
Why did a good pig die with only three heads left? Shanyang County Animal Husbandry Center: Exclude swine fever

author:Two or three miles of information

In September last year, I bought pigs from other places, everything went smoothly, but unexpectedly, there were pigs dying one after another in July this year, and now there are only 3 left, which makes mr. Shu of Slate Town, Shanyang County, difficult to accept.

Pigs are dying one after another, and farmers are suspected of being infected by sick pigs from other companies

Mr. Shu told reporters that before his pig died, the pigs from another farm in the village had died. He suspected that there was an infected ingredient.

It is understood that another farm in the village in Mr. Shu's mouth is called Shaanxi Fengyang No. 9 Ecological Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Fengyang No. 9 Company), which is the village collective economy and enterprise joint stock investment office, established in May 2021, the registered address is located in the Beigou Temple Village Committee of Slate Town, Shanyang County, mainly engaged in agricultural product production and processing, poultry, livestock breeding and other agricultural production trusteeship projects.

Mr. Shu told reporters that on May 10 this year, Fengyang No. 9 Company transported a batch of pigs back from other places, and not long after, the pigs began to die, and their company transferred the pigs to the local area, and then all died. Then they pulled the pig to the mountain without being treated.

"I don't know exactly why, but when his company pig died, my pig began to die." Mr. Shu said that after the incident, he reported the matter to the village, town, county and other departments, and also called the mayor's hotline, until the evening of July 2, someone did a blood test and autopsy on the dead pig of his family, and then the county animal husbandry center told him that he was swine fever plus mixed infection, and later said that it was heart and lung failure, but each time he said it was different, and he did not provide him with any written results.

Mr. Shu told reporters that he transported pigs back from Hancheng in September last year, and at that time, probably because of the cold weather, there were a few small occurrences of stress and died, which should be a normal death, except for that, it has been very normal, without any problems.

During the conversation, Mr. Shu admitted to reporters that their pigs had not been injected with vaccinations after they returned, but that there were quarantine procedures when they bought them back. At the same time, Mr. Shu told reporters that from the original circle of Fengyang No. 9 Company to the place where the pigs died later, some villagers along the two-kilometer route also had problems with their own pigs. "Now there are not many left in my circle of 265 pigs, and the loss is about 1 million." I don't know who cares about my loss? ”

Why did a good pig die with only three heads left? Shanyang County Animal Husbandry Center: Exclude swine fever

The carcasses of sick and dead animals are discarded at will, and the villagers are worried about affecting the environment

During the interview, a villager surnamed Yang also reflected his concerns to reporters. He told reporters that he heard that the large-scale occurrence of pig deaths was swine fever, but in the process, Fengyang No. 9 Company, as the first responsible person, did not have a sense of social responsibility, did not report to the competent department at the first time, did not take any remedial measures, and also transferred the pigs infected with swine fever to continue to be free-range, which directly led to the death of hundreds of pigs nearby, resulting in the further expansion of things that could have been controlled.

"It is heinous that they also discarded the carcasses of sick and dead animals without any pollution-free disposal, and the downstream of the discarded area is the drinking water source of several villager groups." Mr. Yang said angrily that this may bring hidden dangers to the health of the surrounding villagers, drinking water in daily life, and at the same time damage the natural environment, hoping that the relevant departments will investigate and give the villagers an explanation.

The company involved said it was unaware of the situation and declined to be interviewed

On the afternoon of August 9, the reporter contacted Liu Changbin, a legal person of Fengyang No. 9 Company, and he said that he was unaware of the reporter's questions and hung up the phone.

On the afternoon of the same day, the reporter contacted Liu Lisheng, secretary of the party branch of Beigou Temple Village in Slate Town, who told the reporter that he did not know about the death of pigs in the village, and he could consult the county animal husbandry center. When the reporter asked him to understand the situation at that time, he said that he could not answer, and it depended on the results of the investigation of the relevant departments.

Why did a good pig die with only three heads left? Shanyang County Animal Husbandry Center: Exclude swine fever

To rule out the plague, pig deaths in farmers are lung infections

On the morning of August 10, Li Zhongbo, head of the Shanyang County Animal Husbandry Center, called back and briefed reporters on the death of pigs in Beigou Temple Village. He told reporters that on July 2, he received a report from Mr. Shu, a villager, that the pig was sick, and then sent technicians to check overnight, diagnosed with mixed lung infection, which had been told to him. "At that time, the pigs of Fengyang No. 9 Company were already dead, and Mr. Shu thought that his pigs were infected by pigs of Fengyang No. 9 Company, but we could not define this."

At the same time, he said that lung infections in pigs mainly have the following aspects. On the one hand, the temperature is high, on the other hand, the management is extensive, there is no epidemic prevention, and the group resistance to disease is weak. If you do immunization and intensive treatment in the early stage, it is possible to control it. In terms of immunization, Mr. Shu's family and Fengyang No. 9 Company have not done it, because it is stocked, so pigs are not easy to catch, and it may be relatively difficult in epidemic prevention. In addition, if you had done insurance at that time, you should have paid for it now.

According to Li Zhongbo, Mr. Shu's family bought 61 pigs around October last year, of which more than 40 are currently more than 40 and more than 10 boars, and they have not gone through land use procedures, nor have they done epidemic prevention, nor bought insurance. At that time, Mr. Shu said that he had more than 200 pigs, but according to calculations, he may not be able to reach that number. At present, Mr. Shu's family still has 3 pigs in captivity, which is very healthy. After investigation of surrounding villagers and other farmers in the town, no special circumstances were found. According to the current investigation, the possibility of plague has been ruled out.

Sick pigs have been treated harmlessly and will not affect the water source

Li Zhongbo told reporters that according to his understanding, after the pigs of Fengyang No. 9 Company fell ill, they also invited the diagnosis and treatment institutions in the society to see it, but it seemed to be while treating and dying. He speculated that this was a problem with the management of the transportation process, resulting in a high proportion of stress at that time, 10 heads died in a short period of time, and the rear rearing process may also be inexperienced, and the management and feeding techniques are relatively unfamiliar.

For the villagers' suggestion that Fengyang No. 9 Company discarded the untreated dead pigs at will, Li Zhongbo explained that because the company's breeding is free range and regular feeding, many pigs are dead on the mountain, which could not be found in time, and then the town sent people to search the mountain twice, and the untreated and untreated dead pigs were buried and disinfected. The burial site is far from the water and has been treated to the effect that it will not affect the environment.

"In general, if you develop breeding, you must first go to the breeding pig business license, the company that has passed the qualification certification to buy pigs, the pigs should be quarantined in the local quarantine department, and the quarantine tickets should be issued; after pulling back, they should report to the local agricultural comprehensive station, how many heads, where to raise, etc., so as to be included in the scope of management; and then take the initiative to dock, quarantine the pigs, and consult in time if there are problems." Li Zhongbo briefed reporters on a series of procedures for developing aquaculture.

Li Zhongbo said that the epidemic prevention is mainly three-level supervision, the animal husbandry center provides industry supervision, the local town territorial management responsibility, and then the main responsibility of the farmer, in this case, the farmer is the main person responsible. After the incident, the animal husbandry center has been doing ideological work for Mr. Shu and coordinating this matter between the two sides. At the same time, the government department will also seek subsidies to provide Mr. Shu. It is recommended that Mr. Shu change his concept, treat the loss problem rationally, look at his own main responsibility, and continue to cooperate in disinfection and treatment.

Huashang Daily reporter Chen Yonghui Editor Liu Jing

Why did a good pig die with only three heads left? Shanyang County Animal Husbandry Center: Exclude swine fever