
After the fifth year of seclusion in Nanshan, after the age of thirty, I learned not to be in a hurry anymore

author:Travel with Ziwei Fun

Text | Zhang Erdong

After the fifth year of seclusion in Nanshan, after the age of thirty, I learned not to be in a hurry anymore

Once at ten o'clock Jun introduced a person to you, he spent 4,000 yuan, in the Zhongnan Mountain, in exchange for a small courtyard with 20 years of use rights, and transformed it into his own "paradise". He is the author of "Living by the Mountain", Zhang Erdong.

Five years on, can you imagine his life now? A man, a mountain, a courtyard, chickens, geese, dogs, and the idyllic life you imagine. Go out, look up at the sky, you see, the sun is out. In 2018, the fifth year of "living by the mountain", you will see a different poetic life.

From ten o'clock Jun


There is snow in Chang'an

▲This year's snow, fortunately there is no wind

▲ Fat magpie

After the fifth year of seclusion in Nanshan, after the age of thirty, I learned not to be in a hurry anymore

▲ Snow day branches, the lines are particularly prominent

Before the snow came, I thought that when it snowed, I must go out for a walk.

Because the dimension of life is lengthened because of "difference", if I don't go out for a walk in this snow, then I will be the same as the previous two days, hiding in the bed every day, there is no difference, but if I go out for a walk, then this winter will have other memories that are different from the home, so that the whole winter will be stretched.

Memories are like this, the repetition will overlap, and only the different will be flattened.

So as soon as the snow fell, I asked a few friends to go to the neighborhood and take a walk in the mountains.

When I went down the mountain, I walked very slowly and was very impressed.

Fortunately, I decided to take a trip like this, otherwise this winter would have been wasted. (Fortunately, it's because it's snowing in the mountains, and in addition to being beautiful, it's cold, and it's so cold that people can go out and be very unsteady.) And even though I know very well that if I don't go out for a walk, I will regret it, but when I think about the hardships of walking back and forth, I will still shrink back - the bed is too warm, the inertia is very heavy, and I always drag my heels. )

Many times, the ancients and us are no different, but the times, clothing, environment and other forms are different, so that we look different on the surface, but each ancient person is actually writing about the era of their own life, talking about art without time boundaries.

However, many people can't understand this, thinking that inheriting the temperament of the ancients, we must make the clothing and environment very retro, very superficial, very workable.

"The house was only changed from wooden to concrete, the carriage was replaced by a car, the robe was replaced by trousers, the yamen were replaced by the government, the bazaar was replaced by a commercial street, the inn was replaced by a hotel, the money house was replaced by a bank, the brothel was defeated and disguised as a hair salon, all this was just an external form change;

The gentleman is still teaching, the artist is still selling art, the literati are still chanting poems and paintings, the piano people will still play the piano to the moon, the monks are still ringing the bell, the palace fight is happening every day, but after reincarnation, the clothes have changed, the status has been adjusted, the "people" inside are still those who used to be, and the essence has not changed. History never changes. ”





After the fifth year of seclusion in Nanshan, after the age of thirty, I learned not to be in a hurry anymore


▲ When you look at pictures, you think of words like "fairy tale"

But when you're in it, there are no words.

Well, very complete, back

There are many experiences in life that cannot be shared, unique, and that experience only appears in a very unique context, so not many people know, like a hidden place, it is an accidental occurrence.

For example, one year it snowed, and I went back to the mountain very late, and a person came home from the foot of the mountain and walked for nearly two hours, but those two hours were really like walking through a lifetime.

For example, there are many cases of snow, but there is no wind, the snow has not fallen in the branches for several days, just as soon as I look up, the sky is half clear, and the clouds are slightly blue.


Big Chicken Chicken in the Year of the Rooster

▲ There is snow in February, every year I tell Yongqin (the old lady of the neighbor) that don't sweep the snow, don't sweep the snow, how beautiful it is, you don't have to sweep it when it should melt away. But Yongqin still couldn't help but secretly sweep the snow out of a path.

▲ Every year when it is about to be winter, I say to Yongqin, don't beat persimmons, don't beat persimmons, you don't eat, hang on the trees, strings of red covered with snow, how beautiful.

But every year Yongqin would secretly take a bamboo pole to knock all the persimmons she could reach to the ground, and in her opinion, once the autumn passed, the persimmons hung on the trees, like ripe grain, not harvested.

▲ When building the wall, I told the workers that they didn't have to be too neat, they were stupid and looked good. The workers laughed at me, as if the walls were built as if the old society was going to eat.

When painting the wall, I repeatedly stressed that it is not too even, not too even, and the mottled texture is left. I said, don't be too qi, don't be too qi, the uneven is a little bit of a change. Pick a stick I said, don't be too straight, don't be too straight, straight and dense a little rhythmic.

Until now, when people see the pictures in my yard, they are always asked, why don't you cut off the corn stalks left there?

▲ In the snow, I can hold my hands, stand in the doorway, and listen to the wind blowing the cold of dead leaves, which is probably the most difficult to describe in words.


Peach blossoms

▲ The peach blossoms on the mountain are woolly peaches, beech peaches, which bloom relatively early and the flowers are very broken. The kind of fruit peach that you eat, the peach, the flowering season is later, the flowers are bigger, fatter.

After the fifth year of seclusion in Nanshan, after the age of thirty, I learned not to be in a hurry anymore

▲Apricot blossoms rain

After the fifth year of seclusion in Nanshan, after the age of thirty, I learned not to be in a hurry anymore

▲It is warm and cold at first

After the fifth year of seclusion in Nanshan, after the age of thirty, I learned not to be in a hurry anymore

▲ The petals of the apricot blossoms bloom very carefully

After the fifth year of seclusion in Nanshan, after the age of thirty, I learned not to be in a hurry anymore

Every object has its own breath, and every image has its corresponding word. Why describe the marriage with peach blossom luck, not apricot blossoms? Probably because on the way home, the peach blossoms fell on the head, which were pink and imprinted, and the apricot blossoms and pear blossoms were white.

Peach blossom luck, it sounds like a lipstick mark that falls on the forehead of the eyebrow corner, or Dong Qing's same style.

Behind the flowers and branches is Van Gogh's blue

▲ The spring in Xi'an itself is very short, the flowering period of apricot blossoms is even shorter, and after blooming, a week, a strong wind will fall. But memories are also, the most beautiful bloom in life, are all want to come, a small paragraph. Like movies and TV series, the climax is basically only a few minutes. Looking at the flowers like this, seven days, is also a reincarnation.

▲A day is a year

▲Very transparent day

▲In the afternoon, the sun shines on the wheat seedlings, and the wheat seedlings will turn into glow sticks

▲ This old lady is very capable, it is said that the old family is in the city, the era of starvation, the city can not eat enough, so she married into the mountains to give people a daughter-in-law, the mountains at least have food to eat.

Fortune is fickle.

▲Rain over sunny days

The spring in Xi'an is very short, but the most beautiful bloom in life is to come, a short period. Flowers bloom for seven days, and one day is a year.


Goose Goose Goose

Why are the three of them always one piece?






"Goose Goose Goose"

"Goose Goose Goose Goose" has become the title of my new book, and the editor said, you can use such a casual title.

After the fifth year of seclusion in Nanshan, after the age of thirty, I learned not to be in a hurry anymore

▲It feels like the fruit of an apricot grows with the leaves, and as soon as the flowers fall, they begin to bear fruit. Already the size of a walnut.

After the fifth year of seclusion in Nanshan, after the age of thirty, I learned not to be in a hurry anymore

▲ It is too soft, soft enough to make a delicate hissing sound

▲ April, a good season, just my parents brought my little niece to live in, very lively.

▲ The ground dug by my father is very professional. Flat and tidy, not a single small pebble. I remembered what I dug last year, like i had stumbled into a litter of wild boar. My mother covered each green pepper seedling with a page, shaded it, and pressed it well. Comes with Pop.

▲ Sure enough, the survival rate is very high.

There are many, many, many dishes planted this year, and I will count them.

I planted cucumbers, eggplant, bitter melon, beans, green peppers, corn, leeks, shallots, coriander, amaranth, wattle, pumpkin, lotus white, okra, tomatoes, eyebrow beans, loofah, garlic seedlings, fennel, herbs, Cabbage, strawberries, perilla, raspberries, peas, sunflowers, watermelon, oil wheat vegetables.


Ride the clouds and ride the fog

After the fifth year of seclusion in Nanshan, after the age of thirty, I learned not to be in a hurry anymore

▲Summer follows very tightly

In early May, I have begun to call

Too fast

▲ Found a few small wildflowers, swaying with the wind of light and shadow mottled, very much campus folk atmosphere. But I checked it out, this can not be eaten indiscriminately, it is very dangerous to eat by mistake. Especially otaku.









After the fifth year of seclusion in Nanshan, after the age of thirty, I learned not to be in a hurry anymore

▲It is really dangerous

After the fifth year of seclusion in Nanshan, after the age of thirty, I learned not to be in a hurry anymore
After the fifth year of seclusion in Nanshan, after the age of thirty, I learned not to be in a hurry anymore

▲ Stick insects

Stick insects, also known as bamboo whips. But I am more accustomed to calling it a stick bug, and the old driver sees the word whip and always feels very kidney supplemental.

It is said that stick insects can reproduce as a single sex, that is, females want babies, do not have to bother others, can be born on their own. So the world of stick worms is a girls' school with very few boys.

Its legs, like the gecko's tail, can fall off on its own and regenerate, so when in danger, the stick worm will throw its legs to the enemy and jump to escape.

This dick, two people fighting, one of them suddenly unloaded his arm and threw it in your face, absolutely overwhelmed you, and then before you could slow down, the other person was gone.

After the fifth year of seclusion in Nanshan, after the age of thirty, I learned not to be in a hurry anymore

▲ Maybe the legs of the bamboo worm are too long, and walking up is like walking a tightrope in the sky, trembling and majestic.

After the fifth year of seclusion in Nanshan, after the age of thirty, I learned not to be in a hurry anymore

▲ This insect, like a creature on the seabed. I think I've seen it in which cartoon. That's right, Hayao Miyazaki.

After the fifth year of seclusion in Nanshan, after the age of thirty, I learned not to be in a hurry anymore

▲Zhongnan Mountain is like a woodcutter

▲ Whose imagination is so bad?

▲ There is a flower in Jiang Wei's yard, which blooms very boldly, probably near it, just like naked sun.

▲ Open in a place where there is no similarity, and it is as cool as naked


Flowers and flowers

The word "flowers and grasses" is very powerful, generally only two contexts of these four words will appear at the same time, one is with an incomprehensible lightness, such as: "You see that person, all day long do not do the right thing, every day fiddling with some flowers and plants."

One is a bit of idealized intoxication, such as: "I don't like to stay in the city, I love to go into the mountains to play and live with those flowers and plants." "Both contexts, very special, writing sub-characters hanging in the house, there is a Zen atmosphere.

▲ Wild roses

After the fifth year of seclusion in Nanshan, after the age of thirty, I learned not to be in a hurry anymore

▲ Monthly season

Obviously, pink and flowers must symbolize women.

Otherwise you get a black hello Kt


▲ Evening primrose

Just listen to the name, it's not for the sun.

▲ June wheat harvest

After the fifth year of seclusion in Nanshan, after the age of thirty, I learned not to be in a hurry anymore

▲Apricot ripe

▲ In June, the vegetables planted are well knotted

After the fifth year of seclusion in Nanshan, after the age of thirty, I learned not to be in a hurry anymore

▲Steamed eggplant, to pour dipping sauce (green pepper + herbs + garlic + salt mashed, sesame oil, cold boiled water and stir well)

▲ Steamed bun with honey, more sweet.

Handmade noodles are also delicious, but making pasta is a manual task. There is a lack of a machine that presses live noodles into cakes.

No, there is no machine that makes flour alive and then presses it into a pie. There is no machine that processes flour into noodles and then presses the noodles into cakes and cuts them into noodles. Then there is a stir-fryer, a stripe machine, a bowl maker and a dishwasher.


There are worms and snakes

I have always wanted to raise a donkey, last year I asked someone to ask, probably not the opportunity, has not met the nearest donkey seller. But later, fortunately, I did not encounter it, otherwise this yard chicken goose dog cat, plus a donkey, you can set up a "Qinling Zoo: Poultry Area" sign.

▲ Last year, there was a new cat, originally there was no name, one day my little niece said: Daddy, I gave this cat a name, called "Qingqing". I said, well, I'll call it Qingqing later. Qingqing belongs to a relatively clean and docile male cat, likes to rub on my legs, if there is a line, it can wrap me several times a day, very clingy.

Anyone who has read my book knows that I did not raise the first cat well, raised a thief, and was disappointed in the cat, and the cat was also disappointed in me. After cutting off contact with each other, for a while, several times someone wanted to give me a kitten, and I didn't ask for it. So the final decision to have another cat, it can be said, was completely forced by rats.

▲ Emerald green

I saw a few scarab beetles, very bright, like a work of art.

▲ There was another drought

Plants and me, both hard.

▲ No wonder, long drought and Ganlin, to use "good" to describe.

Most of the time when we say that a plant is living, it is just a concept, a knowledge. Like many words that we are familiar with, before we have a personal relationship with those words, they are only a concept, and only when this word happens to us can we appreciate its texture.

For example, "shu chang", the flowers in the pot, almost drought death, the soil has cracked, this time you take the shower, fill it with water, water it thoroughly, the water overflows, that feeling is very "cheerful", such as long hunger, summer eating ice.

The same is true of the life force of the plant, only when you see those green lines, the colored flowers, because the sun, rain and wind change their different faces, do you realize that the plant is "alive", will live or die, will wither and move, "there is life".

After the fifth year of seclusion in Nanshan, after the age of thirty, I learned not to be in a hurry anymore

Too homely, forcing yourself to exercise every day, push-ups can do half a time, sit-ups for two days, and insist on it for a long time. It feels like the muscles are hardening.

After the fifth year of seclusion in Nanshan, after the age of thirty, I learned not to be in a hurry anymore

▲ July is very hot, there are many worms and snakes

Snakes are very afraid of heat, always like to stay in the bamboo forest or room beams these shady places, every year I house beams, will climb in a few, tile house is not good. But fortunately, I am not afraid of snakes, nor am I afraid of ghosts.

Even to some extent, I actually expect ghosts, really, because all of our real loneliness and nothingness are basically because of confirmation that there is no other space.

If I could meet a ghost in a state of extreme sobriety and confirm the existence of a ghost, what a great experience, great, there are ghosts! The instructions directly verify the existence of another space.

There are ghosts and gods, then how wonderful this world should be, what reincarnation, reincarnation, flying immortals, crossing, superpowers, have become within reach of the possibility, and all the unhappiness of reality, but also have sustenance, what is there to regret in those years, what is there to be afraid of death, ghosts dare to scare me to death, I become a ghost and kill him.

So darkness, nothing to be afraid of.

As for loneliness, I have only one kind of loneliness, and that is loneliness without gods and ghosts. There are no ancients before, no ones after them, the chaos of life, and the emptiness of death.


Chickens out of the shell

After the fifth year of seclusion in Nanshan, after the age of thirty, I learned not to be in a hurry anymore



▲ In August, I didn't pay attention to the egg harvesting, and after a few days of not seeing, the hen actually hatched two chicks.

After the fifth year of seclusion in Nanshan, after the age of thirty, I learned not to be in a hurry anymore

▲Autumn in August

▲ I think that Schizandra is very delicious

▲ The golden cicada is out of the shell, this ability is indeed quite a dick

After the fifth year of seclusion in Nanshan, after the age of thirty, I learned not to be in a hurry anymore

▲ Hypericum is a demon

▲In addition to the gods and immortals who live in the mountains, there are many monsters. For example, this person who lives in the mountain thinks that the house is too shady, peels dozens of large tree bark, and the landlord knows and drives this person away.

(However, how to judge the immortals, demons, demons, and monsters is a matter of aesthetic power, because those are all secret realities.) Ninety percent of personal problems are determined by the pattern, and eighty percent of social problems are caused by aesthetic power. )

▲ Wild grapes, a little sour

After the fifth year of seclusion in Nanshan, after the age of thirty, I learned not to be in a hurry anymore

▲ The mountain peach is delicious and has the taste of peach

▲ One day when I came here, suddenly the whole person had a kind of transparency of flowering overhead, and the blue in the distance unfolded infinitely, which had never been more transparent and vast. Lasting a minute or so, I suddenly accepted the whole of this beautiful, unbeautiful, good, bad world.

(I remember another time when I felt this way was 14 years ago, when I took a bus to the eastern suburbs to buy water pipes, and suddenly I saw the crux, dead ends, and exits of all the fields of art, such as contemporary art, calligraphy, and traditional painting, and I stood there with a pull ring, red in the face of excitement.) )

Because trees are the smartest creatures.


Girl fruit

The size and beauty of the world is not determined by the boundaries of geography and walking, but by the depth and breadth of cognition.

▲September is translucent, autumn is high and refreshing

After the fifth year of seclusion in Nanshan, after the age of thirty, I learned not to be in a hurry anymore

▲Eight treasure flowers

▲Girl fruit

After the fifth year of seclusion in Nanshan, after the age of thirty, I learned not to be in a hurry anymore

▲ The lines are perfect

▲September millet is almost ripe

▲ The almond tree begins to fall leaves

I found that the fruit trees fell first, probably all the energy, and they were used to bear fruit.

▲There is a lot of rain, and going down the mountain is a test of balance

▲I went back to Zhumadian for a trip

Only to know that Zhumadian has a "North Spring Temple", just in the city, grew up in Zhumadian, so many years, I have not heard of it.

When I was a child, I felt that Zhumadian was a very earthy place, a plain, except that the soil was the countryside. Unlike Xinyang, the landscape and water, in the past two years, have returned to Zhumadian, but they are frequently amazed.

Later, I understood that the size and beauty of the world are not determined by the boundaries of geography and walking, but by the depth and breadth of cognition.

There is a 1,400-year-old ginkgo tree in Guanyin Temple, quite hot, there is a picture taken from the top, very exciting, the northern November low mountain, the overall dark and cold color, but this huge ginkgo tree is in the entire dark cold background, like a fountain, overflowing with gold. Therefore, every year the yellow leaf season attracts many tourists.

But Zhumadian "Beiquan Temple", a small yard, the same tree age of a thousand years of ginkgo biloba, there are five (five old men are not lonely), as if they do not want money, packed in bundles.

▲ Picked up a lot of ginkgo biloba fruit

Therefore, within five steps, there is a herb; between the square inches, see the heavens and the earth.

Therefore, the world is very big, and the road around you can't be finished.


It is better to herd sheep

▲Autumn red

▲The season of wild chrysanthemums

After the fifth year of seclusion in Nanshan, after the age of thirty, I learned not to be in a hurry anymore

The sound of picking flowers is very pleasurable

The index and middle fingers pinch the flower holder

Flick it

...... syllable.

The pencil lead broke

After the fifth year of seclusion in Nanshan, after the age of thirty, I learned not to be in a hurry anymore

▲ Aster

In front of strangers

Don't like to talk, girl

When we use most words, few people really appreciate the texture of that word, such as "chicken flying dog jumping", one day if you can see this scene, you will find that between the panic, it is really awkward.

For example, "Stupid Wooden Chicken"

I once looked at a chicken

There were nearly two minutes

(I'm bored enough)

Then, it didn't move



▲This wild papaya, after it is ripe (yellow), is more suitable for placing in the bedroom as a spice.

Very yummy

Cover your nose

Want to inhale to the end

But can not eat directly, sour and astringent

▲ It is better to herd sheep

Seeing a neighbor herding sheep, suddenly my eyes lit up, thinking that in the past few years, if I had not lived by writing, I might have thought of herding sheep, grabbing a hairy grass, sitting on the ground, surrounded by a flock of sheep in the distance, or carrying a sketch board, walking sheep all over the mountain; it may also be a vegetable farmer, the loofah king.

Won't go to work anyway.

Of course, this is just a very personal choice, and I respect every one of them and think it's a good life. Everyone has a good life imagined by themselves, some people don't like the landscape garden, some people just like three bedrooms and a living room, and the door is a commercial street.

My father hated the countryside very much, thinking that the birds and flowers were not as down-to-earth as the commercial street, and his ideal life was to live in the city, close to the subway entrance.

▲ Potatoes do not look at the phone

Falling asleep is quick


Leaves fall in autumn

For me, "seeking change" is the instinct of a "person", always hoping to become bigger and bigger, more and more clear. Therefore, my world has never been composed of only white clouds, mountains and rivers, grass, trees and starry skies, but traditional classics, modern edges, elegant and exquisite, vulgar and vulgar, I do not refuse.

I pay attention to contemporary art, I also appreciate the girl group, I have seen the literal face, but also look at the extreme challenge; drink coffee, but also eat garlic; the literary nature of Tang poetry and Song ci I can understand, the lower body, the poetic aesthetics of nonsense poetry I also have resonance, I despise the self-righteousness of single-sided cognition, like the richness of that objective presentation, always inspire me.

In November, two drafts were submitted, one was an additional manuscript of the revised version of "Living in the Mountains" and the other was the full manuscript of the new book "Goose goose goose".

Obviously, compared to the first book, the new book "Goose goose goose" is more complete, with life, aesthetics, love, and speculation and understanding of the world.

After the fifth year of seclusion in Nanshan, after the age of thirty, I learned not to be in a hurry anymore

The continuity of a book is determined by its literary value.

Just like an article, if there is only beauty and beauty, flowers and flowers, then this article can only be an article, it can never be literature, literature is literature, just as art is art, all stem from the aesthetics, thinking, and the depth of aesthetics and thinking behind those images or words.

What is art? A perspective.

▲ Jianguo now has a middle-aged greasy and obscene uncle's fat face

▲ The persimmon tree in autumn is too dazzling

After the fifth year of seclusion in Nanshan, after the age of thirty, I learned not to be in a hurry anymore

▲Honey sweet

▲Apricot leaves


▲ November

The plant begins to appear

It's the lines


Wanted to live in the trees

When dreaming, the subconscious mind is like a firefly flying in the chaotic darkness. All my thoughts were quietly led by this little dot of light, single-threaded, passive, and wherever it flew, I would go.

As soon as I woke up, it was like the black box that opened the lid and rattled, like a waterfall of light, a bunch of uncontrollable, noisy and panicked consciousness that overwhelmed the sky and rushed in, so that every time I woke up, I was a little overwhelmed.

Spring is born and summer is long, and autumn harvest is hidden in winter.

▲I want to live in a tree

For a few days in December, there was the illusion that the heroic era of art history was coming.

Just as when all the lights in the city are on, your room, and all the lights in all the rooms, are the same, very ordinary, when all the lights in the city are turned off, your one is still stubbornly lit, and your room in the darkness will be as bright as a lighthouse.

▲ Just like the winter fire, the whole air is cold, at this time, the temperature of the fire is very exciting, touching, this is not to say how different the fire is, but the air creates.

▲This season, it seems that wild vegetables are only mustard greens

▲The fruit is only persimmons

▲ A very accidental spectacle, it should be that the water pipe burst

Inside the mountains, there are six months of winter.

Before every time the winter is particularly cold, I thought, time hurry up, to the beginning of spring; and then spring, fleeting, so in the summer, I know that people can't sleep, mosquitoes and flies can't get rid of it, I thought, summer hurry up, to autumn, so autumn is fleeting, a year is fast forward, to the end.

It wasn't until this winter that I started, and there was no hurry.

Thirty has passed, and I dare not be in a hurry any longer.