
Jiaxing traditional skills 丨 Three zhen zhai halogen production skills

author:Jiaxing drawer

SanzhenZhai brine making technique is a traditional handicraft of sauce brine products in Wuzhen, Tongxiang. Around the light years of the Qing Dynasty, the Three Treasures Sauce Brine Products gradually formed their own unique processing technology, production techniques and preferred recipes, leaving behind legends and magical old soups full of mysterious colors.

The processing technology requirements of Sanzhenzhai halogen products are very high, and the quality of raw materials and accessories and the processing technology directly affect the quality of the product. Now, Sanzhenzhai adopts traditional technology for processing, ensuring the full play of traditional skills, breaking through the bad habit of traditional processing with experience and feeling of feeding, and adopting the fine operation method of quantitative feeding according to the formula, so as to better ensure the excellent quality of Sanzhenzhai halogen products. Its processing process is generally as follows: raw materials collection (acquisition, quarantine) → slaughtering → to be slaughtered, bloodletting → soaking → hair removal→ manual plucking → opened to remove internal organs→ cleaning→ drainage, acid drainage→ pickling→ fillers→ pre-cooking (frying) → cooling → re-boiling→ cooling → boiling, coloring → cooling→ drying → inspection → sales.

Legend has it that the deliciousness of the sanzhenzhai sauce poultry lies in the soup, so when the sons of the boss of sanzhenzhai at that time separated the family, they actually ignored the family wealth and competed for the pot of soup alone. This is the fundamental reason why Sanzhenzhai sauce brine products have truly become the first brand and a major specialty in the local area and nearby areas. Sanzhenzhai's sauce and brine products are not only red and bright in color, tender and fresh in meat, crispy and not greasy, endlessly evocative, but also have the characteristics of "june is not steamy, waxing moon is not frozen", the shelf life is long, loved by everyone, and has become a good choice for holiday gifts.

Jiaxing traditional skills 丨 Three zhen zhai halogen production skills

Three Zhen Zhai sauce chicken. (Zhang Jianqiu/Photography)

In the 1930s, Sanzhenzhai entered its heyday, in Shanghai's mainland shopping mall (now Hankou Road) set up a special counter for Sanzhenzhai, taking advantage of the convenient waterway traffic conditions at that time, from the passenger ship every evening to transport the sauce and brine poultry products processed and produced on the day to Shanghai, and supplied the market early the next morning, which was favored, famous for a while, and had a great impact, known as "three treasures in the family". In 2007, Tongxiang Sanzhenzhai was recognized as "China Time-honored Brand" by the Ministry of Commerce.

"Tongxiang County Chronicle" Yun: "The name of the sauce chicken is Xu Ji, out of Qing Town, with its surname also got its name, and now the famous one is Sanzhen Zhai." There has been no written record since then. During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Wang Changgui, a native of Wuzhen, was proficient in the technique of brine production of Sanzhen Zhai. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the inheritors of the sanzhenzhai halogenation technique were Li Yunfeng (1970s) and Li Fuquan (1980s) of Wuzhen Food Company. Now the inheritor of the Sanzhenzhai halogenation technique is Xu Chunqiao.

The production technology of Sanzhen Zhai halogen was included in the third batch of Jiaxing Intangible Cultural Heritage List.

Source: Jiaxing Intangible Cultural Heritage List Database

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