
Netizens make their own "bubble tea superman", which looks really super scary

author:Cute Lady ACG Institute

Ever since bubble tea entered Japan, there have been a lot of fun about bubble tea, and there are even many well-known TV dramas or anime implants. There are many netizens on the Internet for the love of bubble tea, remember that in the last comic exhibition someone cosed the bubble tea, the appearance of the little sister is very good-looking, but this shape looks really weird.

Netizens make their own "bubble tea superman", which looks really super scary

Recently, an animated character modeled on Bubble Tea appeared on Twitter in Japan, and his appearance was recreated according to the style of the animation "Anpanman", let's call him "Bubble Tea Superman". At first glance, it is still quite cute, but it is so disgusting to look closely.

Netizens make their own "bubble tea superman", which looks really super scary

The setting of this "Bubble Tea Superman" is similar to the cos of the above little sister, the head is the appearance of milk tea, and there is a deer logo on the clothes (is it the antler lane advertisement?). )。 But if you want to take a closer look at the pearl structure inside the milk tea, you will definitely be shocked. He turned out to be an anpanman with a painful expression, which looked numb to the scalp. Thinking about it, there is also a very frightening setting, is It possible that Anpanman has been caught by the "bubble tea" bad guys to make pearls?

Netizens make their own "bubble tea superman", which looks really super scary

This reminds me of a manga, a previous "horror manga" about bubble tea, which was about bad guys using human heads to make milk tea. It was terrible to think about, so he drew it like this and wanted to kill Anpanman.

Netizens make their own "bubble tea superman", which looks really super scary
Netizens make their own "bubble tea superman", which looks really super scary

Because the style of painting is more realistic, and it is not surprising that a new character of "bubble tea superman" will be born under the craze of bubble tea. Therefore, some netizens deliberately went to the official look of Anpanman and determined that there was no such role setting, which was completely drawn by the netizens themselves.

But fortunately it is not real, otherwise the animation that children watch will become a "horror movie", and his height is still so big, Anpanman can't beat it at all.

Then again, Anpanman set a Guinness World Record for the "Animated Series with the Most Characters" as early as 2009, when 1,768 characters appeared. It has been 10 years now, this record is still breaking, almost every episode has a different character appearance, so after that, there may really be "Bubble Tea Superman" or not, just set to be intimate and cute, otherwise it will really frighten children.

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