
Wei Yunxi appeared at the Silk Road Condensation Ceremony and sang on the amazing red carpet

The second Silk Road Cohesion Ceremony was held on December 16 at the Shanghai Qizhong Forest Sports City Tennis Center, with the main purpose of "inheriting the spirit of the Silk Road and condensing national strength" and the spirit of "shadow" as the bridge, telling Chinese stories, sending out the voice of China, and helping the development and exchange of films in countries along the Silk Road. There are national leaders of various countries, excellent foreign directors, actors to the scene, Cai Shao Andfen, Li Randi, Qin Fen, Gao Hanyu, Wei Yunxi and other artists were invited to attend, this grand ceremony can be described as star-studded, is a super luxurious guest lineup of international fashion ceremony.

On the same day, Wei Yunxi wore a light blue hollow lace dress and made a stunning appearance on the red carpet, and the blue-like tone lined Wei Yunxi's slender figure, setting off an elegant temperament, the freshness filled the field, and Wei Yunxi on the red carpet also showed euphemism and elegance between his hands and feet.

Wei Yunxi appeared at the Silk Road Condensation Ceremony and sang on the amazing red carpet

At the scene of the grand ceremony, Wei Yunxi also sang the theme song of the movie "Golden Brothers" that was fired some time ago, "Gilded in time", under the leisurely fire-like lights, Wei Yunxi, dressed in a pale color dress, was smart and lovely, and sang with his own gentle and comfortable unique voice, which infected the audience. Wei Yunxi, who appeared this time, is full of elegant temperament, sexy and stunning. The lights meet the soft voice, and the confident and calm singing is not lacking in a hint of publicity. However, in terms of the image of the past in front of the public, Wei Yunxi, who participated in the grand event this time, seems to be somewhat "different".

Wei Yunxi in the grand ceremony is a fairy dress, plain and elegant, a tender look, and the words are also affectionate in the singing. But from the interview after the end of the singing, I learned that as a northeastern girl full of "pride", Wei Yunxi never denied that she was a female man, who liked to eat "hot pot" the most, what idol baggage can also "not exist", and the daily Weibo is also jumping out, but this self-statement is obviously completely incompatible with the "self" when attending the grand ceremony. However, even Wei Yunxi, who has always been known as a "female man", also has a girl's heart, and the venue of this festival is the Shanghai Qizhong Forest Sports City Tennis Center, Wei Yunxi, who has always regarded "Federer" as his idol, has seen the poster of "idol" here this time, and said that he has watched idol games in this venue many times, waiting in line for the "idol" signature. And just happened to have the opportunity to "sing" at the tennis center, Wei Yunxi, who has "memories" with idols, is full of excitement of "girlish tenderness" Of course, it is easy to understand!

Wei Yunxi appeared at the Silk Road Condensation Ceremony and sang on the amazing red carpet

Share with the public the passages that have happened to them in their own lives, express their future development direction, tell the story of "Mr. Wei" sung for their fathers, "declarations" of their fans' love, and express their wishes for the new year. Wei Yunxi between words is still the unstoppable "trance, haha laugh" or the "O sister" who is free and straightforward.

Perhaps, constantly expanding himself, having the courage to try different styles, and challenging the unknown self are Wei Yunxi's unremitting pursuits. The ceremony and interview also let the public know more about this free "O sister", and Wei Yunxi said that there will be 4 films to meet with everyone next year, let's look forward to it!