
"Our New Era Emergency Rescue" began airing last night Yu Yao played his son with Tong Dawei

author:Entertainment new online

A few days ago, the TV series "Our New Era" is being broadcast. The drama closely follows the pulse of the times, takes grass-roots party members as the starting point, tells ordinary and great stories, and shows the struggle style of grass-roots party members and young party members. As an important supplement to the strength of the national rescue team, the civil rescue team is of great significance to improving the ability of disaster prevention, mitigation and relief, maintaining social public safety, and protecting the safety of people's lives and property. Focusing on folk rescue heroes, "Ideals Shine in China - The State Administration of Radio and Television Celebrates the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China Theme Works Creation Exhibition and Broadcasting Activity" The key drama "Our New Era" will be broadcast tonight on Beijing Satellite TV, Oriental Satellite TV, Shenzhen Satellite TV, Tencent Video, iQiyi, Youku, and blood.

"Our New Era Emergency Rescue" began airing last night Yu Yao played his son with Tong Dawei

  Directed by 500 directors and co-starring Actors such as Tong Dawei, Chen He, Yu Haoming, Yu Yao and other actors, the chapter is based on a civil rescue group for the first time, focusing on real rescue events, telling the story of a group of grassroots party members who spontaneously organized rescue, and presenting the growth process of the folk rescue team with blood. In the play, Cao Le, played by actor Yu Yao, is the son of Cao Chong (Tong Dawei), a member of the Blue Whale Rescue Team. Every time Cao Chong participates in the rescue team operation, he will sacrifice his time with Cao Le, for which Cao Le will inevitably complain in his heart, but as the plot deepens, Cao Le is touched by his father's selfless dedication, and he begins to be proud of his father...

  Focus on real rescue events, show the experience and growth of the civil rescue team, and pay tribute to their every action and every selfless dedication. Tonight, "Our New Era" "Emergency Rescue" will officially start broadcasting.

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