
10 grams of urea per day, raise sheep fast and fat! You thought it was just fertilizer? First of all, let's re-understand urea. Secondly, let's look at the structure of the stomach of the ruminant represented by cattle and sheep Finally, let's look at the principle of urinary quality sheep

author:The world's agricultural book farming edition

Pay attention and learn more about sheep raising together!

(This platform will broadcast urine literacy sheep knowledge online for everyone at 21:00 tonight, please pay attention.) )

Many people have doubts about urine literacy sheep, and even have scruples, especially laymen, but also full of hostility to urine literacy sheep, this section we will solve for everyone to see why urea can raise sheep, and will make sheep fattening more simple. If this article is useful to you, please pay attention to it, if you have questions, please leave a message below, if I am still live, please ask questions directly.

10 grams of urea per day, raise sheep fast and fat! You thought it was just fertilizer? First of all, let's re-understand urea. Secondly, let's look at the structure of the stomach of the ruminant represented by cattle and sheep Finally, let's look at the principle of urinary quality sheep

<h1>First, let's re-recognize urea. </h1>

Urea, a compound containing nitrogen, carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, white, and now everyone sees urea, are chemically synthesized products. In fact, urea has always existed, and after the corpses of mammals or some fish in nature decay, the final product of the decomposition of the original proteins in their bodies is urea. Chemical synthesis of urea is a major breakthrough in the chemical and even biological world, which breaks down the barriers between inorganic and organic matter and realizes the conversion between the two. Urea is rich in nitrogen, is also a very safe fertilizer, and is also very safe for the land. Now agriculture advocates more organic fertilizer, but urea is the most common organic fertilizer.

10 grams of urea per day, raise sheep fast and fat! You thought it was just fertilizer? First of all, let's re-understand urea. Secondly, let's look at the structure of the stomach of the ruminant represented by cattle and sheep Finally, let's look at the principle of urinary quality sheep

<h1>Second, let's look at the structure of the stomach of ruminants represented by cattle and sheep</h1>

Ruminants have 4 stomachs, rumen, mesh, flap and wrinkled stomach. The rumen contains hundreds of millions of microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi, single-celled animals, etc., which play a preliminary role in digesting food. The mesh stomach is a "janitor" that blocks things that cannot be digested, such as stones and iron nails, and reduces the damage of these things to other organs of the body. The flap stomach plays a role in grinding and filtering water. The wrinkled stomach can be said to be the stomach in the true sense, containing a large amount of stomach juice, digesting and absorbing the things filtered by the valve stomach, while killing the microorganisms that pass by.

10 grams of urea per day, raise sheep fast and fat! You thought it was just fertilizer? First of all, let's re-understand urea. Secondly, let's look at the structure of the stomach of the ruminant represented by cattle and sheep Finally, let's look at the principle of urinary quality sheep

<h1>Finally, let's look at the principle of urinary sheep</h1>

When the feed containing urea passes through the rumen, it is quickly broken down by the urease in the rumen (produced by microorganisms in the rumen) and becomes ammonia and carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is excreted from the body, and organic acids in the ammonia and rumen become foods that microorganisms like to eat, allowing microorganisms to breed and grow rapidly. Combined with other nutrients such as sulfur, carbon, oxygen, etc., amino acids are formed, and these amino acids are further synthesized in the rumen. Bacterial protein is an indispensable nutrient for the growth of cattle and sheep, which directly determines the growth of cattle and sheep, and this bacterial protein can only be formed in the rumen of ruminants and cannot be synthesized artificially. Food passes through the rumen, mesh stomach, flap stomach, and finally through the wrinkled stomach. In the wrinkled stomach, all microorganisms and fungi are killed by gastric juice, and other nutrients such as bacterial proteins are absorbed by the stomach and small intestine and used by cattle and sheep. This is the digestive process of urea in the sheep' body. If properly controlled, 1 kg of urea can produce a protein content equivalent to 7 kg of soybean meal, which is very efficient. Because urea itself is organic, there will be no harmful residue.

After reading this, do you have a better understanding of the urine literacy sheep? Now people's use of urine literacy sheep is not limited to directly giving sheep to eat, such as forage ammonization, sheep licking bricks, forage silage, starch gelatinized urea, etc., are deeper use of urea.

Of course, urine literacy sheep is a technology, how to feed, how much to feed, which situations can not be fed, etc. all need to be mastered and learned. You must not blindly feed, otherwise there will be cattle and sheep poisoning. Everyone has any ideas to leave a message.

(Responsible editor: Li Yunfei, responsible proofreader: Liu Aochu, second instance person in charge: Zhang Fuxu)

10 grams of urea per day, raise sheep fast and fat! You thought it was just fertilizer? First of all, let's re-understand urea. Secondly, let's look at the structure of the stomach of the ruminant represented by cattle and sheep Finally, let's look at the principle of urinary quality sheep