
A super cute "monster" was fished out and suffered from albinism


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A super cute "monster" was fished out and suffered from albinism

Scott, 18, was originally just an ordinary boy in Illinois, but recently he has appeared frequently on major media websites because of a Facebook photo.

Here's the picture ☟

A super cute "monster" was fished out and suffered from albinism

I think you will immediately find the highlight in the picture, yes, it is the fish! The belly was like a fish that was ten months pregnant and pale!

According to an interview, Scott was on vacation in Mexico with his family, and it happened that he and his father liked fishing, so they decided to hire a xiangxiang to go out to the sea, but no one expected to catch such a little guy. Even their captain at the time (and their guide) said that in his 25-year career, such a fish had been seen for the first time!

Despite the fish's unusual ☟ appearance, Scott and Dad put it back into the sea because local guides feared it might be a rare species.

A super cute "monster" was fished out and suffered from albinism

After Scott posted the fish on social networking sites, everyone immediately began to talk about what kind of fish it was. Everyone who saw this fish lamented its strange appearance. Just a few days after netizens guessed wildly, an expert from the Pacific Shark Research Center finally came forward to explain the existence of the fish.

Experts say that the fish is actually a shark, to be precise, the villus shark ☟, the picture of its belly is so large, because of a self-protection mechanism of this fish, the fluffy shark and the fathead fish, in the face of danger will quickly expand their bodies to prevent the threat of the predator, but the fathead fish is through a special liquid sac to expand, and the villus shark is by quickly swallowing the seawater into the stomach to expand, so that you can quickly rise a distance in the water to escape the pursuit.

A super cute "monster" was fished out and suffered from albinism

As for why the fish is so white-skinned, experts believe that it has albinism, which caused this phenomenon. In fact, this is not a rare thing, in recent years, many people have caught other fish with albinism, and the cause of albinism in animals is very similar to that of humans, which is caused by family genetics. The reason for the sensationality of this incident may be that the fish itself looks strange. Indeed, experts say that such an albino villus shark is something he has never seen before.

A super cute "monster" was fished out and suffered from albinism

Whales suffering from albinism.

As for asking how to catch such a fish, it is estimated that it is really all luck. But more importantly, if you are lucky, you must remember to release it.

The image comes from the Internet

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A super cute "monster" was fished out and suffered from albinism

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