
Let the city say goodbye to the phenomenon of "looking at the sea"

author:Overseas network

Source: People's Daily Overseas Edition

Let the city say goodbye to the phenomenon of "looking at the sea"

Recently, strong convective weather in Taihe County, Ji'an City, Jiangxi Province, has occurred frequently, and heavy precipitation has continued to occur, resulting in a rise in the river water level. Taihe County timely issued rainstorm warning signals, opened floodgates and discharged floods, and prevented urban waterlogging to ensure the safety of the flood season. The picture shows that on May 19, the Shihutang Avionics Hub Dam in The Ganjiang River in Jiangxi Province is opening its gates to discharge floodwater. Photo by Deng Heping (People's Vision)

Let the city say goodbye to the phenomenon of "looking at the sea"

Recently, the Hubei Provincial Fire Rescue Corps carried out a comprehensive combat exercise against floods and rescue in Huangzhou District, Huanggang City. During the exercise, boat formations were set up to transfer trapped people in a large area, waterlogging and risk drainage. The picture shows the boat formation transporting the "trapped" masses. Wang Fangzhao (People's Vision)

Let the city say goodbye to the phenomenon of "looking at the sea"

Living in "sea view rooms" and "rowing boats" to go to school - netizens ridiculed urban waterlogging.

The flood season is approaching, and it is a critical period of flood prevention and flood control. Recently, the General Office of the State Council issued the "Implementation Opinions on Strengthening the Control of Urban Waterlogging", proposing to comprehensively promote the work of urban waterlogging control, and strive to significantly improve the drainage and flood prevention capacity of each city by 2025, effectively cope with the rainfall in the urban waterlogging prevention and control standards, drain the accumulated water in time after the rain in the old city stops, greatly improve the flood prevention and drainage capacity in low-lying areas, completely eliminate the waterlogging points that have seriously affected the order of production and life in history, and no longer have the phenomenon of "urban looking at the sea" in the new urban area.

To control urban waterlogging, there is a timetable and a road map.

Do not let waterlogging affect the operation of the city

"When it rains, you have to wade into the water to go to class." Li Yuanyuan, who lives in Zhuhai, Guangdong Province, told reporters that when he was a child, urban waterlogging was a common thing. "I remember when I was in elementary school, it was raining heavily in the summer, and the waterlogging would not pass the calf, so I should pay special attention to the way to school, and I can't go to places with whirlpools, because it may be a deep puddle, in case you fall into it, it will be dangerous."

Li Yuanyuan recalled that urban waterlogging not only brought inconvenience and even danger to schooling, but also affected family life. "At that time, our family lived on the first floor, and when it rained, my mother had to take everything that was placed under the bed to the bed, otherwise it might be flooded. Catching up with the continuous rainstorms, the ground in the home was full of water, and we sat on the bed and felt like we were on a small island, surrounded by the sea, which was a veritable 'sea view room'. ”

Many interviewees said that waterlogging in southern cities is more common, causing great inconvenience to life. "As a Cantonese living in Wuhan, I have too much say in internal waterlogging." Xiao Zhang, who is currently studying at Wuhan University, told reporters that when he was in primary school in his hometown more than a decade ago, when the waterlogging was serious, the teacher would stand at the school gate and carry the children of the lower grades into the teaching building. "After so many years, the city is getting more and more beautiful, but urban waterlogging still happens frequently. I really hope that all localities can govern well and solve problems fundamentally. ”

Why do urban waterlogging occur frequently? Jiang Tong, dean of the School of Geographical Sciences of Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, said in an interview with reporters that the reasons for the phenomenon of "looking at the sea" in cities are manifold. "From a climate and environmental point of view, global warming, frequent extreme events, and increasing heavy rainstorms; the urban heat island effect increases the probability of heavy rainfall, resulting in precipitation concentration; urban vehicle exhaust emissions will also increase dust and particulate matter in the air, which is easy to produce condensation nuclei, which in turn produce precipitation." Jiang Tong said.

"Irrational urban planning is also an important cause of waterlogging." Jiang Tong pointed out that in the construction process of some new urban areas, flood control facilities have not been able to keep up, while the old city pipes are aging, drainage standards are low, drainage system construction is lagging behind, and when there is continuous rainstorm, it is easy to waterlogging. In addition, the city uses a large number of hard paved ground, the infiltration is reduced, and the vegetation in the city is sparse, there are fewer ponds, it is difficult to store rainwater, and it is easy to form water after the catchment.

One city, one policy, to achieve waterlogging can be drained

In the next few years, where will we focus on the prevention and control of urban waterlogging?

The "Opinions" make it clear that it is necessary to make overall planning and overall design, and to adapt to local conditions and "prescribe the right medicine".

Overall planning is to form a complete disaster prevention and reduction system for the coordinated matching of river basins, regions and cities, flood prevention and drainage, emergency management, and material reserve systems.

"Leave white and green" the city. According to reports, the relevant cities will gradually restore and increase the water space, and expand the natural storage space in and around the city. In urban construction and renewal, combined with space and vertical design, priority is given to the use of natural depressions, potholes and ditches, garden green spaces, squares, etc. to achieve the function of rainwater regulation and storage.

Eliminate pipe network "white space". The state will increase the construction of drainage pipe networks, transform the rainwater and sewage pipe networks that are prone to cause waterlogging problems and misconnection, repair damaged and functionally failed drainage and flood prevention facilities, and build new drainage pipe networks to meet the upper limit requirements of national construction standards as much as possible. Renovate ancillary facilities such as rainwater drains, interception wells, and valves to ensure that the elevation connection and overcurrent sections meet the requirements.

Adapting measures to local conditions means not to engage in "one size fits all", but to take one city and one policy. Tang Dengjie, deputy director of the National Development and Reform Commission, said that relevant cities should comprehensively sort out the key construction projects for waterlogging control during the "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan" period according to local natural topographic and geomorphological conditions, hydrometeorological characteristics and other factors, especially in the key locations where serious waterlogging has occurred in recent years and key links leading to waterlogging problems. "Especially in the sections where internal waterlogging occurred last year, it is necessary to implement treatment projects according to local conditions to ensure that waterlogging does not occur again." Tang Dengjie said. The specific requirements are that the old city should combine the renovation and transformation to restore the natural ecosystem, and pay close attention to making up for the shortcomings of drainage and flood prevention facilities; the new urban area should plan from a high starting point and build drainage and flood prevention facilities with high standards.

Reducing urban waterlogging requires both hardware and management. The "Opinions" particularly emphasize that it is necessary to establish and improve the operation and management mode of "joint discharge and joint commissioning" of urban water systems, drainage pipe networks, and surrounding rivers, lakes, seas, and reservoirs. Strengthen the sharing of information on water and rain conditions in rivers across provinces and cities, improve the level of dispatch management, and do a good job of pre-vacating or pre-precipitation of rivers and lakes, reservoirs, drainage pipe networks, and regulation and storage facilities in a scientific and reasonable manner based on meteorological early warning information.

Information technology will also be more used in the treatment of urban waterlogging. Including the establishment and improvement of the urban comprehensive management information platform, the integration of flood control and drainage management related information of various departments; the deployment of necessary intelligent sensing terminal equipment at key nodes of drainage facilities and flood-prone waterlogging points; qualified cities, the urban comprehensive management information platform should be deeply integrated with the urban information model (CIM) basic platform, and fully connected with the land space basic information platform. "The construction of the smart platform can well improve the emergency level and scheduling level of the city in the face of flood conditions." Jiang Tong said.

Waterlogging is controlled, and capital and land are guaranteed

The goal has been set, how to implement it?

The responsible subject is clear. "The city government is the main body responsible for the work of waterlogging control, and it is necessary to strictly implement the main responsibility and grasp the control of waterlogging as an important task to ensure the safe development of the city." The relevant person in charge of the National Development and Reform Commission stressed.

Government investment has increased. According to reports, the investment in the central budget will increase the support for urban waterlogging control, and eligible projects in the field of urban waterlogging control will be included in the scope of government bond support. "Local governments should follow the principle of doing their best and doing what they can, increase investment in urban waterlogging control, explore the establishment of mechanisms such as 'paying according to efficiency', and effectively improve the efficiency of the use of funds." The person in charge said.

Multi-channel funding. In the future, we will explore the whole chain management mechanism for water affairs such as water supply, drainage and water treatment, and attract the participation of social capital. Explore new development models for coordinating flood prevention and drainage and urban construction, and integrate and revitalize land resources and various types of operational resources.

Land use is secure. It is understood that major projects for urban waterlogging control will be included in the list of major national projects, and the guarantee of construction land will be increased. Where the right to use land for construction land is established underground, priority shall be given to ensuring the construction of urban drainage and flood prevention facilities.

The relevant person in charge of the National Development and Reform Commission said that during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, we will accelerate the treatment of urban waterlogging and strive to see obvious results within 5 years. By 2025, localities with the capacity should actively promote the construction of sponge cities. By 2035, the drainage and flood control engineering system of each city will be further improved, and the drainage and flood prevention capacity will be more in line with the requirements of building a sponge city and a resilient city, and the urban waterlogging phenomenon under the rainfall conditions within the prevention and control standards will be eliminated as a whole.

The reporter learned that many cities are already building "sponge cities".

"The characteristics of sponge cities mainly include 6 aspects, namely infiltration, stagnation, storage, net, use, and discharge." Jiang Tong introduced that "infiltration" is to ensure the effect of urban rainwater infiltration; "stagnation" is to slow down the rate of rainwater loss and enhance the ability of urban soil to absorb rainwater; "storage" is to let the city absorb rainwater like a sponge as a supplement to urban water resources; "net" "use" and "drainage" is to properly treat rainwater, so as to carry out the resource utilization and recycling of rainwater, and use facilities such as regulating ponds, regulation ponds, rainwater wetlands, and permeable bricks to control the total amount of runoff and cut peaks, so that the city can truly achieve "drainage during waterlogging". Jiang Tong said, "With the help of the sponge city construction platform, it can boost the development of the economy in the direction of sustainable and stable growth, and can also reshape the public's understanding of urban construction and guide the public to enhance their awareness of ecological environmental protection."

In the next few years, with the gradual advancement of measures to control internal waterlogging, "urban sea viewing" will become a thing of the past. (Reporter Kong Dechen)

People's Daily Overseas Edition ( 2021-05-27 Edition 04)

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