
The calligraphy of this "Xiao Kai King" is beautiful and elegant, comparable to the first Xiao Kai "Lingfei Jing"

author:Calligraphy net

The small one who writes in calligraphy is Xiao Kai, and since the dynasties and dynasties, Xiao Kai has been a measure of the level of a calligrapher.

You can imagine that whether it is Wang Xizhi, who is famous for his calligraphy, or Yan Zhenqing, Ouyang Qian, who is famous for his calligraphy, they can write exquisite xiaokai.

Of course, if you want to say that the world's first Xiao Kai, it is necessary to count the "Lingfei Jing" of Zhong Shaojing, the first prime minister of the Tang Dynasty.

The calligraphy of this "Xiao Kai King" is beautiful and elegant, comparable to the first Xiao Kai "Lingfei Jing"

Although the "Lingfei Jing" is a calligraphy, the size, length and jaggedness of the whole text are staggered, dense and natural, so it has the charm and atmosphere of the book, which is valued by the world.

Whether it is the ancient Mi Fu, Zhao Ziang and others or the modern Mr. Qi Gong, their calligraphy has benefited from the "Lingfei Jing", which shows that the "world's first small kai" is worthy of the name.

In the Qing Dynasty, there was a calligraphy wizard Xiao Kai, whether it was penmanship, skill and charm can be comparable to the "Lingfei Jing", then this person is also known as the "Qing Dynasty Xiao Kai King", he is Guo Shangxian.

The calligraphy of this "Xiao Kai King" is beautiful and elegant, comparable to the first Xiao Kai "Lingfei Jing"

Guo Shangxian, a native of Putian, Fujian, was a man of putian in Fujian Province, who was very knowledgeable in his life, whether it was calligraphy, painting or seal carving.

According to historical records, his calligraphy, Calligraphy Ouyang Qing, Xingshu Yan Zhenqing, Chu Suiliang, once let Korea and Japan and other countries at that time spend a lot of money to rush to buy, which shows the depth of his calligraphy skills.

Then, since he is known as the "King of Xiaokai in the Qing Dynasty", his writing is naturally indispensable to classic calligraphy works, such as the Xiaokai "Huangting Inner Scene Classic" that we are going to talk about today.

The calligraphy of this "Xiao Kai King" is beautiful and elegant, comparable to the first Xiao Kai "Lingfei Jing"

The Huangting Neijing Jing is a Taoist health care sutra, divided into the Outer Scene Sutra and the Inner Jing Jing, the whole sutra is seven words rhyme, a total of 239 sentences, divided into 36 chapters.

This was written by Guo Shang in 1824, four years before Qing Daoguang, when Guo Shangxian was 41 years old, and it can be said that this calligraphy work was a meticulous work of his later years.

This work takes Tang Kai as the foundation, integrates some of the writing style, from the brushwork alone, can be comparable to the "Lingfei Jing", the whole piece is meticulous, the style is handsome, the spirit is flying, from the perspective of the knot, the shape is beautiful, the structure is exquisite, it is safe in the flow, and it is strong in elegance.

The calligraphy of this "Xiao Kai King" is beautiful and elegant, comparable to the first Xiao Kai "Lingfei Jing"

Therefore, Guo Shangxian's "Huangting Inner Scene Classic" is comparable to the existence of the world's first Xiaokai "Lingfei Jing".

No wonder the Qing Dynasty poet Gong Xian once commented on Guo Shangxian in the "Shulin Zaojian": "Mr. Lan Shi is known as the Eight Laws of Gong, the famous Jia Daojian, the writing is out of his hand, he is held by people, the pieces are inch-inch, and the salty arch is precious." Calligraphy Juan Xiu Yi Gong, straight into the room of the guest "Brick Pagoda Ming", Xingshu Si Ti Pingyuan (ZhenQing) "On sitting post", after middle age, almost with Dong Si weng Fang driving. ”

The calligraphy of this "Xiao Kai King" is beautiful and elegant, comparable to the first Xiao Kai "Lingfei Jing"

Looking at it in this way, Guo Shangxian's title of "Xiao Kai Wang" is definitely deserved.

Nowadays, we will make a high-definition copy of Guo Shangxian's Xiaokai's "Huangting Inner Scene Classic", try to restore the original appearance, and send it to everyone, hoping that everyone can like it.

The calligraphy of this "Xiao Kai King" is beautiful and elegant, comparable to the first Xiao Kai "Lingfei Jing"

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Guo Shangxian's calligraphy "Huangting Inner Scene Scripture Scroll" Fine Framed Hand Scroll Calligraphy Long Scroll Letter Writing Poster Copy Appreciation ¥54.8 Purchase
