
25 details and Easter eggs! How many have you noticed? A detailed interpretation of Rocky's third episode

author:Mu mu ge film and television
25 details and Easter eggs! How many have you noticed? A detailed interpretation of Rocky's third episode

warn! This article has plenty of spoilers for the third episode of Disney + Rocky!

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25 details and Easter eggs! How many have you noticed? A detailed interpretation of Rocky's third episode

No matter where Loki goes, trouble always follows

Maybe you are still immersed in the purple planet of Loki's third episode, fireworks, and doomsday lament, surprised by Loki's public self-disclosure of bisexuality, then, pay attention to [Mu mu brother film], mu mu ge will go deep with you to inventory the 25 details and easter eggs in loki's third episode.

1. First of all, the song that kicked off Loki's third episode was Hayley Kiyoko's "Demons."

25 details and Easter eggs! How many have you noticed? A detailed interpretation of Rocky's third episode

Have to admire the "Rocky" soundtrack and the songs in the middle are great!

2. When Hunter C-20 has Margaret in his mind, Hayley Kiyoko's Demons rings out.

25 details and Easter eggs! How many have you noticed? A detailed interpretation of Rocky's third episode

To spell out useful information, Mrs. Rocky plays the role of a friend in C-20's mind, with the lyrics of the song "Please, forgive me, I have demons in my head." It was a perfect musical choice. Whether it's the tune or the lyrics metaphor, it's great!

3. Sylvie wears a horned headdress like Loki, except that her headdress is missing a horn. In the Loki: Agents of Asgard comics series, Mrs. Loki wears a similar headdress and is also missing a horn.

25 details and Easter eggs! How many have you noticed? A detailed interpretation of Rocky's third episode

4) When Sylvie exits hunter C-20's mind and looks at the big screen, this scene appears in the surveillance: Loki lands in the supermarket door in the middle of a storm, looks up at the sky, hoping to see Thor come to his rescue, which is different from the situation in Avengers where Loki is scared.

25 details and Easter eggs! How many have you noticed? A detailed interpretation of Rocky's third episode

5. When Sylvie enters TVA, she tries to use magic to control the Time Guard, but finds that her magic cannot be cast. In the first episode of Loki, Judge Lavona has already told Loki about this fact.

25 details and Easter eggs! How many have you noticed? A detailed interpretation of Rocky's third episode

6. Loki gets his double dagger again and doesn't forget to use them to play handsome, and similar situations are also seen in "Thor: Twilight of the Gods".

25 details and Easter eggs! How many have you noticed? A detailed interpretation of Rocky's third episode

7) The first magic Loki uses after leaving TVA is his move of "teleporting himself behind enemies". This trick was used to assassinate Coulson in The Avengers. This article is the original article of "Mumuge Film and Television", and it is forbidden to reprint it without permission.

25 details and Easter eggs! How many have you noticed? A detailed interpretation of Rocky's third episode

8. Loki teleports himself and Sylvie to Lamentis-1. In the 2007 comic book Annihilation: Conquest Prologue # 1, Lamentis is on the fringes of the Kree Empire.

25 details and Easter eggs! How many have you noticed? A detailed interpretation of Rocky's third episode

9. In the Annihilation: Conquest Prologue comic, many of the stories of quasars and moon dragons take place in Lamentis. Paro-Will inherits the mantle of the quasars, while the Moon Dragon is the daughter of Drax the Destroyer.

25 details and Easter eggs! How many have you noticed? A detailed interpretation of Rocky's third episode

In the comics, Paro-Will and Moon Dragon are also a gay couple.

10) In previous articles, it has been discussed that Sophia di Martino's role may not be Mrs. Loki, but Sylvie/Witch, and her identity is revealed in the third episode. She tells Loki her name, and Loki refers to her abilities as "magic" throughout the episode.

25 details and Easter eggs! How many have you noticed? A detailed interpretation of Rocky's third episode

In the comics, Sylvie gains her abilities from Loki, becoming one of the biggest villains in the comics. In Loki, it is possible to merge the Witch and Lady Loki into one character.

11. On Lamentis-1, Loki used his ability to transform. He also demonstrated this ability in Thor: Dark World, when he became Captain America.

25 details and Easter eggs! How many have you noticed? A detailed interpretation of Rocky's third episode

12 Loki tells Sylvie that his ruse was taken from his mother and taught him. This was mentioned earlier in Thor: The Dark World, where he said Loki learned Frigga's tricks.

25 details and Easter eggs! How many have you noticed? A detailed interpretation of Rocky's third episode

13 Loki and Sylvie talk about Sylvie's mind control abilities, and in the comics, Sylvie/The Witch uses mind manipulation, most notably in Dark Dynasty: Young Avengers. This article is the original article of "Mumuge Film and Television", and it is forbidden to reprint it without permission.

25 details and Easter eggs! How many have you noticed? A detailed interpretation of Rocky's third episode

Yes, Sylvie is associated with the young Avengers, including Wanda's twins Tommy and Billy, which can be seen as a possible link between Rocky and Wanda's Visions.

14) When the two joke back and forth and exchange their own stories, they finally talk about: What is love? Sylvie believes that "love is hate", and Loki, after thinking about it for a long time, gives what he thinks is a profound answer: "Love is a dagger".

25 details and Easter eggs! How many have you noticed? A detailed interpretation of Rocky's third episode

As the god of mischief, I don't know if it is a coincidence or not, such an answer is a bit mocking Wanda's answer to love.

15 Sylvie asks Loki if he has ever had a relationship with a "future princess or prince." This is the first time Loki's bisexuality has been confirmed in the MCU.

25 details and Easter eggs! How many have you noticed? A detailed interpretation of Rocky's third episode

Director Kate Herron said: "Acknowledging that Loki is bisexual is very important to me and my goal. I know it's just a small step, but I'm happy and full of heart, and I can say it's a classic for mcCu. "

16) In several comics, Loki's sexual orientation is bisexual. Al Ewing, the screenwriter who wrote Rocky: Agents of Asgard, said, "Yes, Loki is bisexual. He also occasionally switches between genders. "

25 details and Easter eggs! How many have you noticed? A detailed interpretation of Rocky's third episode

17 Loki sings in Asgardian on the train, similar to how we hear Wanda sing in Sokovian in Wanda's Vision. It's also one of the few times I've heard them perform in their native language.

25 details and Easter eggs! How many have you noticed? A detailed interpretation of Rocky's third episode

Does anyone know the name of the song Rocky sang when he was "full of food"? Please let me know in the comments section, thanks!

18 Loki gleefully drops his drink on the floor, which is certainly a wonderful response to Thor's smashing of his coffee cup in Thor.

25 details and Easter eggs! How many have you noticed? A detailed interpretation of Rocky's third episode

19. Sylvie takes off her headdress and uses it as a weapon during a fight, which is what Loki did in Twilight of the Gods.

25 details and Easter eggs! How many have you noticed? A detailed interpretation of Rocky's third episode

20, the god of falling--- Loki fell down again! When Loki is thrown off the train, he lands (and shakes his hair) the same way he did in Thor: Twilight of the Gods when Loki falls off Doctor Strange's wheel of light. He did the same in the second episode of Rocky. This article is the original article of "Mumuge Film and Television", and it is forbidden to reprint it without permission.

25 details and Easter eggs! How many have you noticed? A detailed interpretation of Rocky's third episode

21 Loki realized that the only way to survive the destruction of Lamentis was to board the Ark. This is similar to what happened in Thor: Twilight of the Gods when Loki realized that Asgard was about to be destroyed.

25 details and Easter eggs! How many have you noticed? A detailed interpretation of Rocky's third episode

22 Compared to Wanda, Sylvie can only create illusions based on memory, and must touch the human body, but Wanda creates a paradise out of thin air.

25 details and Easter eggs! How many have you noticed? A detailed interpretation of Rocky's third episode

23 Loki gets an important piece of information about the TVA and variants from Sylvie.

25 details and Easter eggs! How many have you noticed? A detailed interpretation of Rocky's third episode

Sylvie explained that the employees of the Time Mutation Authority were not created by the Guardians of Time, but rather as variants of erased memories. At the beginning of the episode, Sylvie uses C-20's memories from a long time ago to create a familiar scene. It's not so much an Easter egg as it is an explanation of some of the problems in the second episode. Why Owen Wilson plays Agent Möbius so fascinated by jet skiing and the '90s, perhaps Sylvie explains that this is the answer to this question.

24 Finally, the end credits show that before boarding the train, the two guards who checked in the tickets were named "Private Hudson" and "Corporal Hicks", which is a tribute to Hudson and Hicks in Alien.

25 details and Easter eggs! How many have you noticed? A detailed interpretation of Rocky's third episode

In Alien, Hicks is played by Michael Bean, while Hudson is played by Bill Paxton.

25 The ending song is "Dark Moon", a 1957 country song by Bonnie Guitar.

25 details and Easter eggs! How many have you noticed? A detailed interpretation of Rocky's third episode

There are also some meaningful lyrics: "Mortals dream of the perfect plan of love, but they don't realize that love sometimes brings... Dark Moon. ”

After revisiting the above details with Mu Mu Ge, did you find any other Easter eggs or cool details? If so, please share it in the comments section

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