
18 Amazing Creatures Look strange as if they came from a science fiction blockbuster

author:Universal Vanguard

How many creatures there are on Earth, I don't think anyone knows, the types of creatures are constantly changing. In the past, animals were extinct every year, but in the continuous scientific exploration, some new creatures will be found, and below are some very peculiar animals, like from science fiction blockbusters.

They are like blue angels

An upside-down floating sea slug

Eat poisonous creatures

And accumulate their toxins to deal with the enemy

18 Amazing Creatures Look strange as if they came from a science fiction blockbuster

Tree cicadas, which work closely with other insects

Ants drink the sweet secretions left by tree cicadas

In return

Will protect them from predators

18 Amazing Creatures Look strange as if they came from a science fiction blockbuster

The elephant shrew, genetically, is a relative of the elephant

It exists only on the African continent

Small and very active

Its nose can be used to dig up bugs in the ground

18 Amazing Creatures Look strange as if they came from a science fiction blockbuster

Ghost mantis, also known as ghost mantis

They mimic fallen leaves

Looks like a brown leaf in a drought

When the humidity increases, its color turns green

18 Amazing Creatures Look strange as if they came from a science fiction blockbuster

Chestnut-bellied emperor pigeon

This beautiful bird lives mainly in New Guinea

Feed on fruits

18 Amazing Creatures Look strange as if they came from a science fiction blockbuster

Indian giant squirrel

Weighs the equivalent of a rabbit

Unlike ordinary squirrels

Loved storing food in a storage room at the top of the tree

18 Amazing Creatures Look strange as if they came from a science fiction blockbuster

The Titan Beetle is one of the largest beetles on Earth

It is difficult for people with insect phobia to see them

This insect lives only in the dense forests of the Amazon

18 Amazing Creatures Look strange as if they came from a science fiction blockbuster

Malagasy leaf-tailed geckos

Scientists have recently discovered this species

Because they can represent subtly disguised themselves as fallen leaves

18 Amazing Creatures Look strange as if they came from a science fiction blockbuster

Gorgeous ghostly spiky fish

This complex creature is hard to find

It is also easy to lose

Because they are hidden in coral reefs

18 Amazing Creatures Look strange as if they came from a science fiction blockbuster

The anteater is a nocturnal animal

Almost never came down from the top of a tree

They have no teeth

But the tongue is sticky and likes to eat ants

18 Amazing Creatures Look strange as if they came from a science fiction blockbuster

Pygmy seahorses like to hide in corals

Rarely grows to more than 2.5 cm

18 Amazing Creatures Look strange as if they came from a science fiction blockbuster

Hermaphrodites of sea slugs

The body is transparent

Can be born with disabilities

18 Amazing Creatures Look strange as if they came from a science fiction blockbuster

Flower crab spider

This cunning spider can change color to blend in with flowers

In addition, they do not weave spider webs

It's about ambushing the prey

18 Amazing Creatures Look strange as if they came from a science fiction blockbuster

Poison dart frog

Speaking of frogs

The more vivid the color of the appearance

The higher the toxicity

18 Amazing Creatures Look strange as if they came from a science fiction blockbuster

Longan chicken

Its long nose is like a straw

Use to drink your favorite sap

18 Amazing Creatures Look strange as if they came from a science fiction blockbuster

African fat-tailed gecko

Spend most of your time in hiding

Can actually be a very good pet

Geckos are not aggressive and easily adapt to humans

18 Amazing Creatures Look strange as if they came from a science fiction blockbuster

King of Panama Vulture

This predator only needs to flap its wings 2 to 3 times

Not to float in the air for hours

18 Amazing Creatures Look strange as if they came from a science fiction blockbuster

Sumatran tulip silkworm moth

Although its name comes from silk

But these moths do not produce silk

18 Amazing Creatures Look strange as if they came from a science fiction blockbuster


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