
The pattern has changed! The Platon's flight around Taiwan has become normalized, the differences on the island have increased, and Taiwan scholars have directly called for surrender

author:Liu Lanchang

After 38 PLA military planes entered Taiwan's "southwest airspace" on October 1, on October 2, the PLA sent 20 more military planes into the "southwest airspace." For the People's Liberation Army to fly around Taiwan in both the number of sorties and the density set a new record, the reaction on the island of Taiwan was polarized. Taiwan scholar Shi Zhiyu said: The Taiwan people have the right to "surrender" to the motherland. Still, it seems that more islanders are numb. Taiwan's media, whether blue or green, seems to be the same concept as 38 sorties and 1 sortie. However, different people interpret the story of "the wolf is coming" in different ways, some say that they will not fight anyway, go to sleep; some say that "the wolf is coming" militarily is to paralyze the opponent and make him slack and attack it. The author noticed that Uncle Sam is also accustomed to it, what is the explanation?

The pattern has changed! The Platon's flight around Taiwan has become normalized, the differences on the island have increased, and Taiwan scholars have directly called for surrender

Photo of the PLA Y-8 anti-submarine aircraft (same type). The picture is from the official website of Taiwan's defense department

After Taiwan's defense department claimed on the evening of 1 July that 25 PLA military planes had entered the island for cruise, it confirmed late at night that another 13 PLA military planes had entered Taiwan's so-called "southwest airspace" and flew all the way to the so-called "southeast airspace" and then turned back, flying around Taiwan enough.

The pattern has changed! The Platon's flight around Taiwan has become normalized, the differences on the island have increased, and Taiwan scholars have directly called for surrender

It has been learned that 10 J-16 fighters and 2 H-6 bombers in the PLA military echelon entered Taiwan's so-called "southwest airspace" from the sea off the border between Fujian and Guangdong Provinces, and then flew into the Bashi Strait area. The one-time Air Police-500 AWACS aircraft flew over Taiwan's so-called "Southwest Air Defense Identification Zone" from the sea off Guangdong Province. The island's green media claimed that this is the highest record set by Taiwan's defense department since it was recorded on September 17 last year, when the PLA dispatched a military plane to the island for a single day cruise.

The pattern has changed! The Platon's flight around Taiwan has become normalized, the differences on the island have increased, and Taiwan scholars have directly called for surrender

Photo of the J-16 released by Taiwan's defense department (same model)

On October 2, Taiwan's defense department issued another immediate military intelligence briefing, saying that on the same day, the PLA sent 20 more military planes into the "southwest airspace." These include 14 J-16 fighters, 4 Su-30 fighters and 2 Y-8 anti-submarine aircraft.

Zhang Chunhui, spokesman for the Eastern Theater, previously said that Taiwan and its affiliated islands are a sacred and inalienable part of China's territory, and that the Chinese army's combat readiness cruise is completely legitimate and legal, and is a necessary action to be taken in response to the current security situation in the Taiwan Strait and the need to safeguard national sovereignty. Zhang Chunhui also stressed: The troops in the theater have the determination and ability to thwart all "Taiwan independence" separatist activities, resolutely safeguard state sovereignty and security, and territorial integrity, and resolutely safeguard peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait region.

The pattern has changed! The Platon's flight around Taiwan has become normalized, the differences on the island have increased, and Taiwan scholars have directly called for surrender

The author believes that the record of "flying around Taiwan" in the scale and frequency of flights during the National Day period is to demonstrate the right of the PLA to cruise Taiwan's airspace with combat readiness and further normalize it. The islanders' various "wolf coming" feelings are actually alternative notes of "normalization". It is also often said that "it is good to get used to it".

However, last year, the People's Liberation Army broke through the middle line of the strait and gradually launched the "flight around Taiwan", and when the Trump administration had nothing to say, it did not emphasize "maintaining the status quo", and the author had a thesis: The old strategic pattern in the Taiwan Strait was broken, Taiwan's strategic visibility was greatly compressed, and the PLA launched battlefield operations in the airspace of Taiwan Island and the water surface and underwater water.

The pattern has changed! The Platon's flight around Taiwan has become normalized, the differences on the island have increased, and Taiwan scholars have directly called for surrender

Now that the latest US news has been exposed, Us Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Millie has twice sent a telegram to Li Zuocheng, chief of staff of the Joint Staff Headquarters of the Central Military Commission of China, saying that the United States will not go to war with China. The author's interpretation is that Millie's two phone calls were "sincere" and honest. What is even more valuable is that the United States has acquiesced to the RIGHT and fait accompli of the PLA to patrol Taiwan's airspace with combat readiness, that is, it has acquiesced to the new pattern of the Taiwan Strait. Uncle Sam has nothing to say, and the islanders are not "wolves coming"?

The pattern has changed! The Platon's flight around Taiwan has become normalized, the differences on the island have increased, and Taiwan scholars have directly called for surrender

During the National Day, the record of war readiness cruised Taiwan's airspace, and the author's vision was also broadened. In fact, for a long time, looking at the strategic pattern of the Taiwan Strait, we have only looked at the comparison of the military strength and comprehensive strength of the two sides of the strait. And now, not only the United States, but also Australia, Japan, and the little Britain.

The us power is in a significant decline, the withdrawal from Afghanistan, coupled with the search for new little brothers everywhere is not actually saying that the US allies are increasing, but that the United States is not strong enough, overstretched, and has to help dorama. The Biden team not only took over Trump's Indo-Pacific strategy, but also innovated and added a military alliance between the United States, Britain and Australia. However, the author is not too light enemy, and in calculating the military strength of the Taiwan Strait, it is impossible to ignore Britain and Australia. Japan and India also have a dialogue mechanism with the United States and Australia, but the author firmly believes that Japan does not dare to intervene in the affairs of the Taiwan Strait, although the little Japan said that "if there is something in Taiwan, there is something in Japan", but he really dares to move, so too many Chinese want to take revenge. As for India, too, southern Tibet is also waiting for a return.

The pattern has changed! The Platon's flight around Taiwan has become normalized, the differences on the island have increased, and Taiwan scholars have directly called for surrender

It is worth emphasizing that the United States has an Indo-Pacific strategy, but China does not have an Indo-Pacific strategy? The ten ASEAN countries, on the whole, know that the United States has brought them only regional tensions, while China has brought them RCEP, the economic prosperity and stability of the region.

The pattern has changed! The Platon's flight around Taiwan has become normalized, the differences on the island have increased, and Taiwan scholars have directly called for surrender

So, in general, the first island chain advantage is in me.

Combat Readiness Cruise Taiwan Island, is the symbol.

The essence of the reflection is that with the passage of time, the strategic pattern in the Taiwan Strait will only develop more and more in a favorable direction for the mainland, thus making the time for reunification more and more ripe.