
The latest action system of "True Three Kingdoms 8" is open!


The official website of True Three Kingdoms 8 released an updated page for the action system and new characters. Among them, the action system has been greatly changed, almost breaking through the tradition of the series of works.

State Combo System:

Mowing through simple operation is the basis of the thrill of the Three Kingdoms series. In this game, players can make a flow attack based on the state of the enemy, react according to the favorable state, and choose trigger attack (trigger) when preparing for combos.

Smooth attack means that when the player is in the air, falling, etc., different attack methods are selected according to the status of the enemy. Attacking consecutively earlier can inflict more damage on enemies. Smooth attacks are mainly achieved by relying on the box keys.

The latest action system of "True Three Kingdoms 8" is open!
The latest action system of "True Three Kingdoms 8" is open!
The latest action system of "True Three Kingdoms 8" is open!

Reactive attacks are when the player chooses different attacks based on the different moments they are at with the enemy. This allows players to create powerful situations in different situations. This includes: counterattack, knockback, sprint attack, fall attack, defense break, sneak attack and pursuit. Reactive attacks are mainly implemented by triangular keys.

The latest action system of "True Three Kingdoms 8" is open!
The latest action system of "True Three Kingdoms 8" is open!
The latest action system of "True Three Kingdoms 8" is open!

Trigger attack is an attack that can change the state of an enemy. When hitting a place, the use of mobile attacks in succession causes the player to hit a series of combos. Trigger attacks come in three forms: stun (R1 + block), up (R1 + triangle), and fall (R1 + fork).

The latest action system of "True Three Kingdoms 8" is open!
The latest action system of "True Three Kingdoms 8" is open!
The latest action system of "True Three Kingdoms 8" is open!

Of course, the traditional special skills of each warrior in the "Three Kingdoms Matchless" series still exist.

The latest action system of "True Three Kingdoms 8" is open!

In addition to the new combat system, True Three Kingdoms 8 also adds a new interactive system. Players can perform a variety of actions in the wild depending on the terrain: climb the city wall with an iron hook, swim in the river, detonate the oil jug with a rocket, use light power to step on the wall, and so on.

The latest action system of "True Three Kingdoms 8" is open!
The latest action system of "True Three Kingdoms 8" is open!
The latest action system of "True Three Kingdoms 8" is open!
The latest action system of "True Three Kingdoms 8" is open!

Fishing systems that are currently popular in many games are also available in this game. The ultra-high degree of freedom gives players more new ways to play.

The latest action system of "True Three Kingdoms 8" is open!

New characters:

The official website of "True Three Kingdoms Matchless 8" released a total of 7 military generals this time, namely Zhen Ji and Cao Pi of the State of Wei, Xu Sheng of the State of Wu, Xingcai and Zhang Bao of the State of Shu, and finally Wang Yuanji and Sima Zhao of the State of Jin.

Zhen Ji (CV: Yuko Sumitomo):

The beauty of the fallen city was praised as "skin like gelatin, beautiful as a flower". She was the wife of Yuan Xi, Yuan Shao's second son, and met Cao Pi for the first time when Cao Cao attacked Jizhou and married Cao Pi. I like elegant things such as songs and music. Is a character who does not have to be flattered by others, and he is very cold and dashing.

The latest action system of "True Three Kingdoms 8" is open!

Cao Pi (CV: Kana Yannian):

The son of Cao Cao, the King of Wei, was born with the fate of inheriting hegemony. Have the talent and emotional intelligence to inherit the hegemony, and be able to listen to the advice of the cold and rebellious. Be able to calmly observe everything and draw all talented people together.

The latest action system of "True Three Kingdoms 8" is open!

Xu Heng (CV:Tarusuke Aragaki):

A military general who served Sun Quan. After Sun Quan inherited Sun Ce's great cause, he was recruited by Sun Quan to be subordinated. He participated in the Battle of Chibi, the Hefei Raiders and the Jingzhou Raiders. When Cao Pi attacked Wu, he repelled the Wei army with "doubtful cities" and was active on the front line for a long time.

The latest action system of "True Three Kingdoms 8" is open!

Hoshiki (CV: Junko Noda):

Daughter of Zhang Fei. Born in a chaotic world, he grew up in Liu Bei's military camp and followed his will to choose to join the battlefield. She was tasked with guarding Liu Bei's son, Liu Chan, and also the future of Shu Han. Like her father, who has a straight temperament, she lacks a calm character as a young girl.

The latest action system of "True Three Kingdoms 8" is open!

Zhang Bao (CV: Daisuke Hanguchi):

Zhang Fei's son has a martial art that is praised by his father.

Extremely responsible and easy to talk to. Together with his brother Guan Ping, he was active on the front of the Northern Expedition.

The latest action system of "True Three Kingdoms 8" is open!

Wang Yuanji (CV: Kanae Ito):

Daughter of Wang Su, a major minister of the State of Wei. From a young age, he has the wisdom and courage of a wise man, and often makes others sigh "if it is a man." There is also good manners and gentleness in dealing with the weak. You can tell your true words to your loved ones without any worries.

The latest action system of "True Three Kingdoms 8" is open!

Sima Zhao (CV: Daisuke Kishio):

Sima Yi's second son. In the eyes of others, Sima Zhao was slightly behind his perfect brother. Although he usually has a rough personality, he will not miss the essence of things when facing important things.

The latest action system of "True Three Kingdoms 8" is open!