
When Liu Bowen was ill, Empress Ma sent a pear and two dates, and Liu Bowen immediately returned to his hometown when he saw the situation

author:Nameless shovel historian

To say that Zhu Yuanzhang was able to establish Daming, a generation of military master Liu Bowen can be said to have made great contributions, regardless of his age, personally went out of the mountains to advise Zhu Yuanzhang, and finally assisted Zhu Yuanzhang to successfully pacify the world. Therefore, Zhu Yuanzhang, who has always been old and spicy, was also excited to shout to him "my son's room", and the folk also spread the word "Zhuge Liang in three parts of the world, unifying the country and mountains Liu Bowen".

However, as a meritorious elder of the founding of the Ming Dynasty, Liu Bowen, who was born in the Jiangsu and Zhejiang factions, was obviously inferior to his position in Zhu Yuanzhang's heart, which was obviously inferior to his own Anhui hometown faction. Therefore, when the world was rewarded, although he was also a civil servant, Li Shanchang, who was in charge of logistics, became the first meritorious hero of the founding of the country, and Liu Bowen, a military master with high hard work and meritorious service, only obtained a sincere uncle of the last rank.

When Liu Bowen was ill, Empress Ma sent a pear and two dates, and Liu Bowen immediately returned to his hometown when he saw the situation

Despite his poor treatment, Liu Bowen was not upset about this, and was very concerned about the affairs under his jurisdiction, and once dissuaded Zhu Yuanzhang not to kill innocents indiscriminately. Although he and Li Shanchang were officials in the same dynasty, because of their political attitudes and factional differences, the two also had a gap. Of course, for Li Shanchang, the chancellor under one person, Liu Bowen, who was in the same period as him, was not in the same way at this time, so he lazily looked up and sent his confidant Hu Weiyong to fight with him.

Originally, Hu Weiyong and Liu Bowen did not have any vendetta, and the reason why they were hostile was only a matter of the position of both sides. However, with the subsequent exposure of the secret conversation news, Hu Weiyong completely hated Liu Bowen.

Once, when something went wrong with Li Shanchang, the chancellor, Zhu Yuanzhang called Liu Bowen over and prepared to consult with him. He expressed to Liu Bowen that he intended to punish Li Shanchang, but to his disappointment, Liu Bowen did not approve of him, but instead insisted that Li Shanchang had no merit and hard work, and resigned Zhu Yuanzhang's request to make him a minister. After that, Zhu Yuanzhang continued to ask him what he thought of Hu Weiyong, and Liu Bowen replied, "Hu Weiyong can't do it, if he is a minister, he will overturn Daming's carriage."

The sun and the moon can be learned, Liu Bowen has always been wise to protect himself, but he did not expect that the news in the palace would be so unclassified. The good court secret talks did not know who exposed it, and as a result, Liu Bowen was completely hated by Hu Weiyong because of his verbal criticism.

When Liu Bowen was ill, Empress Ma sent a pear and two dates, and Liu Bowen immediately returned to his hometown when he saw the situation

Under the repeated verbal attacks that followed, shortly after being named Sincere Bo, Liu Bowen fell ill.

In the early days of the Ming Dynasty when the marquis was running all over the place, Xiao Chengyibo fell ill, and did not attract much attention, let alone anyone willing to seduce this isolated old man. As a result, Liu Bowen also lay bored at home to recuperate.

But suddenly, the lower people in the house came to report that someone in the palace had sent some fruits over. The visitor, who claimed to be a palace maid in the palace, came to send fruit on the orders of Empress Ma to comfort this courtier and old friend, and after handing over the fruit basket, he got up and retreated.

On the other hand, Liu Bowen was also very puzzled, although when he first followed Zhu Yuanzhang to fight the world, he often had contacts with their husband and wife, and at that time, Empress Ma gave him a feeling of being particularly benevolent and grounded. However, since the establishment of the Ming Dynasty, Empress Ma was greatly favored, and coupled with the inconvenience of foreign ministers entering the palace privately, Liu Bowen rarely met with Empress Ma. Now that he was sick, although it was reasonable for Empress Ma to send gifts, it was a little abrupt, so he opened the basket and looked at it, and found that there were only one pear and two dates inside.

Seeing this scene, Liu Bowen, who has always been incomparably wise, could not understand the meaning of Empress Ma, which was a consolation product, which was clearly a letter of warning, asking him to "take advantage of the jujube (early) far pear (away)".

Therefore, in the second year of being named Chengyi Bo, under the incomprehensible eyes of others, Liu Bowen took advantage of the old man to return to his hometown.

When Liu Bowen was ill, Empress Ma sent a pear and two dates, and Liu Bowen immediately returned to his hometown when he saw the situation

Unfortunately, even if this First Army Division of the Ming Dynasty retreated, it was still difficult to escape the doom. After Hu Weiyong came to power, after consulting Zhu Yuanzhang, he visited Liu Bowen with the imperial doctor on the pretext of visiting the sick. After that, Liu Bowen, who was originally only occasionally feeling the wind and cold, his health deteriorated and he died in his hometown soon after.