
This Chinese song that resounds throughout outer space only takes a second, and all the Chinese will unconsciously follow

author:Poisonous tongue movie

The National Day holiday is in progress.

Do you choose to travel, stay at home, or work overtime? It seems to be no different from previous years.

So today Sir said something special - "National Anthem".

You'd say who doesn't know that.

But do you know what it was like for international friends to sing this song in Mandarin 81 years ago?

This Chinese song that resounds throughout outer space only takes a second, and all the Chinese will unconsciously follow

This may touch on the knowledge blind spot.

Don't worry.

This short film will tell you - "Song of New China"

This Chinese song that resounds throughout outer space only takes a second, and all the Chinese will unconsciously follow

I can't imagine that a short film about our national anthem was actually made by foreigners:

Chrissy, an international student from Turkmenistan.

This Chinese song that resounds throughout outer space only takes a second, and all the Chinese will unconsciously follow

It is mainly presented in the form of stop-motion mixed with historical images.

In order to make a satisfactory effect, she and the behind-the-scenes team visited, prepared, and conceived.

Collected more than 100,000 words of information and thousands of pictures, and it took 17 days to have this 8-minute film.

This Chinese song that resounds throughout outer space only takes a second, and all the Chinese will unconsciously follow

Although she is a foreigner, it is precisely because of this unique creative experience that she has a fuller understanding of Chinese history.

Look at Chinese history with a special perspective.

Feel the ups and downs of that era, as well as the warm-blooded feelings of revolutionary martyrs who have followed and sacrificed their lives and forgot their deaths.

Is the silhouette of this figure on the poster of "Song of New China" familiar?

Its prototype is a sculpture.

This Chinese song that resounds throughout outer space only takes a second, and all the Chinese will unconsciously follow

The statue is still located in the street garden at the intersection of Huaihai Road and Fuxing Road in Shanghai, in dialogue with the world.

It's not small.

It is a personal statue created for Nie Er by the famous sculptor Zhang Chongren at the behest of the Shanghai government in 1992, and was given the name "Rise".

This Chinese song that resounds throughout outer space only takes a second, and all the Chinese will unconsciously follow

△ Source: Shanghai Oil Painting and Sculpture Institute

"Rise up" is the key word in the "March of the Volunteer Army".

In 1931, the Japanese militarists were ambitious and wanted to conquer all of Asia, in a vain attempt to devour China from the three eastern provinces.

In 32 years, the Japanese bombed Shanghai, and the lights of Shanghai were shattered.

This Chinese song that resounds throughout outer space only takes a second, and all the Chinese will unconsciously follow
This Chinese song that resounds throughout outer space only takes a second, and all the Chinese will unconsciously follow
This Chinese song that resounds throughout outer space only takes a second, and all the Chinese will unconsciously follow

A large number of people of insight, intellectuals, filmmakers, and musicians, were dissatisfied with the Kuomintang's inaction.

Increasingly, they joined the ranks of the Communists, using their talents to fight against the invaders.

Some left-wing filmmakers, such as Ren Guang, Tian Han, Nie Er, Xian Xinghai, Situ Huimin, etc., opened a new film department within Dentsu Audio Equipment.

Borrowing the most advanced burning technology of the time, they tried to incorporate music into the film, which caused a huge response among the audience.

In 1934, Tian Han began to participate in the screenwriting of the film "Children of the Storm".

This Chinese song that resounds throughout outer space only takes a second, and all the Chinese will unconsciously follow

The protagonist of the film is a young poet played by Yuan Muzhi, who gave up a rich life to devote himself to the revolution after the death of a close friend due to war.

This Chinese song that resounds throughout outer space only takes a second, and all the Chinese will unconsciously follow

At that time, anti-Japanese activities were strictly prohibited by the Kuomintang.

After the first draft of the script was written, Tian Han was arrested and imprisoned.

At the end of the story, when the male and female protagonists go to the battlefield, they sing a song.

The lyrics are the last verse in one of Tian Han's poems, The Great Wall.

The words are there, but there are no songs.

Nie Er, who was 22 years old at the time, saw the lyrics, his blood boiled, and he was deeply inspired, and asked Miao to compose the theme song for "Children of the Wind and Clouds".

But within a few days, Nie Er, who was doing the composition work, was also on the arrest list.

What to do?

You can only go abroad to avoid the wind first.

They unanimously held that the revolutionary cause was not completed and that it was imperative not to act recklessly.

On April 15, 1935, Nie Er left Shanghai with heavy expectations and finally completed the composition of the March in Japan.

In this seemingly simple piece, he tries to integrate all his strength and indelible fighting spirit into its notes.

This Chinese song that resounds throughout outer space only takes a second, and all the Chinese will unconsciously follow
This Chinese song that resounds throughout outer space only takes a second, and all the Chinese will unconsciously follow

What the world did not expect was that this song turned out to be the last work of Nie Er's short life.

In the second year of asylum abroad, Nie Er unfortunately drowned in Japan at the age of 23.

This Chinese song that resounds throughout outer space only takes a second, and all the Chinese will unconsciously follow

Finally, "Children of the Storm" was released.

While in prison, Tian Han used the last verse of the poem, which was later adapted as the lyrics of the March.

And renamed it "Volunteer March".

The film contributed the first kissing scene in the history of Chinese cinema and, more importantly:

It was through this film that "The March of the Volunteers" was born.

At that time, who could have predicted that this song would become the national anthem of New China?

This Chinese song that resounds throughout outer space only takes a second, and all the Chinese will unconsciously follow
This Chinese song that resounds throughout outer space only takes a second, and all the Chinese will unconsciously follow

Unfortunately, for various reasons, the film did not sell well at that time.

Fortunately, the original soundtrack released by EMI Records (called the "OST Soundtrack Album" in today's words) was a great success and sold out of stock.

This Chinese song that resounds throughout outer space only takes a second, and all the Chinese will unconsciously follow

However, this theme song was promoted and disseminated by Liu Liangmo and many other patriots, and it was sung in the land of China and the international community.

Liu Liangmo believes that songs are the best tool to mobilize the people.

He said: Many Chinese illiterate, but songs can be passed on by word of mouth.

Indeed, songs are not limited by venues and equipment, and can be sung by anyone, anytime, anywhere.

It also has the power to transcend language and culture, even if you can't understand the lyrics, you can be moved and infected by the spirit in the tune.

All this is obviously not what the Kuomintang reactionaries want to see.

Under the persecution of the Kuomintang, Liu Liangmo had no choice but to leave China.

This Chinese song that resounds throughout outer space only takes a second, and all the Chinese will unconsciously follow

When he came to the United States, he did nothing else, and immediately continued to mobilize the Chinese and foreign people to resist Japanese fascism.

In New York, he met the famous American singer Paul Robertson.

In addition to his singer status, he is a political activist for black Americans and labor unions fighting for rights.

This Chinese song that resounds throughout outer space only takes a second, and all the Chinese will unconsciously follow

In 1940, when fascist aggression was in full swing.

Although the United States had not yet entered the war, he chose to sing the "March of the Volunteers" to thousands of people in mandarin at an open-air concert.

The fierce fighting spirit injected by Nie Er in the song rippled like ripples in the applause of the audience.

This Chinese song that resounds throughout outer space only takes a second, and all the Chinese will unconsciously follow

The power of music, beyond language, borders.

Paul Robertson also wrote the English version of the album Chee Lai: Songs of New China ("Chee Lai" is a transliteration of "up" and the title of the English version of the song) for The Volunteer March.

Song Qingling personally wrote and promoted the album.

This Chinese song that resounds throughout outer space only takes a second, and all the Chinese will unconsciously follow
This Chinese song that resounds throughout outer space only takes a second, and all the Chinese will unconsciously follow

The album was an unprecedented success, and the song quickly spread among rebels around the world who suffered fascist aggression.

The name of the "Volunteer Army" resounded all over the world.

The song became a symbol of peoples uniting against evil and inspired people to believe that victory and light were ahead.

This Chinese song that resounds throughout outer space only takes a second, and all the Chinese will unconsciously follow

Therefore, before the founding of the People's Republic of China, when Liu Liangmo responded to the call to return to China and participated in the deliberation meeting on the selection of the national anthem of the People's Republic of China, he did not hesitate to vote for this simple and simple and powerful "March of the Volunteer Army".

He knew all too well the meaning and weight of the song.

This Chinese song that resounds throughout outer space only takes a second, and all the Chinese will unconsciously follow

The lyrics of this song are only 84 words short.

But in these 84 words, there is a condensed modern history of our Chinese nation.

On September 21, 1949, the first plenary session of the Chinese Political Consultative Conference was held, and the national song was not drawn up as scheduled.

The meeting passed a resolution on September 27 stipulating that the "March of the Volunteer Army" should be designated as the national anthem before the national anthem of the People's Republic of China is formally formulated.

This Chinese song that resounds throughout outer space only takes a second, and all the Chinese will unconsciously follow

72 years later, the "March of the Volunteers" has played in all corners of the world, and even in outer space.

But what many people don't know is that the "March of the Volunteer Army", which has been used as a national anthem for so many years, was not officially established as the national anthem until 2004.

This Chinese song that resounds throughout outer space only takes a second, and all the Chinese will unconsciously follow

In that era of smoke and smoke, the "March of the Volunteer Army", full of courage and fighting spirit, awakened the hope of countless Chinese people.

It also constantly inspires generations of Chinese people to rise and move forward.

The picture in this article comes from the network

Editorial Assistant: Doraemon