
Just after the probation period, when he answered the reason for the drunk driving collision again, he said, "I want to go home."

author:Purple Cow News

Yangzi Evening News Network, February 10 (correspondent Hou Fengzhong Ge Mingcai reporter Wang Guozhu) At more than 8 p.m. on February 4, a traffic accident involving an electric vehicle colliding with a car occurred in Linhu Township, Xinghua City. So, where did the driver who caused the accident go? Who is this man in the hospital?

Just after the probation period, when he answered the reason for the drunk driving collision again, he said, "I want to go home."

Gu underwent a blood test

According to Ni Jianchuan, a police officer on duty in the Xinghua Traffic Police Brigade Duotian Squadron, when they rushed to the hospital, in addition to the injured Wang Mou, there was a man surnamed Gu who was full of alcohol, who claimed to be friends with the driver of the car that caused the accident, and the driver left due to temporary "trouble", asking him to help take care of the injured here. However, when the police asked him for the driver's name, Gu refused to confess through "wine", and has been pretending to be stupid, that is, not to say who is driving the vehicle. Because the police did not know who drove the car at that time, and could not determine the driver of the accident, the case once reached an impasse.

Later, after retrieving the information of the vehicle that caused the accident, the police found that the car that caused the accident was registered under Gu's name, and his suspicion of drunk driving increased, but Gu refused to admit that the vehicle was driven by himself, nor did he say who drove it. Therefore, the police took Gu to the squadron for further investigation.

After a night of interrogation, Gu finally admitted the illegal facts of his drunk driving accident. Gu said that the night before, he drank a lot of liquor at a friend's house... After inquiry, the police found that Gu had had two major traffic accidents in previous years, one of which also constituted the crime of traffic accident, and the driver's license was revoked according to law and sentenced. Gu Mou, who had just passed the probation period, not only did not learn a lesson, but also drove drunk without a license.

According to the police, they took blood samples from Gu in the hospital that night according to law. On February 9, after the identification of the Taizhou Municipal Public Security Bureau Physical Evidence Laboratory, Gu Mou's blood alcohol content was as high as 227.5mg/100ml, suspected of dangerous driving, and he would be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law.

When asked why Gu Mou still drove after drinking alcohol, coupled with the illegal behavior of driving without a license, he said bluntly: "I want to go home!" At present, Wang Mou, the owner of the two-wheeled electric vehicle who was injured by the collision, is not life-threatening and is receiving treatment in the hospital.

Proofread by Li Haihui

Source: Purple Cow News