
Chinese Strange Stone 丨 Taiwan - Coral Jade: Analysis

author:Strange stone calligraphy and painting
Chinese Strange Stone 丨 Taiwan - Coral Jade: Analysis

Coral jade fossils, also known as chrysanthemum jade, are fossil jade that has undergone hundreds of millions of years of crustal movement, geothermal torment, high temperature and high pressure, and is known as "organic gemstone". Its pattern will produce different natural patterns due to the size and type of coral, or radial, or curly; The jade minerals are also colorful due to their different compositions, among which the flower petals are clear and closely arranged, and the chrysanthemum fossils that look like a sea of chrysanthemums are rare collector's treasures. It can be said that the beauty of coral jade is unique, whether it is rough or finished, can appreciate the quality of color, can appreciate the texture, carefully play, lament the miracle of life, the greatness of nature.

Chinese Strange Stone 丨 Taiwan - Coral Jade: Analysis

Coral jade fossils, also known as chrysanthemum jade, are fossil jade that has undergone hundreds of millions of years of crustal movement, geothermal torment, high temperature and high pressure, and is known as "organic gemstone". Is the seabed is coral bleaching after the formation of coral reef by carbocalc infiltration, after hundreds of millions of years of continuous crustal changes geothermal frying for a long time after the formation of fossils, the appearance of bright pattern is obviously like chrysanthemum, jade experts call chrysanthemum jade alias Fortune Jade. Some are replaced by its special jade with the phenomenon of jade (translucent, hardness of 6-7 degrees) in the international Yellowstone discussion called "organic gemstones", its pattern will be because of the size of coral, different types and produce different natural pattern patterns, and jade mineral composition is different its color is also colorful, of which the flower petals are clear, tightly arranged but wonderful portrait as if a chrysanthemum ocean of chrysanthemum fossils are loved at all costs, is a rare collection-grade treasure, compared with other jade resources, low hardness, easy to break, It can be said that the beauty of coral jade is unique, whether it is rough or finished products, you can appreciate the quality color, appreciate the texture, play carefully, sigh the miracle of life, the greatness of nature...

Chinese Strange Stone 丨 Taiwan - Coral Jade: Analysis

Coral is the only living jewelry and the finished color and pattern are "unique" and "the only thing" never overlaps nor repeats the millennium spiritual object, thousands of delicate, lustrous, crystal clear, warm and lovely, precious coral, pearl and amber are listed together as the three major organic gemstones in the West, and are listed in the Oriental Buddhist scriptures. In ancient times, coral was regarded as a thing of auspicious happiness ~ representing nobility and power ~ also known as "Rainbow" is a symbol of happiness and eternity.

Coral jade fossils were mined from the treasure island of Taiwan in the early days, because it has been jadeized, also known as coral jade, divided into two kinds of black coral jade and red coral jade, of which red coral is the most precious, this coral jade in Taiwan has a lot of original, has been exhausted. Extremely precious, it is a rare treasure that is more precious and rare than Hetian jade, and it is extremely valuable. This jade is only produced in Taiwan, which is a witness to the vicissitudes of the mulberry fields. Coral jade formation: Coral stone and coral fossil jade are precious, one of the reasons why it contains trace elements that are good for the health of the human body, and the other is that its color is pure and natural.

Therefore, coral fossil jade in China's treasure island Taiwan (marine life coral stone and fossils are both available) and mainland American Indian totem worship carvings to the Chinese and Western scientific circles are regarded as precious gemstones and highly respected, from the ancient Romans called "red gold" to the Buddhist scriptures listed as one of the "Seven Treasures"; Since the Ming Dynasty, coral stones have been collected by the Cultural Hall of the Royal Jewelry Treasury, and the commodity value of those exquisitely carved and different styles of coral stones and coral fossil jade crafts in the modern antique market is increasing, and the auctions held in various places are often sold at an astonishing price.

Chinese Strange Stone 丨 Taiwan - Coral Jade: Analysis

Taiwan as a treasure island in China. It is located on the continental shelf on the southeast coast of Chinese mainland, bordering the Pacific Ocean to the east, the Bashi Strait to the south, and the Philippine Islands across the sea. It is bordered by Fujian and the Taiwan Strait to the west. The total land area is 36,000 square kilometers. It includes 21 affiliated islands such as Taiwan Island and Lanyu Island, Green Island and Diaoyu Island, and 64 islands in the Penghu Archipelago. Among them, the area of Taiwan Island is 35,798 square kilometers. From the above description or map can be seen, Taiwan is an island surrounded by the sea on all sides, wet all year round, abundant rainfall, and because Taiwan Island is located, between the Eurasian plate, the Philippine plate, due to the squeeze, the island formed by the uplift, so Taiwan Island has the conditions for the formation of coral jade, Taiwan Island is in the seismic belt, before it was the seabed, due to squeezing, the seabed is lifted, then the coral here may become coral jade. There are also many volcanoes due to the movement of the earth's crust, so there are necessary conditions for silicification. So good quality corals are ready. But with the Taiwan authorities began to impose restrictions on coral jade mining. At present, it is difficult to see Taiwan coral jade on the market, but people habitually call coral jade Taiwan coral jade, so there are still many people who call coral jade Taiwan coral jade.

Chinese Strange Stone 丨 Taiwan - Coral Jade: Analysis

China and Indonesia have been in contact with each other for a long time, Indonesia has many islands, volcanoes, extensive forests, and abundant natural minerals, and in recent years, Indonesia's exports to China have been dominated by resource-based trade. Indonesian coral jade, and Taiwan's geological formation conditions are similar, but also the movement of the earth's crust, so that the ancient seabed coral can be lifted above sea level, there is a volcanic eruption, where there is coral jade, there are volcanoes nearby, because volcanoes can produce high temperature, high pressure, instantly can wrap up coral, so as to complete the coral material replacement process. This is one of the most important processes of coral jade formation.

Unlike jade fossils on land, coral jade formed in the sea has a fuller head and is more lustrous. What is even more valuable is that coral jade also shows different colors according to the different colors and varieties of the original coral, and the size and density of the "flowers" seen on its surface are not the same, making each piece of coral jade unique and extremely collectible.

Because small pieces of coral jade are difficult to reflect its pattern characteristics, coral jade is mostly made into handicrafts such as handle pieces, bracelets or no-do cards.

There are many sources of coral jade, among which the quality of Taiwan is the best and most representative. However, due to over-exploitation, today's reserves are very limited.

Chinese Strange Stone 丨 Taiwan - Coral Jade: Analysis

The pattern produced by natural coral, because there are hundreds of types of coral, so there will be a kaleidoscopic pattern on the jade, and the common flower types are as follows.

1, snowflake coral jade, 2, star coral jade, 3, curly coral jade, 4, coarse coral jade, 5, fine coral jade, 6, insect body coral jade, 7, small star point coral jade, 8, tiger skin coral jade, 9, tubular coral jade, 10, single coral jade.

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