
The anime remake of "My Name Is MT" is about to be released, can it be authentic?


Caption / My name is MT

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This brother came with a silver scale breastplate, didn't he?

The anime remake of "My Name Is MT" is about to be released, can it be authentic?

On August 10, "My Name is MT" announced on the Internet that the animation will be launched in October this year. The first season of the animation remake, the director is still Walnut, the original class of voice actors and horses return and other details have been made public, the bullet screen is covered with the three words of "Ye Qing Hui", and the trailer PV is still the first place in the domestic original video partition of the B station. As a network animation that was broadcast in the first season 12 years ago and has been suspended for 5 years, it can still have a large number of fans' attention, which is not unrelated to the special environment in which this network animation was born.

The anime remake of "My Name Is MT" is about to be released, can it be authentic?

From the end of 2008 to the beginning of 2009, the Chinese operation rights of "World of Warcraft" were twisted and turned, and the version was lagging behind, the operation was handed over, and the service was suspended, during which many players spent their time on the creation of "World of Warcraft" fandom. At the time, the largest "World of Warcraft" forum in China, NGA, excellent fan works emerged in an endless stream, several gamers walnut, milk tea superman, etc. gathered together, using the characters in the Korean fan comic "When We Were Kids" as the prototype to create the animation "My name is MT".

In December 2009, the first episode of "My Name is MT" was launched. The fandom is rough, and the OP even borrows the theme song of Saint Seiya to recreate it, but this does not hide the charm of the animation. By telling the players' own game experience, with a variety of daily small stories to create a plump and vivid character, "My Name is MT" immediately became popular among Warcraft players, and even attracted a lot of animation audiences who did not play games, and the line "Silver Phosphorus Breastplate, Blue Quality, 5G Piece" became a famous meme in the "World of Warcraft" player group.

The anime remake of "My Name Is MT" is about to be released, can it be authentic?

During the barren period of China's online animation industry more than a decade ago, "My Name is MT", which finally produced 7 seasons of online animation plus a big movie, is a phenomenon-level series.

As a special product of "World of Warcraft" derived from Chinese culture, "My Name is MT" is a rare successful commercial work in domestic fandom. However, the label of the fan work also caused "My Name is MT" to be deeply involved in copyright disputes, and it was finally settled by the purchaser of the IP game adaptation rights, Ledong Excellence and Blizzard, who reached a settlement agreement for the use of the characters. Then, the animation copyright and game copyright have been upside down in different companies, and since the 2016 "Yamaguchi Yamaguchi Battle" movie, "My Name is MT" has really been silent in the animation market.

The anime remake of "My Name Is MT" is about to be released, can it be authentic?

In 2018, the mobile game "My Name is MT4" released by Ledong Excellence and represented by Tencent exceeded 1 billion yuan in the first month, and this game series that attracted a large number of players by the animation role of "My Name IS MT" seemed to have completed the accumulation of the gamer group, and the termination of the animation was inevitably regrettable.

Now, the animation works and character image property rights of "My Name is MT" all belong to Coconut Legend, and then the company will carry out multi-form development of content and all-round IP licensing for "My Name IS MT", and the animation remake of "My Name IS MT" is the first step.

The content reproduction of classic IP has become a common operation in the entertainment market, such as the "Huluwa", "Black Cat Sheriff", "I Am a Song Maniac" and other works under the Mei film studio, and their animated remakes have been updated with the times.

"Huluwa" and "Black Cat Sheriff" have undergone a new change of audience due to their age, while the story of "I Am Crazy for Song" has a strong sense of the times, and the remake version also needs to be adjusted according to the current era environment. Although their animated remakes are not easy to gain a good reputation, their licensing and development can still be carried out in an orderly manner based on new audiences.

"My Name is MT" is slightly different, the audience of this animation that began broadcasting 12 years ago is mainly post-80s and post-90s Warcraft players, and the core audience of the remake version 12 years later is still this group of people. In the comment area of the remake animation trailer, fans put forward original requirements for the "My Name is MT" anime remake from various aspects such as style, modeling, and dubbing. It is not easy to remake the same audience to give them the original look and feel.

The anime remake of "My Name Is MT" is about to be released, can it be authentic?

The humble drawing style, rough modeling and "20 bucks" dubbing features of the first season of "My Name is MT" are the results of the "power generation for love" of Warcraft players in special circumstances more than a decade ago. Warcraft players love this anime because the story in the anime is a projection of their game life. Today, even the game nostalgic suit still has a large number of players, but the game rhythm, game needs and game feelings in the nostalgic suit are very different from more than a decade ago. Animation is the same, leaving fans with only feelings, so these animation fans will have higher requirements for the "original" animation.

The anime remake of "My Name Is MT" is about to be released, can it be authentic?

From the perspective of content creation and audience viewing, "original" actually refers to two aspects. One is the experience, attitude and mood of the creators of Warcraft players in the creation of animations, and the second is the sense of surprise when the audience with Warcraft players as the main body first touched the work, "My Name is MT" carries the special feelings of players for this game in that period. At present, it is not easy for remake animation to achieve "originality" in these two aspects.

How this emotional "My Name is MT" animated remake will gain positive word of mouth from fans will be the first test of this IP's return to the entertainment market.