translation of the Classic of Mountains and Seas" and so on.


  The "Classic of Mountains and Seas" is very famous, because Mr. Lu Xun's "A Chang and the Classic of Mountains and Seas" has long been selected into the textbook of "Language" in junior high schools, and China has long implemented a nine-year compulsory education, and now people under the age of thirty, as long as they are not mentally handicapped, should have enjoyed compulsory education, so they will all know the "Classic of Mountains and Seas".

Who wrote the Classic of Mountains and Seas?

The name of the Classic of Mountains and Seas was first mentioned in the Records of History.

"History of Dawan (Yuān) Column Biography": "And the Han Dynasty made the source of the poor river, the source of the river came from the tián (窴), its mountains and jade, the ancient books of the Tianzi case, the mountains from the famous rivers [shangshan xialun] clouds ... Tai Shi Gong Yue: "Yu Ben Ji" says that 'the river is out of the kun [up the mountain and down the lun]. Kun [Up the Mountain down the Lun] its height of more than 2,500 miles, the sun and the moon are hidden into the light. There are Li (lǐ) springs and Yao Ponds on it. 'Now since Zhang Qian (qiān) made Bactria also, poor river source, evil (wū) to see the so-called Kun [Shangshan Xialun] in this era? Therefore, the mountains and rivers of Kyushu are close to the Book of Shang. As for all the monsters in the Yu Benji and the Classic of Mountains and Seas, Yu did not dare to say anything. ”

  Shang Shu Yu Gong: "Guiding the river to accumulate stones, as for the Dragon Gate." ”

The Classic of Mountains and Seas refers to the "River Out of Kunlun", Kunlun actually refers to the Qilian Mountains between present-day Gansu and Qinghai provinces, and the "History of History" and the Book of Han are Qilian Mountains, and the ancient sounds of Qilian and Kunlun are similar. Jishi Mountain is south of Qilian Mountain.

Looking at the "Records of History", Sima Qian was often sarcastic about the actions of Emperor Wu of Han. The so-called "all the monsters in the Yu Benji and the Shan Hai Jing, Yu dare not say it" is actually a satire that Emperor Wu of han did not understand the Yu Ben Ji and the Shan Hai Jing and named the mountain south of the Hotan River "Kun [Shang Shan Xia Lun]", not as a professor said, "The Shan Hai Jing is obscure and difficult to understand, and even Sima Qian can't understand it." ”

Qing Liang Yusheng's "History of History" volume 35 clouds: "The Classic of Mountains and Seas", Liu Xiu's "Shangshan Hai Jing", "Wu Yue Chunqiu Wuyu Wai Biography", "On Heng Beitong", "Lu Shi And Afterword" and "Yi Zuozhi", "Sui Zhi" and "Yan Family Training and Secretary" Yunyu and Yi Suoji, Li Daoyuan's "Notes on the Water Classics" and "Notes on Muddy Water" and Yunyu wrote by Yunyu. The Stone Miscellaneous Passages say that "Xia Yu laid the soil and wrote the Mountain Classics."" Song Youyuan thought that the restoration was not classic, and it was designated as the book of the pre-Qin. Zhu Zi thought that he was going to solve the "Chu Ci Tianwen" and wrote it. (See Tongkao) Wu (yú) Qiu Yan's "Record of Idle Residence" says that all the word 'political' is avoided, written by Fang Shishi of The Qin Dynasty. Yang Shen's "Sheng'an Ji Shan Hai Jing Hou Prologue" thought that it was from the Taishi Jinggu and Kong Jia and the like. Doubtful and uncertain, the text is redundant (rǒng) complex, it seems that it is not a one-handed act at one time. The Overseas Southern Classics have (Zhou) King Wen. The Overseas Western Classics have a husband country, and (Guo Pu) notes that Yin (yīn) Tai Peng (wù) made Wang Mengcai start here. The Great Wilderness East Classic has Yin (yīn) Wang Hai. The Great Desolation of the Western Classics speaks of tang and tang. Not only the place name has the latter in (禹). ”

Liang Yusheng's point of view seems to be only half right. The Haijing section has place names and personal names from different eras, and it is true that it was not written by one person at a time. Some of the style of the "Mountain Classic" is relatively unified, unified like a stylized official document, which makes people feel very boring to read, and there are no names of people from different eras, which should be jointly investigated and recorded by a group of people of the same era, and finally compiled by one or more people.

Among the excavated oracle bones of the Yin Wuding period, there are two pieces of oracle bones that are almost the same as the words in the four sections of the Classic of Mountains and Seas 14.22, 14.34, 15.13, and 16.4, and these texts are not found in other texts and cannot be copied or fabricated by later generations, which is enough to prove that the Classic of Mountains and Seas is not a "book of pre-Qin", let alone "written by a Qin dynasty alchemist".

Liu Xiu of the Western Han Dynasty's "Shangshan Hai Jing Table" Yun: "The "Shan Hai Jing" came from the occasion of Tang Yu. In the past, the floods spread across China, and the people lost their ground, and the people were in the hills and nested in the trees. The gǔn (鲧) was neither reactive, and Emperor Yao made Yu succeed him. Yu multiplied for four years, followed the mountains and wood, and fixed the mountains and rivers. Gai and Bo Yi (Bo Yi) mainly drive animals and animals, life mountains and rivers, grass and trees, do not water and soil. The four Yue Zuozhi, in the four directions, the place where the people were caught, and the place where the boat was rare. The mountains of the five sides of the interior, the sea of the eight directions outside, the treasures and wonders of Jiqi, the birth of the other side, the end of the water, earth, plants, animals, animals, insects, and the phoenix, the hidden place of Zhenxiang, and the four seas, the country of the absolute domain, the special kind of people. Yu bid farewell to Kyushu, and ren made tribute to the soil; and the good and evil of the good and evil of the yi and other kinds of things, wrote the "Classic of Mountains and Seas", all of which are the relics of the sages, and the authors of the ancient texts are also the masters. ”

I think Liu Xiu's judgment may be correct for the Shan Jing, for the following reasons: First, the first of zhongshan is Bo Shan, and the investigation routes of the other mountain systems of the Shan Jing are all centered on Bo Shan, from near and far, radiating in all directions. Boshan was in the territory of present-day Yongji, Shanxi Province, and the area around southern Jin and western Henan was the center of the Xia Dynasty. This shows that all the inspectors of the Classic of Mountains set out from a certain place in southern Jin and western Henan (possibly the capital of Xia), and from Xia to Zhou, the only people who could do this were people in the Dayu era.

2. The Zhongshan Classic has a total of twelve mountain systems, ten of which are within the scope of the Xia people's activities, starting from the Zhongtiao Mountains in the south of Jin, reaching the junction of Yu'e and Hubei in the south, reaching the junction of Yu and Shaanxi in the west, and reaching the west of Zhengzhou City in the east. Zhongji Jiushan suddenly reached the Minshan area in northwest Sichuan, and according to literature, Dayu's birthplace was in Wenchuan County in the Minshan region. Chronicle of the Six Kingdoms: "Yu Xing was in the Western Qiang. "Southern Dynasty Song Pei Jie Ji Xie: "Emperor Fu Mi (mì) said: 'Mencius called Yu Sheng Shi Niu, and Xi Yi ren also. Zhuàn (zhuàn) said: "Yu was born from the Western Qiang" is also '" Tang Zhang Shoujie Justice: "Yu was born in Wenchuan County, Maozhou, the state of Ben (nán) [Ma 尨] (máng), all Western Qiang. "The Twelve Mountains of the Middle Times crossed Hubei Province, from Dongting Lake in Hunan Province in the west to Yang Lake in Jiangxi Province in the east, which was the area where the Miao clan was active during the Shunyu era, but had been included in the sphere of influence of the Central Plains Dynasty by Dayu. "Bamboo Book Chronicle": "(Emperor Shun) Thirty-five years, the emperor ordered the Xia Hou clan to have Miao, and there was a Miao clan to come to the dynasty. "Warring States Strategy, Wei Ce I": "In the past, the residence of the three seedlings, the wave of the left Peng Li (lǐ), the right has the water of the Dongting... For the sake of bad government, Yu exiled him. "History of the Five Emperors": "(Shun) practiced the throne for thirty-nine years, patrolled the south, and collapsed in the wilderness of Cangwu." Buried in Jiangnan Jiu doubt, is for the LingLing. It can be seen that the "middle" of Zhongshan is not the "middle" of geography, but refers to the current residence, ancestral residence and colony of the Xia people. Third, there is no documentary record, and there is no legend that the Shang and Zhou dynasties once conducted a large-scale mountain and river expedition. Fourth, the "Mountain Classic" has a total of 1503 different Chinese characters, in the Dayu era, Chinese characters have been so developed? It's entirely possible. Legend has it that the Yellow Emperor's historian Cangjie (jié) created Chinese characters, and philologists believe that Cangjie may have been the arranger of Chinese characters. Chinese characters need to be sorted out, indicating that there are enough Chinese characters. Sima Qian wrote the "Records of History", the beginning of which is "Five Emperors Benji", followed by "Xia Benji" and "Yin Benji", and the oracle bones excavated in yin ruins in modern times prove that the record of "Yin Benji" is correct. The voice changes anytime and anywhere, Sima Qian has been more than a thousand years away from the Shang Dynasty, if only by oral legend and no written records, how can Sima Qian accurately record so many Shang Dynasty personal names? This shows that Sima Qian must have a foundation. On May 1, 1986, Guangming Daily reported: "Archaeologists in Shaanxi Province recently excavated a batch of oracle bones inscribed by primitive ancestors at a primitive social site in the western suburbs of Xi'an... The batch of oracle bones excavated in the western suburbs of Xi'an were carved on a bone fence, a beast tooth and several pieces of animal bones, and more than ten single characters have been cleared... Relevant experts believe that the oracle bones unearthed here are more than 1,200 years earlier than the oracle bones found in the past, which are considered to be the earliest oracle bones, the oracle bones excavated from the Yin Ruins in Anyang, Henan. "Wen is the mother of words, and the word is the son of Wen." As long as there is a text, many words will soon be born. Mr. Ji Fahan said in the first section of chapter 3 of the Compendium of Ancient Chinese Culture (Qilu Book Society, May 2013, 1st Edition): "Recently, scholars have discovered and more unanimously affirmed the 'Qi' inscription on the altar of the Xia Dynasty in Kongwangshan, Lianyungang, Jiangsu Province, proving that the Xia Dynasty has begun to use writing. In other words, in the Xia Dynasty, the 'beginning of the reign', or the middle and late Neolithic period of archaeology, Chinese characters have begun to be produced. ”

Mr. Mao Dun said in the second chapter of the ABC of Chinese Mythology: "I thought that the Five Tibetan (zàng) Mountain Classics was probably the book of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty. The reason is that the records of the "Five Tibetan Mountains Classic" are centered on Luoyang, and its Yanjing and Weizhushui basins are the mountains in the east of Yongzhou, and the mountains in the south of Fenshui, that is, the mountains in the south of Jizhou, which are more detailed, the mountains near Luoyang are the most detailed, the southeast, the south, the southeast, and the north are the most slight. It is also said that the Five Peaks Sacrifice is not particularly grand, but the sacrifice of Song Mountain is too strong. All of this helps us to assume that the Five Tibetan Mountain Sutras are a product of Luoyang, the capital of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty. "I think this conclusion of Mr. Mao Dun is quite debatable. First, during the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, the royal family was in decline, and it was afraid that it was unable to do large-scale mountain and river expeditions. "Spring and Autumn And The Third Year of the Hidden Duke": "In March, Gengji, the Heavenly King (King of ZhouPing) collapsed... In the autumn, the Wu clan came to ask for bribes. "The Eighth Year of Wen Gong": "Autumn, August, PengShen, The Heavenly King (King Xiang of Zhou) collapsed." "The Ninth Year of Wen Gong": "In the spring, Mao Bo came to ask for gold." "Asking for money and asking for money is asking for funeral expenses. "The Fifteenth Year of the Duke of Huan": "In the spring, in February, the Heavenly King (King Huan of Zhou) sent his father (Fǔ) to ask for a car. The Book of Han and the Preface to the Princes of The Princes says: "After You and Ping, the Days and Mountains were divided into two weeks between the qū river and the Luo River, and there was a platform for escaping responsibility (zhài), and the words of [pī] were stolen by (pī). "Fleeing the debt platform, Yan Shigu notes to persuade Qian Yue: "The king of Zhou Zhao (Nǎn) is responsible for (zhài), and there is no way to return, and the lord is forced to blame (zhài) urgently, but fled from this platform, and posterity is named after him." "Second, during the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, the literature was rich, and if there was a large-scale mountain and river expedition, it was impossible not to have written records. Even without written records, it is impossible not to have oral legends. 3. The Five Tibetan Mountain Sutras speak of the ritual of sacrificing mountain gods, nor is it "only the sacrifice of Mount Song with too fast." The sacrifices of eleven mountains, such as Mount Hua (huà), Mount Li'er, Shoushan, Bitter Mountain, Shào Room, TaiMuro (Song Mountain), Bear Mountain, [Horse Ghost] (ɡuī), Heshan Mountain, Dongting Mountain, and Rongyu Mountain, are all used in Taigao.

What kind of book is the Classic of Mountains and Seas? Predecessors have various theories, mainly geographical books, mythological books, witch books, encyclopedias and totem books, etc., which can be described as a pipe peeping leopard, each of which can be seen. I think that the Shan Jing should be a hydrological geographical investigation report and a resource survey report. Shu Shundian (書·舜典): "Bo Yu is a Sikong." "Bamboo Book Chronicle": "(Emperor Shun) seventy-five years, Sikong Yuzhi River." "Sikong's main responsibility is to be responsible for the construction of water conservancy projects, so it is necessary to conduct a hydrological survey. The "Classic of Mountains" has a detailed record of mountains, animal and plant resources and mineral resources, which has a strong practicality for the development and utilization of these resources by the ancients. The "Mountain Classic" can be said to be tireless in its record of the distribution of rivers, because the ancients did not have the ability to transfer water from a distance, and they could not produce and live a little farther away from the river. Some things are of no use to today's people, but they are of great use to the ancients, such as grinding stones, which need to be polished with grinding stones when the ancients processed stone tools, jade, bone tools, bronzes, etc., so the "Mountain Classic" records the places where they are produced and sharpened. The "Mountain Classic" also records many mountains that produce copper and iron. According to archaeological findings, as early as 6,500 years ago, the Jiangzhai people of Lintong, Shaanxi Province, had already used brass ware; iron ware only appeared in China during the Spring and Autumn Period, but as early as 7,800 years ago, the people of Dadiwan, Qin'an, Gansu Province, had used hematite ore as faience paint and household paint. The Classic of Mountains, also known as the Five Zang (zànɡ) Mountain Classic, and the Five Zangs (zànɡ), which is also evidenced by the fact that the Book of Mountains is a resource survey report. The Haijing is not written by one person at one time, the content is mixed, and the upper and lower sections are not coherent, similar to the notes of later generations of literati.

Is the Classic of Mountains and Seas a "work of describing pictures" with pictures first and then texts? Liu Xiu of the Western Han Dynasty wrote the word "Zhuó" in the "Shangshan Hai Jing Table" and the school (jiào) language, and until the Western Jin Dynasty Guo Pu annotated the "Classic of Mountains and Seas", there was "Tuzan". The Overseas Northern Classics says: "Ou (ōu) Silk Field is in the opposite heel east, and a woman kneels on the tree Ou Si." Guo Pu Zhuyun: "Yan Xi (dàn) mulberry and spit silk, gài (gài) beetle (cán) class also." This note is inappropriate, "woman" is a human and not a silkworm; "蓋" is speculative, which proves that there is no picture here. Zhu Xi of the Southern Song Dynasty said: "Yu (yú) tasted and read the various articles of the "Mountains and Seas", and recorded that foreign objects flew away, and the clouds 'eastbound', or the cloud 'east head', were all certain and not easy shapes, and it was suspected that the original was based on the picture, and it was not recorded that there was such a thing here. (See "Obscure Mr. Zhu Wen Gongwen Collection", vol. 71) Probably Zhu Xi realized that ordinary pictures are difficult to discern the direction, so he added: "A volume says that the mountains and rivers are good. For example, the shape of the beast is often recorded in the han family palace, saying that it is south to north, and it can be known that it is a painting book. Later scholars may believe that the haijing section originally had pictures and no text, and the text was added by later generations, and later the so-called ancient map was lost. I think that at the beginning, there was no map in the Classic of Mountains and Seas, and the map that Guo Pu saw was drawn by people after the Han Dynasty. As mentioned above, in the excavated Yin Wuding period oracle bones, there are two pieces of oracle bones with almost the same text on the four verses of the Classic of Mountains and Seas 14.22, 14.34, 15.13, and 16.4, which are not found in other texts. This is also enough to prove that the "picture before the text" argument is unreliable. China's college entrance examination or look at the picture composition, I would like to ask: In the nearly ten million examination papers in the country, will there be two exactly the same? The Overseas Northern Classics Yun: "Xiānɡ, the minister of gong (ɡōnɡ), is a member of the Liu clan, nine songs, to eat on the Nine Mountains." Where the willows arrive, it is Zexi. Yu kills Xiang Liu, whose blood is bloody, can not tree grain species (zhǒnɡ). Yu Yuzhi (禹厥之), the Three Emperors (三仞三沮) (jǔ), is thought to be the platform of the emperors. To the north of Kunlun and to the east of Rouli. The willow bearer, the nine heads of human faces, the snake body and the green body. Do not dare to shoot north, afraid of the platform of common work. The station is to its east. In the square of the taiwan, there is a snake in the corner, tiger color, and the first chong (chònɡ) to the south. Of course, a living snake cannot always "first rush south", but it is not surprising that the sculpture of a snake on the co-working platform "first rushes south". We can still see the stone animals carved on the Shinto shrine of the imperial tomb. Liu Xiu's "Shangshan Hai Jing Table": "When Emperor Xiaowu was emperor, there were people who offered birds. A hundred things that eat (sì) will not be eaten. The Oriental Shuo sees it, says the name of its bird, and says that it should be eaten, such as Shuo Yan. Ask Shuo how he knew it, that is, the "Classic of Mountains and Seas" also came out. During the reign of Emperor Xiaoxuan, he struck the stone in Shangjun and trapped a stone chamber with anti-tying thieves. Shi Chenxiu's father told the counselor (dà) husband that this was also the second-to-be- The edict asks how to know it, and it is also corrected by the Classic of Mountains and Seas. Its text reads: "Yǔ, emperor is the mountain of the loose genus, with his right foot tied and his hands tied back." 'On the freak. If "when it comes to the shape of an animal, it is often a record of the painters painted in the Han family's palace", why did Emperor Wu of Han, Emperor Xuan of Han and Wenwu of the Manchu Dynasty not know the "strange bird" and the "anti-binding thief", but the only Oriental Shuo and Liu Xiang knew?

The Classic of Mountains and Seas makes people feel mysterious and difficult to understand, and there are many reasons, such as its big end, about three. First, the book has decondition and error simplification. Second, the book has been copied incorrectly. The ancients said: "The book is written three times, and the black yan becomes a horse." "Why is the Classic of Mountains and Seas written more than three times? Third, posterity did not understand it, but made a wrong annotation or translation of it. The list goes on and on. Here are just two examples: "1.3.10 ... There are birds, whose shape is like a owl, whose face has four eyes and ears, whose name is called the jaw, and whose song is also self-proclaimed. "The picture of the bird drawn in wu Renchen's "Commentary on the Classics of Mountains and Seas" depicts a monster with a human head and a bird's body, which Bi Yuan of the Qing Dynasty has pointed out in the Preface to the New School of the Classic of Mountains and Seas (Jiào), and the Translations of the Classics of Mountains and Seas that I have seen others have also translated "human face" as "human face" or "human face". In fact, "human face" means that the facial contour of the bird is slightly similar to the human face, and the owls are all like this, so why bother? The animal can call its own name because humans initially used to imitate the animal's song to name it. “2.3.22...... There are birds, which are like black, three heads and six tails and are good at laughing, and the name is "the right side of the crane is changed to a bird" (qí) [Yu Bird] (yú). "The Classic of Mountains and Seas writes in many places that birds and beasts are "good at laughing", and the "Classic of Mountains and Seas" translated by others I have seen translates "laughter" as the laughter of crying and laughing. In fact, "laughter" is "whistling", and the long-pitched chirping of animals is called "whistling". Animals can "laugh" to make people feel surprised, and it is not surprising that they can "whistle".

An old gentleman who claimed to have studied the Classic of Mountains and Seas for decades went so far as to say that Chinese had reached the Americas four thousand years ago, on the grounds that there were armadillos (qiú) and yú in the Classic of Mountains and Seas, and only the Americas had armadillos. Curiously, there are also baboons in the Classic of Mountains and Seas, but he did not conclude from this that Chinese had reached Africa as early as four thousand years ago.

  The Haijing records many special kinds of people, alien things. Guo Pu of the Western Jin Dynasty believed in the Commentary on the Classics of Mountains and Seas that those things were real, and people rarely saw them and were strange, so they thought it was strange. It can be inferred from the fact that most of the records in the Haijing are still lifes rather than animals: those things are all made by ancients, or carved in wood, or carved in stone, or clay sculptures, or earthen buildings, or pictures, and then the ancients described them in words. Like the Sphinx of the Pyramids of Hoover in Egypt and the Bull-headed Horse-Faced Pawn in the ghost city of Fēng, those things are man-made rather than natural. Liu Xiu's "Shangshan Hai Jing Table" Yun: "When Emperor Xiaoxuan was emperor, the stone of pán was trapped in Shangjun, and there were stone chambers, among which there were anti-binding thieves. Shi Chenxiu's father told the counselor (dà) husband that this was also the second-to-be- The edict asks how to know it, and it is also corrected by the Classic of Mountains and Seas. Its text reads: "Yǔ, emperor is the mountain of the loose genus, with his right foot tied and his hands tied back." 'On the freak. Obviously, the "anti-tying thief" is not a living creature. The tombs of Emperor Zhao (zhuān), Emperor Zhao (kù), Di Yao (Di Shun), and King Wen of Zhou recorded in the Haijing all have birds and beasts such as bears, pís, Wen hu, Li Zhu, [qiu bird] (chī) jiu, and sight meat, and obviously these things are also stone carvings, that is, the so-called stone elephants in later generations. If they are living creatures that can walk and fly, they cannot always stay on these imperial tombs in different places and at different times. The Overseas Western Classics yun: "And sealed in the east of Wuxian, its shape is like a 彘 (zhì), with a head before and after it, black." Looking at this text alone, many people will mistakenly think that there is really a two-headed monster such as "merger seal", in fact, "merger seal" is a tribal totem, which is also used to refer to this tribe. Why? Yi Zhou Shu Wang Hui Xie Yun: "Ou Yang is sealed with turtles." Turtle sealers, if you are, have a head before and after. "Ou Yang was a clan of Xi Rong in the Zhou Dynasty of China." Ou Yang is sealed by turtles", and the tribe of Ou Yang uses "turtle seal" as a totem. "And sealed" is "turtle seal". Russia's national emblem has a double-headed eagle, and no one looks at it and thinks it is strange, and no one will think that there is a double-headed eagle after reading it. Man-made is false, speech is false, and all strange things and absurd words are regarded as such.

  Under the influence of Mr. Lu Xun, I became interested in the Classic of Mountains and Seas, and since I earned money at the age of sixteen, I have successively purchased and read more than a dozen versions of the Classic of Mountains and Seas. For nearly two decades, I have been studying Chinese characters, and in recent years I have published "Rapid Recognition of Polysyllabic Characters" and "Rapid Recognition of Shape-like Characters". Because I was interested in the Classic of Mountains and Seas, when I studied Chinese characters, I naturally paid special attention to the characters in the Classic of Mountains and Seas, and felt that the commentaries, zhuyin, and translations of the predecessors were still debatable, so I did not speculate on the shallowness, and it took nearly eight years to make this "Translation of the Classic of Mountains and Seas". The book references and cites many of the research results of the predecessors, which are explained in the notes. If the readers think that there is still some merit in the humble work, it is because I stepped on the shoulders of the former sages to climb to this height. In addition to reading and learning, I have not stepped on the shoulders of others in other aspects to climb up, so I feel that I am not ashamed, and I also have the face to kowtow to the graves of my parents.

  In the quotations of the scriptures and commentaries in the book, all simplified words and traditional characters and variant characters that are not one-to-one relationships are not changed according to the original text, but the frequency of the word "for" is too high, and the two words "for" and "for" are the same, so the word "for" is used. Non-citations in translations and notes are always simplified. Some simplified words are combined into one word by several traditional characters with different phonetic meanings, and if simplified words are used, their phonetic meanings must be explained in more words, and they want to simplify and simplify.

This book is based on the translation of Yuan Ke (Jiào) (Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House, September 1985, 1st edition), some of which are based on Bi Yuanben and Hao Yixing, and according to Yuan Ke's (Jiào) Annotated Edition (Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House, July 1980, 1st Edition), the "Water Classic" part of the Hai Nei Dongjing is supplemented.

When I wrote this book, I received encouragement and support from my teacher, Mr. Tang Enxiang, the old chief Pang Bingpei, the old leader, the political commissar Chen Rongming, and my old friends Zhang Jinchang and Wang Yulin. In May 2011, I posted some chapters of the book on the Tianya Forum, and readers praised and encouraged me. I would like to express my deep gratitude to them.

  The wise man has a thousand worries, and he will have a mistake. I am not a wise man, and I will lose more. If it is inappropriate, please correct it. If there are still one or two desirable people in the book, I am very fortunate that they can be used by the kings to be cattle and horses.

  is the preamble.

                Yucheng Yu Zhenbao

               January 1, 2014

Catalogue of Mountains and Seas

Above the Shan Hai Jing (1st to 5th) The Shan Hai Jing

Shan Hai Jing First Nanshan Jing

The head of the South Mountain.........

Nanji Ershan.........

Nanji Sanshan.........

The second Mountain and Sea Meridian is the West Mountain Classic

The first of the West Mountains.........

Nishiji Ershan.........

Nishiji Sanshan.........

The Four Hills of the West.........

Shan Hai Jing Third North Mountain Jing

The head of the North Mountain.........

North Second Mountain.........

The Three Mountains of the North.........

The Fourth Mountain and Sea Meridian is the Dongshan Classic

The first of the Eastern Mountains.........

Dongji Ershan.........

Higashiji Sanshan.........

The Four Mountains of the East.........

Shan Hai Jing Fifth Zhongshan Jing

The first of Zhongshan.........

Nakaji Ershan.........

Nakaji Sanshan.........

The Middle Four Mountains.........

The Middle Five Mountains.........

The Middle Six Mountains.........

The Middle Seven Mountains.........

Nakaji Eight Mountains.........

The Middle Nine Mountains.........

The Middle Ten Hills.........

The middle eleven hills.........

The Middle Twelve Hills.........

    Under the Shan Hai Jing (6th to 18th) Hai Jing

Shan Hai Jing Sixth Overseas South Longitude............

Shan Hai Jing Seventh Overseas West Classic.........

Shan Hai Jing Eighth Overseas North Longitude............

Mountains and Seas Longitude Ninth Overseas East Longitude............

Shan Hai Jing Tenth Hai Nei Nan Jing ............

Shan Hai Jing Eleventh Inner West Meridian .........

Shanhai Meridian Twelfth Inner North Meridian .........

Mountains and Seas Meridian Thirteenth Inner East Meridian .........

Shan Hai Jing The Fourteenth Great Desolate East Classic.........

Shan Hai Jing Fifteenth Great Wild South Classic.........

Shan Hai Jing Sixteenth Great Wild West Classic............

Shan Hai Jing Seventeenth Great Desolate North Classic.........

Shan Hai Jing 18 Hai Nei Jing............

Appendix 1 List of Words used in the Shan Jing (1503 in total)

Appendix II List of Words used in the Haijing (1075 in total)

Appendix III List of Words used in the Classic of Mountains and Seas (1974 in total)

Appendix IV Diagram of the Classic of Mountains and Seas