
The Qianlong Emperor issued several orders in a row, just to see these fish!

author:Dry goods history sharing

The Qianlong Emperor lived in the northeast for a long time

descendants of nomads,

Those who run on the ground are very familiar with those who fly in the sky.

But the southeast sea, for him,

But it is a mysterious existence.

What kind of life is there in there?

Curiosity made the Qianlong Emperor,

After learning that the relevant books were available in the manufacturing office,

Even the next number of purposes!!!

The Qianlong Emperor issued several orders in a row, just to see these fish!

According to the Qing Palace archives:

On the third day of the first month of the third month of the Qianlong Dynasty, Treasurer Liu Shanjiu said that the eunuch Mao Tuan had passed on the instructions: "If the office has received and stored the "Fish Recipe", it will be presented to you. ”

On the fourth day of the first month of the third year of Qianlong, Bai Shixiu, the eunuch Mao Tuan handed over four volumes of the "Fish Recipe" album and passed on the instructions: "We must exchange the four volumes of the "Fish Recipe" for another paste and brocade shell surface to clean up. ”

Do this,

The Qianlong Emperor just wanted to inquire more carefully,

You said that after many southern tours,

Could it also have something to do with this?

Not much nonsense,

Fish served!

The Qianlong Emperor issued several orders in a row, just to see these fish!

Puffer fish praise: Fish in the name of the dolphin, gan and purpose. You can taste it, please touch it.

Former people cloud: do not eat puffer fish, do not know the taste of fish. Its taste is the best of the fish, but it is poisonous and can kill people.

The poison of the puffer fish is known to everyone, but in order to eat, the ancients will never stop to study the pace, detoxification formula to find, always have:

Whoever cooks this, not only removes the liver, but also the essence of the eye and the blood of the spine. Poison can be solved by a person with locust flower powder or dragon brain water, or olive soup.

The Qianlong Emperor issued several orders in a row, just to see these fish!

Hammerhead Praise: Dragon Palace Maiden, head hammerhead. The Mother of Dragons was jealous of the chase and did not dare to return to the first.

This is a scaled-down version of the cloud head shark, what is the cloud head shark? It is an enlarged version of the hammerhead. Watch "Hammerheads" and you'll find that it's a story-telling shark!

Because of the jealousy of the Dragon Mother, people tasted it one after another, calling it "the flesh is crisp and delicious".

The Qianlong Emperor issued several orders in a row, just to see these fish!

Empty Fish Praise: There are fish heads empty, where does it come from? Gu Su went to sea and swam into the Fujian Ocean.

Just like the name, the head is hard and empty, not only is the head empty, there is no flesh on the body, except for the skin is the bone, and the stomach can hold a bowl of water.

How hard is its head?

When tapped with wood, the "poles" sound straight up and will not break!

The Qianlong Emperor issued several orders in a row, just to see these fish!

Well fish praise: the head of the fish has water, the island has a spring. Its taste is light, and the magic is difficult to interpret.

Although it lives in the ocean, it has a hole in its head, stores water, and then spews out, a bit like a whale, but the amount of water that comes out looks more than a whale, and another point is that it goes in salty seawater, but it spews out sweet spring water. The origin of the name of the well fish should be related to this.

It is a fish with its own desalination system!

The Qianlong Emperor issued several orders in a row, just to see these fish!

Sea bass praise: Marine fish catfish (mandarin fish), with spotted backstabbing.

It is said that it is born of the mating of fish and snakes, so the thorns on its body are like the teeth of a poisonous snake, which is highly venomous.

The sea bass is just like a guì fish, but there is no detailed information on what kind it is.

The Qianlong Emperor issued several orders in a row, just to see these fish!

Cheek fish praise: belly wide mouth, why not get? Shrimp are suppressed, and the eyes are small and narrow.

The mouth of the gillfish is very peculiar, and it can be big and small! Closed small, open large. Small eyes, but can be "closed". That means being able to open and close!

So powerful, are you still a fish?

At the same time, it is also a full foodie, especially like to eat shrimp, shrimp fry where there are many places, you can definitely find it! Fishermen always find shrimp when they catch it.

The Qianlong Emperor issued several orders in a row, just to see these fish!

Flying Fish Praise: Wen Ray Night Fly, Xia Hong Electric Red, Straight up the Dragon Gate, He Worries About The Forehead.

If you want to fly, you must naturally have strong wings, and the paddling fin of the flying fish should be longer than the tail.

At the same time, he wears armor and is covered with red scales. And there were thorns on his head, as if he was wearing a steel helmet.

The Qianlong Emperor issued several orders in a row, just to see these fish!

Moray Eel Zan: The sword is self-dragonized, and the sword is migrated. The eel leaps and turns into a coral whip.

Moray eels, all over the body are big red, smooth and incomparable. If they accidentally go ashore and dry them, people will pick them up and play them as "coral whips". Moray eels are large and small, the big one is called "oil dragon", and it is as thick as an arm. You can make up the picture in your brain.

These fish are all from the Forbidden City Tibetan Qing Dynasty Nie Huang drew the "Sea Mistake Map", what is the "Sea Fault Map"? "Wrong" means many, "sea wrong" means a multitude of marine life. That is to say, fish are only a small part of them, and these are only a few representative fish in the text.

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