
Can "love" cure cancer? Scientists have made surprising discoveries that support long-standing speculation

author:Tech listeners

  I believe that most of the masses have reached Maslow's hierarchy of needs, which divides people's seven passions and six desires into five levels, then have you ever heard of the "Hawkins Energy Level Table"? This theory divides people's emotional state into 17 levels from the negative negative energy of only 20 to the "incredible" "enlightened" positive energy of 1000, and the biggest role of this energy level table is not to let people go to how much "energy" in their own body, but to cure the disease and save people!

Can "love" cure cancer? Scientists have made surprising discoveries that support long-standing speculation

David Hawkins is an American doctor, very famous in the American medical industry, because he has successfully treated many patients including cancer patients, and it is he who can help him defeat the disease for patients.

In Hawkins's own words, no matter what kind of patient it is, just let him look at it to know why this person is sick - the whole body does not emit any positive energy, it is all unhappy, depressed, sad, depressed emotions wrapped around the patient, how can he not be sick?

If the metaphysics of "love can cure everything" is obviously not enough to support the birth of hawkins energy level table, Hawkins found through a large number of cases and cases that in fact, "love energy" does have a scientific basis! Scientists have made a surprising discovery: "love" can really destroy cancer cells. According to Hawkins' research, the idea of "love" this mental state is actually a vibration frequency in the final analysis, and the level of vibration frequency can directly affect a person's magnetic field, and the person's magnetic field can not only be related to their own health, but also affect others.

Can "love" cure cancer? Scientists have made surprising discoveries that support long-standing speculation

According to Hawkins' research, as long as it is sick and seriously ill people, often because of their own mental tension or personality reasons, the vibration frequency is often below 200, which gives the disease the opportunity to take advantage of, but also makes the human body's own immune system can not fully mobilize the role, and the negative magnetic field brought by the vibration frequency below 200 will also affect the emotions of others, which is similar to the old Chinese saying "no filial piety before the bed".

Can "love" cure cancer? Scientists have made surprising discoveries that support long-standing speculation

Less than 200 is just a matter of getting sick, but for those who are selfish, like to complain, and get angry at every turn, their own frequency is even as low as thirty or forty or even as low as twenty, so such people are often not very healthy in terms of health, and even suffer from serious underlying diseases. In some past ideas, these people were sick because they caused personality changes or eccentricities, but in fact it is likely that their own personality causes these diseases to occur.

There are also well-known examples of how the vibrational frequency of a person mentioned in the Hawkins Energy Level Table can change its own magnetic field and drive the magnetic field of others, such as the Nobel Peace Prize winner Mother Theresa when she stepped onto the award stage, the atmosphere of the whole scene became extremely beautiful under her leadership, and all this happened when Mother Theresa did not say some encouraging words but only a very ordinary gesture of raising her hands and feet and plain words.

Can "love" cure cancer? Scientists have made surprising discoveries that support long-standing speculation

  Can "love" cure cancer? Scientists have made surprising discoveries that support long-standing speculation. In fact, this statement about "personal charm" in our Chinese culture coincides, whether a person's personality and inner emotions are positive or not, it will affect the feelings of the people around them, which is why some people can be "atmosphere kings" and some people are "atmosphere destroyers", these people even if they do not say anything, as long as he/she appears, the atmosphere of the whole scene will become different.

Can "love" cure cancer? Scientists have made surprising discoveries that support long-standing speculation

In the field of medical assistance, "positive energy of love" often produces a lot of miracles, in fact, it is not difficult to find that there are always people around who are seriously ill but have a good attitude and live an active life, although they have been diagnosed with serious fatal diseases, they still love life, live in the sunshine and beautiful emotions every day, and often the diseases on the body will even disappear.

Can "love" cure cancer? Scientists have made surprising discoveries that support long-standing speculation

The most famous case is the Japanese cellist Shane, who was diagnosed with cancer and was in a very depressed mood, accompanied by a continuous deterioration of his condition. But perhaps because the musician's mastery of emotions is different from ordinary people, Shane was inspired by the concept that music can render people's emotions, and he began to no longer hate his own cancer cells, but actively embraced cancer cells, and regarded cancer to bring his own pain as a magical way of life, and as a result, after a period of positive mental life, Shane's cancer cells actually dispersed on their own! Scientists have made a surprising discovery: "love" can really destroy cancer cells.

Can "love" cure cancer? Scientists have made surprising discoveries that support long-standing speculation

Therefore, people's minds are really important for health, although it sounds a bit mysterious, but it is true to "smile and laugh for ten years", a positive attitude and a sunny personality can indeed fully mobilize the body's strong immune system, so as to better resist the virus and kill the disease.

So are you still fretting about the hardships of life? In fact, at any time people's troubles will not be reduced, troubles and troubles will accompany people's lives, rather than complaining, to be depressed, it is better to adjust the mentality to face positively, perhaps your troubles will leave you under the power of "love".

Can "love" cure cancer? Scientists have made surprising discoveries that support long-standing speculation