
Body bronze belly blue silver, this insect specializes in harming citrus bark, prevention and control tips are simple and convenient [citrus popping bark insect hazard symptoms] [citrus popping bug occurrence law] [citrus popping bug prevention and control method] Summary: citrus tree popping bug in the daily management process can not be ignored, so the word fruit tree "one point nine points" emphasis on management, so the majority of citrus growers, want fruit trees to hang fruit to buy money, must grasp the management, how do you treat it, it will be how to return, summarize experience, after many years believe that you can successfully plant citrus trees!

author:Zongfu fruit cultivation

Citrus poppers are also known as citrus rust bugs, citrus long gidding worms, and rust bugs. China is distributed in Jiangxi, Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Taiwan, Hunan, Hubei, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Shaanxi and other provinces (regions), the host plant is limited to citrus, is a destructive pest.

Body bronze belly blue silver, this insect specializes in harming citrus bark, prevention and control tips are simple and convenient [citrus popping bark insect hazard symptoms] [citrus popping bug occurrence law] [citrus popping bug prevention and control method] Summary: citrus tree popping bug in the daily management process can not be ignored, so the word fruit tree "one point nine points" emphasis on management, so the majority of citrus growers, want fruit trees to hang fruit to buy money, must grasp the management, how do you treat it, it will be how to return, summarize experience, after many years believe that you can successfully plant citrus trees!

Today, Sichuan Zongfu Fruit Planting Xiaobian will introduce in detail the symptoms of harm caused by citrus poppers to citrus trees and prevention and control measures:

<h1>[Citrus popper hazard symptoms].</h1>

Citrus popper larvae moth infest the main trunk or large branches, moth up or down in the formation layer, forming an irregular worm path, and excreting insect feces to fill it, so that the bark is separated from the woody part, the phloem is dried, and the bark is bursting, so that the whole plant or large branch dies.

Body bronze belly blue silver, this insect specializes in harming citrus bark, prevention and control tips are simple and convenient [citrus popping bark insect hazard symptoms] [citrus popping bug occurrence law] [citrus popping bug prevention and control method] Summary: citrus tree popping bug in the daily management process can not be ignored, so the word fruit tree "one point nine points" emphasis on management, so the majority of citrus growers, want fruit trees to hang fruit to buy money, must grasp the management, how do you treat it, it will be how to return, summarize experience, after many years believe that you can successfully plant citrus trees!

• Citrus popper characteristics

Adult: Bronzed body with metallic luster. The male has dense, long, silvery-white hairs in the center of the ventral surface from the lower lip to the posterior thorax, while the females have short and thin villi in this area. The elytra are copper-colored, with small dots and fine fluff on them, and the ventral surface is bluish-silver.

Egg: Flattened oval, milky white at first birth, earthy yellow, pale brown before hatching.

Larvae: flattened, slender, milky white or pale yellow, with a wrinkled surface. The forebreast is particularly swollen, flattened and rounded, with a distinct brown longitudinal groove in the center of the dorsal and ventral surface. At the end of the abdomen there is a pair of dark brown hard pincer-like protrusions.

Pupa: flattened conical, initially milky white, soft and pleated, followed by pale yellow to bluish-black, metallic luster.

Body bronze belly blue silver, this insect specializes in harming citrus bark, prevention and control tips are simple and convenient [citrus popping bark insect hazard symptoms] [citrus popping bug occurrence law] [citrus popping bug prevention and control method] Summary: citrus tree popping bug in the daily management process can not be ignored, so the word fruit tree "one point nine points" emphasis on management, so the majority of citrus growers, want fruit trees to hang fruit to buy money, must grasp the management, how do you treat it, it will be how to return, summarize experience, after many years believe that you can successfully plant citrus trees!

• Citrus Slippery Worm Characteristics:

Adult: Black body with a slight metallic sheen. The males are bluish-blue and the females are bronzed. The elytra are black, densely packed with tiny dots and irregular spots formed by fine white hairs. The sides are densely covered with white fuzzy hairs.

Eggs: Mantou-shaped, milky white at first birth, fading yellow, black before hatching

Larvae: flattened, white. The dorsal plate of the front chest is large and rounded. The segments of the abdomen are trapezoidal, protruding in an angle at the near posterior margin on both sides of the segments, and a pair of pincer-like protrusions on the untied end of the abdomen.

Pupae: Spindle-shaped, the bat is milky white at the beginning and yellowish brown when nearly feathered.

Body bronze belly blue silver, this insect specializes in harming citrus bark, prevention and control tips are simple and convenient [citrus popping bark insect hazard symptoms] [citrus popping bug occurrence law] [citrus popping bug prevention and control method] Summary: citrus tree popping bug in the daily management process can not be ignored, so the word fruit tree "one point nine points" emphasis on management, so the majority of citrus growers, want fruit trees to hang fruit to buy money, must grasp the management, how do you treat it, it will be how to return, summarize experience, after many years believe that you can successfully plant citrus trees!

• Apple giddings characteristics:

Adult: All copper colored, metallic luster, densely packed with small dots. The top of the head has a pronounced mid-ridge, the elytra are narrow, the base is obviously concave, the end of the wing is sharp, there is a pale yellow villi patch at 2/3 of the slit next to the elytra, and the dorsal plate of the abdomen is bright blue.

Eggs: Oval in shape, milky white at first birth, then gradually yellow.

Larvae: flat and slender, milky or yellowish. The head is small and brown. The forepnet is particularly broad , with a sunken longitudinal stripe on the back and a mid-surface in the center , and densely spotted in the midfield. The abdomen has a pair of brown tail iron at the end.

Pupae: spindle-shaped, initially milky white, gradually yellowish-white, changed from black-brown to copper before feathering.

Body bronze belly blue silver, this insect specializes in harming citrus bark, prevention and control tips are simple and convenient [citrus popping bark insect hazard symptoms] [citrus popping bug occurrence law] [citrus popping bug prevention and control method] Summary: citrus tree popping bug in the daily management process can not be ignored, so the word fruit tree "one point nine points" emphasis on management, so the majority of citrus growers, want fruit trees to hang fruit to buy money, must grasp the management, how do you treat it, it will be how to return, summarize experience, after many years believe that you can successfully plant citrus trees!

<h1>[Citrus poppers occur regularly].</h1>

Citrus poppers occur in 1 generation per year in China, with larvae of different ages overwintering under the trunk bark layer or in the xylem, young larvae often overwinter in the phloem, and old mature larvae overwinter in the xylem, most of the latter. Due to the varying ages of the overwintering larvae, they occur very unevenly the following year.

In Quzhou, Zhejiang and Banan, Chongqing, the overwintering larvae begin to operate in mid-February of the following year, generally starting pupate in late March, pupating at the peak in late April, and feathering into adults at the same time, and feathering at the peak in early May. Adults begin to be active in mid-May, late May is the peak of the cavern, the first batch of caverning adults begin to lay eggs in late May, mid-to-late June is the peak of egg laying, mid-June eggs begin to hatch, and early to mid-July is the incubation period.

The occurrence period of the Three Lakes of Jiangxi and Shaoyang in Hunan is close to the above dates. The occurrence period in Fujian is about half a month earlier, and in Guangdong it occurs earlier, and it dissolves in February and March, and adult insects appear in late March. After feathering, adults usually hide in the pupal chamber for 7 to 10 days, and then bite through the xylem and bark to make D-shaped feathering holes. The cave is mostly a hot and windless day on a sunny day.

Body bronze belly blue silver, this insect specializes in harming citrus bark, prevention and control tips are simple and convenient [citrus popping bark insect hazard symptoms] [citrus popping bug occurrence law] [citrus popping bug prevention and control method] Summary: citrus tree popping bug in the daily management process can not be ignored, so the word fruit tree "one point nine points" emphasis on management, so the majority of citrus growers, want fruit trees to hang fruit to buy money, must grasp the management, how do you treat it, it will be how to return, summarize experience, after many years believe that you can successfully plant citrus trees!

Adults can fly after coming out of the hole, forming small gaps in the canopy of the tree when the weather is warm, and perched in the branches and leaves at the base of the citrus tree or in the surrounding grass in case of rain. Adults are suspended dead. Adult worms begin to copulate about 1 week after coming out of the hole, and mate 2-3 times in their lives, and lay eggs after 1-2 days of tail mating. Eggs are laid loosely or 2-10 grains are packed into pieces. Female adults produce 20-45 eggs per serving. Eggs are mostly laid in small crevices in tree trunks, and a few are laid under parasitic lichens and mosses.

In Quxian County, Zhejiang Province, the egg stage in late June is 10-20d. The larvae hatch during the day and after hatching, they invade the shallow part of the bark and appear on the bark of the tree with sesame-sized glue. As the larvae grow, they go inward layer by layer in the bark, moth upward or downward in the formation layer, forming an irregular worm passage, and excreting insect feces to fill it, so that the bark is separated from the woody part, the phloem is dried, the bark bursts, and the larvae mature and invade the xylem about 5 mm and overwinter in it.

At the average monthly temperature of 20 °C, the pupal stage is about 32 days. The severity of the damage of citrus popcorns is related to citrus varieties, in addition to tree potential and age. In addition, when there is poor management and insufficient fertilizer and water, there is also a large number of occurrences and hazards.

Body bronze belly blue silver, this insect specializes in harming citrus bark, prevention and control tips are simple and convenient [citrus popping bark insect hazard symptoms] [citrus popping bug occurrence law] [citrus popping bug prevention and control method] Summary: citrus tree popping bug in the daily management process can not be ignored, so the word fruit tree "one point nine points" emphasis on management, so the majority of citrus growers, want fruit trees to hang fruit to buy money, must grasp the management, how do you treat it, it will be how to return, summarize experience, after many years believe that you can successfully plant citrus trees!

<h1>【Citrus popper prevention and control method】</h1>

Citrus poppers are mainly based on agricultural control and strengthen cultivation management. In addition, the necessary drug prevention and control can also be carried out according to the actual situation.

1. Agricultural control

(1) Eliminate the source of insects: In the dead trees and dead branches that are killed, a large number of larvae and pupae are hidden, which should be removed and burned in the winter and spring in conjunction with Qingyuan before the adults come out of the hole.

(2) Blocking adult insects: Before the adults come out of the hole in the spring, the trees that were seriously damaged last year are rubbed with straw rope, and the edges are bundled from the bottom to the top from the bottom of the trunk, and the holes are tightly bundled, and the mud is applied, so that the adults are blocked and not easy to get out of the hole, and at the same time help the healing of the trunk wound and prevent the adults from laying eggs.

2. Chemical control: master the peak period of adult insect feathering, when it is about to come out of the hole, scrape off the skin of the damaged part of the trunk, and then apply 40% Lego emulsion 5 times liquid, or 80% dichlorvos emulsion 3 times liquid, or 80% dichlorvos emulsion plus 10-20 times clay to adjust the water into a paste for trunk coating, so that the feathered adult insects are poisoned and die after biting through the bark. It can also be used to spray the canopy with dimethods crystals or Leguo emulsion, malathion, colonic pine, etc. during the peak period of adult worms to eliminate adult insects.

Body bronze belly blue silver, this insect specializes in harming citrus bark, prevention and control tips are simple and convenient [citrus popping bark insect hazard symptoms] [citrus popping bug occurrence law] [citrus popping bug prevention and control method] Summary: citrus tree popping bug in the daily management process can not be ignored, so the word fruit tree "one point nine points" emphasis on management, so the majority of citrus growers, want fruit trees to hang fruit to buy money, must grasp the management, how do you treat it, it will be how to return, summarize experience, after many years believe that you can successfully plant citrus trees!

3. Artificial control: during the incubation period of the larvae from June to July, according to the sign of the outflow of gum from the victim, scrape off a thin layer of bark from the damaged area of the glue with a knife, and then brush 80% of the dichlorvos emulsion 3 times the liquid to kill the larvae in the cortex. For citrus slippery worms, they can be killed by stabbing people with a knife at the last spiral of the worm path at 45 ° C, 1 cm from the entrance.

<h1>Summary: Citrus tree skin worm in the daily management process can not be ignored, the word that the fruit tree "one point nine in charge" focuses on management, so the majority of citrus growers, want fruit trees to hang fruit to buy money, must pay close attention to management, how do you treat it, it will be how to return, summarize experience, after many years I believe you can successfully plant citrus trees! </h1>

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