
Shoe life - The story of Zhong Jiufu's sneakers

The actor, who was once an all-round athlete in the sports school, has a good personal relationship with Yi Jianlian and has a sneaker story of more than 20 years.

Shoe life - The story of Zhong Jiufu's sneakers

This pair of Air Force 1 was designed by him and the UAE.

Shoe life - The story of Zhong Jiufu's sneakers

The upper is made from luxury-grade knit fabric.

Shoe life - The story of Zhong Jiufu's sneakers

Not commercially available, only 4 pairs.

Shoe life - The story of Zhong Jiufu's sneakers

The Air Max Elite was the shoe of the UAE to the Asian Games in Doha.

Shoe life - The story of Zhong Jiufu's sneakers

It has the autograph of the UAE.

Shoe life - The story of Zhong Jiufu's sneakers

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