
Alex 12 Constellation October Monthly Horoscope: You have to remember everything you see and hear

author:Alex is an uncle
Alex 12 Constellation October Monthly Horoscope: You have to remember everything you see and hear

Reference: Sun sign, rising sign (all need to refer)



From the 1st to the 5th of the first month, Venus and Jupiter interact, and Mercury interacts with Pluto, and at the beginning of the month, there may be a legacy of the previous month and be very anxious, especially related to the settlement of payments, the processing of a certain business, or the failure to fulfill a work, a private commitment, and some people may have emotional quarrels or temporary off-site situations at the beginning of this month. You may also have damage to your belongings or unplanned expenses at the beginning of the month, and some people may need to take a break, change of guard or work at home at the beginning of the month, even on holidays. If you're traveling, because Mercury's retrograde started not long ago, it's delayed, and the probability of a sudden situation will increase dramatically.

From the 6th to the 10th, ushered in a new moon, this new moon happens to be in your interpersonal relationship palace, the fortune will be improved, and at the same time will expand networks, make new customer relationships, or make new nobles, can promote you, bring you help, may also have a business trip to implement these days, some people will get the opportunity to be promoted. There are also people who will have peach blossom opportunities in these days. Venus will also enter a new position, which is conducive to studying, selling or buying transportation, or other second-hand goods, and some people need to deal with logistics, taxation and other matters in these days. If you're fighting a lawsuit, defending your rights, or dealing with a contract, it's very efficient these days.

From the 11th to the 15th, Venus and Saturn will have a harmonious interaction, a sum of money has made positive progress, and there may also be people who will get bonuses, dividends, good news of performance completion, and some people may confess in these days, take off the list, or meet parents to confirm the marriage. Saturn's energy will give you support, and someone may give you material or spiritual help. The sun and Jupiter also interact harmoniously, and some people will have peach blossoms in different places or age differences.

16th to 20th these days, Mercury retrograde officially ended on the 18th, the fortunes continue to turn better, but these days will also have busy things, work may be instrumental, docking things become more, become miscellaneous, easy to appear mistakes or forget things, be sure to be careful, do a good job of memo, in addition, these days because of the relationship between the full moon, some people will close the project, leave or negotiate, be cautious, and do not be impatient, because of the relationship between a colleague or customer, you appear to be a little anxious, and even hot temper Be sure to do a good job of emotional management.

From the 21st to the 25th, Mars and Pluto have a negative angle, these days are easy to break the money, health decline, some people are broken, injured, or have a disagreement with the family, or to move, or there are interpersonal changes, work is careful to be cut off, or a cooperation is canceled. If you are not a single person, you need to pay attention to the health of your partner these days, or there are some things that bother your partner's work and family these days, so you can accompany each other during this period and give each other some support, so that your feelings will also heat up. Some Aries will join the new working environment these days, or apply for resignation. In addition, there may be people with you in the next few days who have disputes, competitions, and resource grabs, but your chances of winning are greater.

From the 26th to the 31st, Mars will change to a new position, the next four weeks are suitable for recuperation, conditioning the body, while some people will be in and out of the bank in these days, or to deal with insurance business, some people may be private, low-key interviews, or get in touch with headhunters. At the end of the month, the health of the family may also be concerned, or the relationship between the family needs to be maintained by you. If someone asks you for help at the end of the month, you should be cautious and may damage your rights.


Companion Aries, as a whole, need to pay attention to the beginning of the month, as well as the time of the second half of the month, these few points in time are easy to change the good atmosphere into a bad atmosphere, may be very simple small things caused, and you are straight-talking, easy to complain, resulting in partners are not comfortable, and eventually there may be quarrels, especially in the late months, some people are easy to break up. Single Aries, overall, this month's peach blossom horoscope is flat, ambiguous, or there are some social and communication opportunities that make them feel very happy. There are also people who will introduce you to new people, and this month there may also be peach blossom objects in different places, or age differences, everything depends on their own intentions and likes, and you can adjust the degree of initiative according to the situation.

Health Note:

Beriberi, folliculitis, eczema, thyroid, surgery, fever, acne, sprains, conjunctivitis, stye, cramps


From the 1st to the 5th of the first month, a friend may point at you, or have a tendency to interfere with your life, you may have uncomfortable feelings, but you still have to be polite and gentle to communicate with each other clearly, because the beginning of the month is not suitable for a very fierce conversation atmosphere, as small as possible to patiently solve. Mercury and Pluto also interact, temporarily have work feedback or modifications, resulting in temporary overtime, some people may have ticketing problems in these days, such as the previously booked tickets to be refunded or transferred. Mercury and Jupiter have a harmonious angle, and at the beginning of the month you may receive gifts, or reunite with someone, and meeting someone makes you extremely happy. Pay attention to the health problems of female elders during these days. A small number of people will have the idea of leaving at the beginning of the month, but because they are in the water reverse at this time, do not be too impulsive and wait until 18 days later to decide.

From the 6th to the 10th, a new moon was ushered in, and this new moon brought good opportunities for job seekers, or entrepreneurs, and there may be an order that happens to appear, a capital flow turnover, or register the company, cancel the company's business process, and some people are officially hired in a new working environment. For most people, there may be a sudden increase in workload at work these days, but you are confident, motivated, and fulfilled. Some people go to religious, pet, medical, charitable, public welfare places, and others are ready to have pets or spend money on pets. Pay attention to your health problems these days, and adjust your eating habits, there may be gastrointestinal diseases or discomfort.

From the 11th to the 15th, Venus and Saturn have a harmonious interaction, these days there is partial fortune, or compensation of the money to the account, there are also people who receive refunds, but also pay attention to avoid fines in daily life, because some people are prone to eat fines these days. Some people will go to medical institutions or do medical aesthetics and skin management in these days, while others will have romantic dating, engagement, and marriage matters. At the working level, there are project funds implemented or bonuses are issued, and some people may have the opportunity to earn extra money part-time. The sun interacts harmoniously with Jupiter, and a man will bring you good news or a male nobleman will help you.

From the 16th to the 20th, the water retrograde officially ended on the 18th, in fact, in the past three weeks or so, your work status has fluctuated, some people have lost their jobs and some people want to change jobs, and now that the water retrograde is over, you may plan to adjust your state, discuss your work direction with your superiors, or put forward your own ideas for unfair task distribution, and some people are officially leaving or running their own side business. Most people are starting to improve their work situation and may be preparing for vacation. There will also be a full moon in these days, this full moon will have some sleep problems, or to go to the body review, a small number of people may be promoted to parents.

From the 21st to the 25th, Mars and Pluto have intense activities, these days are very easy to have conflicts, work, family, partnership, as far as possible to learn to control their emotions, while necessary to learn to give in and endure, because this astrological sign is also easy to be cruel, or there are some financial situations, you need to be careful, low-key, pay more attention. It's easy to be rushed or held accountable for problems at work level, and some people will be late these days, but please try not to do so.

From the 26th to the 31st, Venus and Neptune interact, at the end of the month, someone will play emotional cards with you, or draw you a big cake, keep your sanity, so as not to suffer losses, and at the same time, there may be socializing at the work level, advance things happen, and some people are going on a business trip. At the end of the month, there are also projects that officially open or officially end, so busyness increases, and it is easy to work overtime, resulting in your partner or family complaining to you. The sun also interacts with Saturn, and this period may not be harmonious with a certain man, the relationship between the elders, and even become fierce, sometimes not too stubborn, as gentle as possible.

With a Taurus, most people's feelings are stable, but the partner may become easy to be emotional this month, picky, turn over old accounts, and they may also not want to endure, want to return to the situation, in the end two people will not be happy, and even the cold war situation, so sometimes you need to learn to comfort each other, each other's mouth is sweet, this month to create more romantic things will make the feelings warm, and can avoid some problems. Single Taurus, on the whole, this month is easy to make people shine in some learning places or work links, but the overall emotional peach blossom fortune this month is not very high, so it is easy to unilaterally like someone.

Tinnitus, gastrointestinal, sleep, burns, rheumatism, hemorrhoids, conjunctivitis, sharp object injuries, allergies, acne, rhinitis


From the 1st to the 5th of the first month, you may still be worried about a certain work problem, which occurred in the last week of the last month, which may be related to the settlement of funds, the application for a budget, or the transfer, the change of guard, or it may be related to the unpleasantness of a female colleague, but there is no need to be affected by these things on your holiday, because Venus and Pluto have a harmonious interaction, this period you may harvest money, gifts or someone will have a romantic date, and someone will have a pet at the beginning of the month. Or if you learn the good news that someone is pregnant and has a child, you may also be invited to participate in an event, or you will be in and out of a medical beauty place, and you will also have plans to change your look. At the beginning of the month, there may be temporary paperwork tasks to deal with, and some people will buy electronic products or transportation, accessories, etc.

From the 6th to the 10th, ushered in a new moon, this new moon occurs in your charm, talent palace, this new moon will enhance your attractiveness, some people will appear peach blossoms, ambiguity, and even confession, if you look forward to welcoming children with your partner, promotion to parents, this new moon will also bring you opportunities, soon you will have news and results. There are also profits or may win the lottery in these days, and some people have to spend money on a child. Attention needs to be paid to the health of female elders and children. Venus will also enter your palace position in these days, there are female nobles, signing things, and some people will interview and enter the new working environment. There may also be project payment settlements these days.

11th to 15th these days, Venus and Saturn have a harmonious interaction, if in the bidding, negotiation, you will succeed, at the same time these days there are new tasks to open, will progress more smoothly, and customers will be very pay for your proposal, will pass smoothly, these days may also be some people will confess, off the order. If you're not single, your partner will bring you good news, probably about your partner, but you'll still be happy about it. The sun and Jupiter also have a harmonious angle, dinner, increased socializing, and some people will have additional opportunities to make money, such as part-time work, earning extra money or commissions, commissions.

From the 16th to the 20th, your guardian star Mercury stopped retrograde on the 18th, and ushered in a full moon, these days there may be personnel, management changes in the workplace, or there may be colleagues and bosses unhappy, there may also be people leaving, so there is some turmoil inside the office, from the perspective of human feelings, there may be people who get people's hearts, and some people lose people's hearts. These days are suitable for team building activities or group dinner parties. Because of the full moon relationship, you may also adjust your personal relationships, someone may offend you and make you feel uncomfortable, or someone's words and deeds challenge your bottom line and principles, so you have to treat this person again.

From the 21st to the 25th, Mars and Pluto have negative interactions, this period you may be prone to health problems, broken money, or quarrels with people, these days may also be prone to work obstacles, such as stuck shell, being harshly reprimanded, a problem back and forth repeatedly modified, or to repeated overtime, resulting in their own pressure becomes greater, but be patient, spend these days is good. Some may also travel on business or return home.

From the 26th to the 31st, Mars changes positions, while Venus and Neptune interact, these days continue to pay attention not to break the money, their financial plans should also be re-evaluated, but also to avoid fraud, some people are to be careful that these days someone deliberately finds you to talk, arbitrage information, or someone at work prevaricates responsibility to cause you to clean up the mess, at the end of the month you need to keep a low profile, stay vigilant, do not agree to anything.

With a partner Gemini, most people's emotional relationships are still stable, and many people may get good news from their partners, or their partners have a good trend in career and financial fortune, which also makes you very excited. You may be celebrating this month. If you are also planning to get pregnant and become a parent, you can start working on it from the beginning of the year. Some people will also move this month, enter a better living environment, or own their own house. But beware, the family of one of you may have demands on you, fragmented thoughts, which makes you need internal unity and encouragement to each other. Single Gemini, this month's peach blossom horoscope rises, the new moon, Venus are activating your charm, so there may be some peach blossom opportunities this month, but because of the relationship between water reversal, it is also easy to have rotten peach blossoms and old lovers, so you have to polish your eyes.

Urticaria, hemorrhoids, burns, pancreatitis, diarrhea, ankles, athlete's foot, rheumatism, cholecystitis, sleep, edema


From the 1st to the 5th of the first month, you need to be recognized, whether it is your efforts or your charm, you want to hear a positive voice, of course, there will be someone to encourage you, but if someone is very perfunctory, then don't be sad. Mercury interacts with Pluto, and you should also pay attention to the fact that you may be sharp in your words and easily offend people these days. At the work level, if you still have to work on the holidays, paperwork adjustments, data summary tests, or project summaries may have to be completed in these few days, some people may still need to meet online. Venus and Pluto interact harmoniously, and a very small number of people may become obsessed with someone or fall into a state of unrequited love.

From the 6th to the 10th, there is a new moon, this new moon occurs in your sense of security, the family palace, some people will usher in new members of the family, such as someone married, someone ushered in a new life, or a pet, or they and their partners are ready to meet their parents during this period and so on. The new moon will also improve your work fortunes, will be valued by superiors or have the opportunity to deal with, participate in important projects, and some people will be contacted by headhunters and invited to participate in interviews for a position. In these days, because Mercury meets Mars, there will be a contract implementation, or a new project confirmed, due to the influence of Mars, these days of socializing, overtime increases, or to multi-thread multiple tasks, take care of their own body.

From the 11th to the 15th, Venus and Saturn interact, there will be female nobles in these days, and because of Saturn's relationship, they will get support in the workplace, or an application will be approved and approved. You may also have a raise, or a boost in authority. Venus interacts with Saturn, you may have pets or spend money for pets, some people are going to participate in religious or charitable activities, or have to go in and out of certain office halls, to deal with certain business, others are going on business trips, or starting new vacations, traveling. A friend from a different place will contact you, but this message may surprise or stress you.

From the 16th to the 20th, Mercury retrograde ended on the 18th, the last water retrograde of the year also ended, the fortune began to get better, and family conflicts can also begin to be repaired, some people may last a long time housing problems, after the end of the water retrograde also began to be further resolved. Some people will also start moving and changing jobs. There may be deep conversations these days that will make you enlightened, or have a socializing, so there are new collaborations that can be put into practice. Some people will make new friends, join new chat groups, or join new small groups, and you'll be in a good mood as new social relationships are opened. At the work level, pay attention to women's tongues.

From the 21st to the 25th, Mars and Pluto have negative interactions, and these days should pay attention to avoiding hard confrontation with elders and a certain man, because they will lose both, and each other will not be good. In addition, these days are easy to have money expenditure, broken money, and even fraud, you must be careful. A small number of people leave their jobs these days or go to medical institutions. There are also people who have surgery or medical treatment. As the sun moves into a new position, you may also want to focus on the health of your female elders.

From the 26th to the 31st, Venus and Neptune interact, and at the same time, the sun interacts with Saturn, and the strength in your bones is stimulated, but you must know how to converge at the end of the month, so as not to provoke the tree. Some people may have to deal with contracts, legal matters at the end of this month, but the efficiency is not very high, and at the same time may also have to deal with the business of other departments at the end of this month, because they are borrowed and need to support the business of other departments. A small percentage of people break up at the end of the month or go on a business trip.

Companion Cancer, most people's feelings are not new, may still be step by step, the mode of getting along is not a big change, if you seek stability, and adapt to such a situation, then your feelings will continue to heat up, on the contrary, if you unilaterally have dissatisfaction but do not express it, then in the second half of the month your relationship will begin to become tense, and even the two have a fierce confrontation, some people will break up in the late month. Single Cancer, it is easy to be infatuated with someone, something, or even obsessed with an artist this month, etc., and this state of obsession needs to be controlled, because it is easy to detach from reality, making yourself create a lot of invalid feelings, affecting your life, this month there will continue to be old people appear or you think of old people.

Cervical spine, cholecystitis, eczema, chest tightness, blood pressure, anemia, diarrhea, headache, fever, lymphadenopathy, surgery


From the 1st to the 5th of the first month, Venus interacts with Jupiter, and Mercury interacts with Pluto, which may be easy to have some disputes and arguments with family, close friends, or unpleasant discussions with others over the topic of money - this situation may occur from the last week of last month, so it continues to the beginning of this month. Some people have some unexpected situations on the trip because of the water retrograde relationship, such as delays, rescheduling, or other dog blood things. Mercury due to the negative angle with other stars, pay attention to timely protection of electronic data, take care of electronic products, vehicles, the maintenance of timely maintenance. A small percentage of people will have romantic dates at the beginning of the month, or even take off the list.

From the 6th to the 10th, a new moon has ushered in, this new moon will implement new cooperation, signing, bidding, there are opportunities for interviews, and some people will move, or through suppliers, intermediaries to complete a business, process. Some will participate in training, exams, or learn new skills, and may also want to hire domestic helpers. Pay attention to neighborhood relations, some people may make unpleasant trouble. In addition, Venus will also change positions, enter your charm, the money house, there will be peach blossom opportunities, or make money, the chance of winning the lottery appears, a small number of people will be promoted to parents during this period, or learn the news that others are pregnant and have children.

From the 11th to the 15th, Venus and Saturn interact, and the sun and Jupiter also have a harmonious angle, these days there will be good news in terms of money, such as budget approval, payment settlement, and some people receive bonuses, or financial dividends, profits, etc., and some people will receive gifts. These days because of the relationship between the sun and Jupiter, social activities will also increase, it is easy to contact new friends, or people in other fields, these people may have potential cooperative relations with themselves, so they can run well, some people will start a business, or go to the office hall to handle business, these days will be very smooth.

From the 16th to the 20th, the water retrograde officially ended on the 18th, and there may be a news that cannot be achieved in the early stage, it will appear again, or it may be a stagnant, stranded thing will start again, finally, the efficiency has improved, and even many things that have made you feel sorry in the past will make up for it again, seize the opportunity, so you need to grasp it in time. On the other hand, in this period will also usher in a full moon, this full moon will help the implementation of the project, the settlement of funds, but note that there may be factional struggles within the office, or some people engage in some office rules, which is a headache, and these days you may not have a very harmonious relationship with your superiors or a colleague, be sure to do your emotional management, do not be caught in pigtails.

From the 21st to the 25th, Mars and Pluto have a negative angle, these days may be prone to impulsive things, cruel words, and even misunderstandings, you also have to pay attention to your health problems. Since Mars is in your communication house, try not to be too emotional and impatient these days, so as not to turn good things into bad things. And people who may be close to you, it is easy to be too reasonable for some requirements, and you must think differently. These days you may also visit patients, review, or do medical aesthetics, and some people will move. These days, the consumption is more, and I do a good job of controlling it.

From the 26th to the 31st, Venus and Neptune have negative interactions, and mars changes positions, which is easy to create family conflicts, or damage to houses, or damage to household appliances, problems. At the end of the month, complaints may arise, or returns, logistics problems, etc. At the working level, it is necessary to pay attention to avoid pig teammates dragging themselves down and affecting themselves, some people will leave at the end of the month, or there are personnel and department adjustments within the office. At the same time, at the end of the month, you may travel on business, take on the work content of others, don't lose your temper, it is not necessarily a bad thing, because you are replacing someone.

With Leo, most people's feelings are still developing steadily, and the relationship of Venus, you may want to make the feelings have more passion and romance, so this month you may have many fantastic ideas, to create surprises for each other, of course, if the other party is very willing to accept these, the feelings will be very smooth to heat up, and even plan to make a commitment, see the parents, get engaged, get married, etc., but on the contrary, if the other party resists, you may have some small frictions, but it can be solved in time. Some will become parents this month or move into a new home. Single Leo, this month's peach blossom horoscope will be activated because of the relationship between Venus, and it may be a spark from dating, but whether the feelings come and go quickly depends on your own control ability. Some people still interact with old lovers.

Rhinitis, asthma, mouth ulcers, pharyngitis, tonsils, fever, burns, sprains, cervical spine, thyroid, stye


From the 1st to the 5th of the first month, Venus and Jupiter interact, and you may have to break the original arrangement, commitment, priority feelings or work things, because Venus is still in the communication house, you may also have ambiguous interactions. Some people meet with friends and lovers in different places. There are also people who will complete the relocation and tidying up of the house during this holiday. Because of Jupiter, you may have to catch up with the schedule, work overtime, and even have online meetings this holiday, and some people will not rest, prepare for business trips or change of guard, and take shifts.

From the 6th to the 10th, there is a new moon, this new moon occurs in the money house, there is money in the account, or there is a chance to receive gifts, the new moon will also improve your financial problems, if you have a loan problem, or a certain pressure on money, the arrival of the new moon will let you find a way to solve or alleviate this part of the pressure. You may also be in and out of the bank to do business, or someone will have to deal with a loan. In the next few days, because Venus will also enter a new position, there will be good news in the family, or there will be new family members joining the family, and some people will deal with housing problems during this period, and there will be positive progress. At the work level, these days the superior may be prone to mistakes, mistakes, bring some obstacles, or a colleague is not very good with you, but can not tear the face.

From the 11th to the 15th, Venus and Saturn have an interactive structure, and some people may appear in a different place, and the peach blossom of the age difference is very different. From the working level, there is a new cooperation implementation, signing, these days is also very suitable for doing some interpersonal visits, maintenance, there may be surprises, and these days may learn secrets, gossip, or someone will participate in interviews, competitions, bidding, because of the relationship between Saturn, will be prone to positive feedback. The sun and Jupiter also interact, this horoscope may bring some partial fortune, winning the lottery, and some people participate in birthday activities in these days, spend money to buy gifts for others, etc., or have humane consumption.

From the 16th to the 20th, your guardian star Mercury officially ended retrograde in these days (the 18th officially ended), there will be a positive solution or progress to the tax, payment, debt problems, and at this time, there will also be a salary increase and change jobs. Some projects will also enter the stage of payment settlement, and a small number of people will have the opportunity to earn extra money part-time. However, it should be noted that the health problems of male elders, while the relationship within the family is easy to have a gunpowder smell. Some people will do medical aesthetics or change their shape. At the work level, there may also be personnel changes in the workplace, such as someone joining or someone leaving.

From the 21st to the 25th, Mars and Pluto angle fierce, easy to break the money, or these days of their own state, the mood is not good enough, it is easy to become impatient, radical, or easy to turn over the old account, some people's feelings in these days become some fluctuations, even quarrels, there may be some people may face a breakup, be sure to do a good job of emotional management in these days, while avoiding their own injury, give themselves some sufficient moments of rest and calm. At the working level, it is easy to be urged, catch up with the progress, the frequency of overtime increases, and a small number of people will confirm the next business trip plan.

From the 26th to the 31st, Mars changed its position into the communication house, and Venus interacted with Neptune to avoid money lending relationships with people, and also avoided being borrowed by others or you borrowed things from others, which can easily cause a lot of unpleasant problems. At the work level, some people are lost or easy to complain about the assigned tasks, causing some gunpowder, and at the end of the month, some people take leave, and you may have to take on more work content. A small number of people will submit their holiday applications at the end of this month. Your superior may talk to you at the end of the month, but you may reject your superior's offer because you feel something is wrong. A small percentage of people will take out orders or trade houses at the end of the month.

Companion Virgo, most people's feelings, this month may be a little fragmented, dissatisfied, or what you originally planned to do, because eventually there are other twists such as cancellation or postponement because of the relationship between work, which will actually leave some unpleasant seeds in the heart of one of them, and this month is easy to turn over old accounts, let the emotions accumulated in the past burst out, be sure to do a good job of mutual emotional management, and do not worry too much about small things, the feelings of the second half of the gunpowder smell a lot, If you can avoid it, you can avoid it. Single Virgo, in the beginning of the year is easy to have ambiguity, social also more, but because of the relationship between the water reversal, their own intentions can not be implemented, always "lack of feelings", but there are also some people will be off the list this month, because there is a chance to confess, express their hearts, but no matter which one, the only thing to do is to seize the opportunity in time, do not regret.

Tinnitus, colds, pharyngitis, rhinitis, mouth ulcers, diarrhea, cramps, cervical spine, stones, folliculitis, heart, blood pressure


From the 1st to the 5th of the first month, your guardian star Venus and Jupiter have interacted, the beginning of this month may increase the cost of expenditure, and may also involve human consumption, some people will also spend money for children, and because of the relationship between Venus and Jupiter, some people will deal with many things related to the house this month, including relocation, decoration, transactions, etc. This horoscope may also trigger your dissatisfaction with a woman, because of work matters, or because of too much interference, at the beginning of the month you will learn some gossip, gossip, or you will complain about a woman with someone close to you. Keep an eye on your health issues, and some people may get sick at the beginning of the month.

From the 6th to the 10th, your zodiac sign ushered in a new moon, the current Mercury retrograde is still continuing, you may have felt the chaos, slow pace, and even many things repeatedly appear unexpected situation, but this new moon will help you improve this kind of situation, and even have new task cooperation to confirm, these days there will be contracts, agreements signed. Some people are socially active, there may be dinners or gatherings, and you will also meet and meet new friends. Others arrange interviews in these days, or do part-time work to earn extra money. The new moon will also enhance your personal charm, and some people will have dates or peach blossoms. Venus will also change its position in these days, enter a new house, travel, relocate, learn new skills, buy electronic products, bid, train more things.

From the 11th to the 15th, Venus and Saturn have a harmonious interaction, you may receive an offer, or a certain approval, a message of approval, or a promise, or a thing implemented into the agreement, these days may be very efficient, and there is a noble fortune, some people may also be helped by elders in this period, or the superiors value themselves, have some good opportunities for themselves, and even help you block the risk. The Sun also interacts with Jupiter, and this period is still full of inspiration and is very conducive to creation, and some people may be promoted to parents or promoted or raised.

From the 16th to the 20th, Mercury retrograde officially ended on the 18th, but because of the role of inertia, there will still be old people and old things, including some people may interact with old lovers. These days because of the relationship of the full moon, some people need to pay attention to emotional stability, avoid quarrels, turn over old accounts, and avoid breaking up. Others are implementing marriage-related matters. From the workplace, these days there are projects to close, there are also people will travel, but still need to pay attention to your health, October health is still ups and downs, may still be more old problems, take care of yourself more.

From the 21st to the 25th, these days the astrological signs are more intense, you may get along with the people around you can also feel the smell of gunpowder, lack of patience, and you are easy to become sensitive, or low tears, it is also easy to have misunderstandings with people in these days, do your emotional management. There is a decline in financial fortunes, it is easy to break the money or beware of being scammed. A small number of people will have ambiguous or polyamorous relationships these days.

From the 26th to the 31st, Mars will change positions, and Venus and Neptune will interact, during this period you need to manage your money expenditure, it will obviously increase, and the next three weeks may spend money in a lot of places, some people may also use the deposit. The negative angle between Venus and Neptune is to beware of those who paint you a pie, or if you have a bad relationship with a woman, or even enter a white-hot stage. Some people cancel a partnership, travel plan, or a payment in arrears at the end of the month, resulting in a settlement that won't be settled until the following month.

Companion Libra, most people in October in fact because of the relationship between the water retrograde, two people are prone to some subtle changes, this subtle change, to the advantage, each other will care about each other's feelings, but because of the water retrograde, it is also easy to bring the situation of turning over the old account, including some people are because of the feeling of confusion, or work pressure, resulting in your pressure on the real situation at the same time increased, mutual impact on each other, if you can give each other positive energy, then this kind of problem do not have to pay attention to the heart, It is better to share the burden. A small number of people should pay attention to the late days, and the relationship is easy to go to extremes, or even break up. Single Libra, in the middle of the month because of the relationship between the new moon, opened the door to socialization for you, parties, dinners, and even someone, or someone who had been ambiguous with you before appeared again, you can try again this month, but you have to calm your mind, don't brainwash yourself or over-interpret some words and deeds, it is easy to raise expectations, but the more you do this, the easier it is to be disappointed.

Pharyngitis, tinnitus, fever, chest tightness, heart, hypoglycemia, urinary system, teeth, urticaria, conjunctivitis, burns


From the 1st to the 5th of the first month, Venus and Jupiter have negative interactions, and you may meet very annoying people at the beginning of this month - such as this person is very exaggerated, loves to show off, or just likes to bar with you, but please do not make yourself radical at the beginning of the month, choose to be gentle and better, so as not to be beaten small reports or cause other unpleasantness. Mercury interacts with Pluto, you may have to go to a medical institution, or issue a certificate, or book tickets, deal with logistics matters, some people also have to deal with some paperwork content or meetings, changing the guard this holiday. A small number of people will get the opportunity to earn extra money part-time in these days. Venus's interaction with Pluto brings romance, and if you have a favorite person, you can make an appointment to meet, and this horoscope can make some progress in your relationship.

From the 6th to the 10th, a new moon has been ushered in, and the current water retrograde is still continuing, and many Scorpions may have health problems, or the body is tired and does not rest well, and the quality of sleep is poor, and this new moon will improve this kind of thing after the new moon. And this new moon may help you solve an unresolved matter, including restarting a stagnant, canceled project, you may also restart a habit and past arrangements, these days you want to arrange your life well, it seems to be particularly scrappy. Venus will also enter your money house, which will help you improve your fortunes, or get arrears, some people will receive bonuses, gifts, dividends or be given a raise, if you are a freelancer, the number of orders will increase these days.

From the 11th to the 15th, Venus and Saturn also have a harmonious interaction, whether it is single or non-single people these days, the demand for emotions will increase significantly, so it can create romance, or dating, or interact with people you like increase in frequency. At work, there will be project confirmation, contract signing, or travel arrangement confirmation in these days. Some people will have project payments, and some will handle taxes, documents or go to the bank. There are also some people who will do medical and aesthetic projects. The signs of Venus and Saturn also bring some people peach blossom objects with a huge age difference, or you may interact with someone who has been in a relationship with someone who has been ambiguous again.

From the 16th to the 20th, the water retrograde officially ended on the 18th, and ushered in a full moon, these days of astrological horoscopes may have more meetings, and there are some changes within the workplace, such as gossip, or changes in the person responsible for the project, there may also be departures, dismissals, etc., these days the efficiency of the work is very high, but the frequency of repeated modifications will increase, so there will be anger and impatience, maintain your professional attitude. In addition, it is easy to work overtime these days.

From the 21st to the 25th, avoid injury, tantrums, friction with people close to you, because Mars interacts with Pluto, your possessiveness or jealousy will also be harmful, making you think too much, which may also cause some unnecessary misunderstandings, and a small number of people will break up or have a big quarrel with their partners in these days - even involving both families. In addition, pay attention to the health problems of female elders. On a work level, there may be a gazing task these days, or you may be asked to take on the work of others.

From the 26th to the 31st, Mars will officially come to your constellation, the non-stop period is coming, and the next nearly a month or so will be a busy period, may not stop traveling, or various things are crowded together to deal with, but the same Mars has brought you an upward period, and many people will also usher in a highlight moment during this time, very fulfilling. But also because of the negative effects of Mars, you should be careful about health problems, while paying attention to changes in interpersonal relationships, small problems do not over-calculate, so as not to deteriorate the relationship or even part ways. Mars will also bless your charm, and some people will take off the list.

With scorpio, most people's feelings are stable this month, and there is almost no big change, but both of you will have some opportunities in the workplace or academics, these opportunities are conducive to your development in the long run, but in the immediate term may have to adapt to some changes, these changes may break your original habits, and may even have more places for one of them to accommodate, but as long as you can unify internally, this is not a problem. Pay attention to the time in the second half of the month, easy to lose temper, quarrel, and even some people will break up. Single Scorpio, October peach blossom horoscope is good, it is easy to contact some new friends, and because of the relationship between water reversal, there may also be old people appearing, some people may continue the frontier, or untie each other's heart knots. This month, there will also be peach blossom objects in different places or with great age differences.

Breast, trauma, surgery, folliculitis, eczema, beriberi, hemorrhoids, diarrhea, migraine, mouth ulcers, blisters


From the 1st to the 5th of the first month, Venus interacts with your guardian planet Jupiter, you may be angry with someone, or very mind some of the words and deeds of someone, this dates back to the last week of last month, you may have heard some rumors, or someone behind your back, hiding something from you, if you are really very uncomfortable, then just ask straight to the point and solve the problem. Mercury and Jupiter interact harmoniously, and during the holidays, they may agree with a client to meet and socialize on weekdays or have a social event that requires your participation, and some people may participate in a newborn or someone else's wedding event. Because Venus interacts with Pluto, it is easy to win the lottery at the beginning of the month, or receive gifts, and some people have peach blossom opportunities, such as blind dates, or ambiguity.

From the 6th to the 10th, there is a new moon, this new moon occurs in your interpersonal relationship palace, you may join a new organization, team, membership system, or membership level upgrade, you may also participate in sharing sessions, salons, VIP type activities, etc., there are also people who change departments, work to support the work of other departments, or get promotion opportunities. This new moon is a new moon for you to expand your network, seize the opportunity and make people shine. Venus will also enter your zodiac sign these days to enhance your charm and fortune, and some people will change their appearance, make an appointment for medical beauty, etc. Similarly, Venus will also bless your fortunes, and someone may give you a problem or good advice during this period.

From the 11th to the 15th, Venus and Saturn interacted, and the sun interacted with Jupiter, and the negotiations were very smooth in these days, and the cooperation agreement would be implemented, the contract was signed, and some people were successfully solved the housing problem, and there may also be settlement of payments. If you are submitting an application, it may also be approved. However, because it is currently in the water retrograde, avoid late arrivals, violations, electronic product problems or avoid electronic data problems. There are a small number of people who will spend money for their families, or get engaged and married during this period.

From the 16th to the 20th, Mercury retrograde ended on the 18th, interpersonal conflicts began to be resolved, and there were personnel changes within the workplace, and some people may be ready to leave, jump jobs, and start a business during this period. There is also a full moon that occurs once these days, during which you need to pay attention to the health of female elders, children, or spend money for them. At the family level, non-single people are prone to quarrels and unpleasantness, and they must be patient to solve. At the work level, communication these days is easy to have a gunpowder flavor, or easy to be provoked, questioned, may trigger your dissatisfaction, and some people are bad competition, but can eventually be solved.

From the 21st to the 25th, Mars interacted with Pluto, which is more intense and can easily cause health problems, such as diarrhea, or inflammation, and some people are prone to injuries or need to make surgery. This astrological sign may be a communication stalemate in work, unable to compromise or unable to advance. A third party may be required to intervene to resolve the issue, and some have been dismissed during this period. Note that if you have a pet, you may be spending money on your pet these days, or pay attention to your pet's health. The sun will also change position, at this time you may have to converge on the edge, as far as possible not to make a big move, because this stage is easy to have a tongue and tongue.

From the 26th to the 31st, Mars changes its position, and the sun and Saturn have negative interactions, and it is difficult to get along with men or elders, or it is provoked, pressured, and there is performance pressure or difficult tasks at the work level, resulting in you being easily discouraged, but fortunately, there is still noble luck at this time, which can be solved smoothly. There may be a bad trip confirmation at the end of the month, and some people may break the bank while beingware of scams.

Sagittarius, on the whole, most people's feelings are still stable and stable, and this month may also add a lot of joy, because you plan to buy something together, improve the quality of life, or want to travel together, etc., and some people are recognized by their families, or get engaged, get married. But from the middle of the month, Sagittarius should beware of his own natural thoughts, not to be dissatisfied, and to provoke his partner, so as not to cause unhappiness. Single Sagittarius, Venus coming to your sign will enhance your charm, and due to the relationship of water reversal, social interaction may increase, some people may have feelings about people who did not call in the past, so if so, you can try to take the initiative to express it.

Heart, hypoglycemia, inflammation, gastrointestinal, cystitis, gallbladder, appendix, hemorrhoids, folliculitis, ringworm, blisters


From the 1st to the 5th of the first month, Venus is still in your interpersonal relationship house, and there is a negative interaction with Jupiter, there may be delayed news of payment at the beginning of the month, or in the last week of last month, you have a conflict of interest with others, or you may not agree when discussing certain topics, but you have it in mind. Some people leave the team at the beginning of the month or take extra leave. Mercury and Jupiter also interact harmoniously, during which you may meet and connect with someone you haven't seen in a long time, or some people may travel to an artistic setting during this period. At the beginning of the month, you may also hear about other people's pregnancy and childbirth, or participate in parent-child interaction activities. A small number of people will confirm the marriage date in these days and implement the marriage problem.

From the 6th to the 10th, there is a new moon, this new moon happens at the top of your star chart, you will be seen, your words and deeds will be magnified, so this astrology will have a more polar impact, on the positive side, if in the past you are conscientious, and practical, professional, then this new moon has brought you very good job opportunities, including someone who wants to dig your corner to other platforms, or promotion, salary increase, or take over important projects. But on the contrary, if you have not been bright enough to fish in muddy waters before, then this new moon may bring you right and wrong, because there will be past "deeds" exposed, and you may even make many enemies and be spat on. Of course, this new moon may also be related to the house, and some people may repair the house or deal with other matters of the house. Venus will change positions during this period, focusing on the health of pets, female elders.

From the 11th to the 15th, Saturn began to retrograde, and Venus interacted with Saturn, and these days may run through banks, office halls, or have money, tax matters to deal with, and some people have to deal with documents. Because of Venus's interaction with Saturn, a small percentage of people may spend money on their partner or for a woman. However, this horoscope also has a positive impact, such as the settlement of project payments or the signing of new project contracts. The sun and Jupiter also interact harmoniously, and someone around you may offend you, or it is exaggerated and easy to deceive you, and you need to remind yourself not to be affected.

From the 16th to the 20th, the water retrograde officially ended on the 18th, the work of repeated communication problems, or the situation of changing and changing will gradually improve, but also there are visits to customers, social things appear, these days may be busier, so you need to work overtime, you may also need to support colleagues in other departments. Since there are also full moons in these days, pay attention to the problems of family items that are easily damaged, pipe blockage, exhaust, and air outlet, while paying attention to the health problems of male elders. You may learn a secret these days, or work part-time to earn extra money.

From the 21st to the 25th, Mars and Pluto interact, these days do not be provoked, do not put harsh words, while paying attention to patience, do not be misled, because Mars and Pluto conflict, may become unfriendly with a certain male relationship, and even competition, but this horoscope is conducive to bidding, competition, if you want to participate in the competition, bidding, it is beneficial to you. The sun will also change places during these days, there will be events to attend, or someone to join a new working environment.

From the 26th to the 31st, Mars changes its position, and Venus interacts with Neptune, and at the end of the month, these days you are prone to sad feelings, especially if you feel that you are snubbed in interpersonal relationships or feel that you are not the most important person, so you are sad, but you may just think too much, triggering wild thoughts, it is recommended to stay sane. The sun interacts with Saturn, and you should be patient and not quarrel with your family, or the family atmosphere is easy to be tense, and you need to act as a peacemaker.

Capricorn with companions, the water retrograde only ends on the 18th, before this, you may have some quarrels and unpleasant things happening, the aspects involved are very fine, nothing more than trivial things in life, and may be your unintentional complaints, just crashing into each other's minefield, so most of this month, patience, gentleness, as far as possible not to complain and negative energy. Some people will start living together or get married with a license this month, and some people will sublimate their feelings during this month because they have spent a run-in period with each other. Single Capricorn, this month may be wrong, that is, you think that the other party may like themselves, but maybe the other party may just treat you as a friend, or just the opposite, you are just a friend attitude towards someone, but the other party mistakenly thinks that you have feelings for it, leading to the occurrence of oolong things, but there are still a small number of people will take off the single before the end of the month, meet people they like, be clear, and be brave to confess it.

Conjunctivitis, urticaria, hemorrhoids, cervical spine, beriberi, sleep, pharyngitis, asthma, allergies, acne, fever, sharpness


From the 1st to the 5th of the first month, Mercury interacts with Pluto, you appear to be more aggressive, of course, you may not know this, but you can see it through the reactions of others, if you are aware of this, please restrain your sharp edge, because it will bring unnecessary trouble and disputes, and even affect the relationship between family and partners. Due to the beautiful interaction between Venus and Pluto, some people may have dinner with old friends or travel, but due to the relationship between water reversal, they may encounter delays in the itinerary or various changes, such as canceling some original plans. In addition, during the holidays you may also receive work-related information, emails, and therefore temporary work. There is a very good astrology, Mercury interacts with Jupiter, and you may get a very happy news this holiday season.

From the 6th to the 10th, there is a new moon, and the palace position of this new moon is very favorable to you, if you are preparing for an exam, or a public speech, or an interview, or you may participate in training and deal with legal-related matters, then this new moon will bring you good news, or your work will be published, published, or copyrighted matters can be further resolved. As Venus changes positions, there will be more social interactions these days, perhaps with friends, or you will be on a business trip again. Venus will also give you additional opportunities to make money, which may be a part-time extra money commission, or it may be that you have won the lottery.

From the 11th to the 15th, Saturn ended its retrograde in your sign, which is a good thing, just like you from the past few months - let's start with July, when you seem confused, uneasy, have all kinds of impulses to change, and some people want to take risks, and now that Saturn retrograde is over, you may have accepted the results and can feel whether the decision you made was correct. Venus interacts with Saturn, business dinners or social gatherings increase, may also have to visit customers, some people are in these days to settle the project payment, and some people will be raised and promoted.

From the 16th to the 20th, Mercury officially ended its retrograde on the 18th, the chaotic days will come to an end, these days will be particularly efficient, but the workload will also increase significantly, you may also have to help support the work of other departments. Due to the ushering in a full moon, there will be pig teammates dragging their legs in this work, and they should pay attention to this and not be affected. A small number of people have received offers and are ready to leave their jobs or join a new working environment. Because Mars and Jupiter also interact harmoniously, some people will encounter romance and get off the list these days.

From the 21st to the 25th, be careful to get into trouble because of help, so don't be a bad person, if others ask for help, but you are very reluctant or even feel that something is wrong, then refuse. In addition, there are more family affairs these days, and people with children need to pay attention to the health problems of children, including the health of pets. The sun will also change positions in these days, with male nobles giving help and opportunities, or big bosses in the workplace having important news announced.

From the 26th to the 31st, Mars enters the top of your star map, the period of wind and fire is coming, the same period of high visibility is coming, there are many opportunities at work, but also busy, multiple projects are carried out at the same time, but in this period must do a good job of emotional management, because it is easy to meet unprofessional people to do unprofessional things, challenge your bottom line, a small number of people will be promoted in this period, and Mars will also increase the opportunity for business trips. At the end of the month, attention needs to be paid to the health of female elders.

With Aquarius, most people's emotional relationship has not changed, but there may be a slight adjustment in the frequency and time you spend together, this is a month when you need a little private space for each other, so two people can keep a little distance, as long as they can accept each other, which will increase sweetness. In addition, for people who already have children, this month there may be more tantrums and quarrels caused by children's worries, and mutual understanding is the mainstay. Single Aquarius, most people in this month's peach blossom horoscope belongs to the social horoscope - that is, can know people, can also feel "not bad", but only this, really can arouse your interest or make you move the people, may be less, but there are also people will take the initiative to find abuse, to unrequited love or challenge more difficult people, but there are still people who will take off the single in the middle and late of this month. But overall, you're welcome this month, and as long as the social approach is agreeable and makes a good impression, it's actually very simple.

Nasal congestion, pharyngitis, teeth, stye, thyroid, pancreatitis, diarrhea, edema, fever, urinary system, headache


From the 1st to the 5th of the first month, Venus and Jupiter have negative interactions, this holiday may make you not very relaxed, because many things may be crowded together, and some people even if they are on vacation, they have to deal with work, or travel to encounter some things that make you angry, but fortunately, Venus also interacts with Pluto, that is, the problems encountered can be solved, but there are more things that spend money at the beginning of the month, and some people may also have to spend money to entertain, give gifts, maintain interpersonal relationships, etc. For a small number of people, this horoscope may encounter romance or interact with old lovers. Since the water retrograde is still in progress, these days at the beginning of the month also need to pay attention to electronic products, electronic data, household appliances and other issues to avoid violations and late arrivals.

From the 6th to the 10th, there is a new moon, this new moon occurs in your health, money, privacy-related palace, these days may learn some secret gossip, or you need to exchange information with other people to ensure that some things are reasonable in the implementation, or not criticized, there are also people in these days will do part-time work, earn extra money. A small percentage of people may be in and out of banks, tax authorities or medical institutions. There are also people who may make an appointment for surgery, do medical treatment, and change their appearance. As Venus changes positions, Venus will come to the top of your chart, your fortunes and fortunes will improve, and some people will get offers or new work environments.

From the 11th to the 15th, Venus and Saturn interact, these days may have a very emotional moment to appear, or talk to people about the past, once, very much hope to solve some knots, or repair some interpersonal relationships, the misunderstanding will be lifted. At the working level, cooperation will be implemented, contracts will be signed, and at the same time, customers will be visited in these days, and if customer relations are maintained, there will be good progress, and the project may be implemented more smoothly. A small number of people are seconded to other departments in these days to support the business content of other departments.

From the 16th to the 20th, the water retrograde will end on the 18th, and at the same time, a full moon will be ushered in in these days, these days you may have more money to spend, or there are losses in financial management, because of the relationship between the full moon, you may also be discordant with someone because of the position, the value of the reason, causing quarrels. At the working level, there is a smell of gunpowder with the superior, or it is easy to choke with the superior, dissatisfied with the arrangement of the superior, and a small number of people will plan to leave during this period.

From the 21st to the 25th, it is still a few days of grumpy temper, there is an interaction between Mars and Pluto, and there may be "changes" in the work, such as the original deadline is a certain date, you are in time, but now it has changed, resulting in you needing to work overtime, or modifying the opinion repeatedly, including customers or superiors to overturn the theory, making you very grumpy. But be patient, don't lose your temper during this period, because it won't solve the problem. These days also need to pay attention to their own health problems, and some people may also need to take medication or inject injections.

From the 26th to the 31st, Mars will change position, and Venus will interact with Neptune, which may make you have to swallow some grievances, or have to accommodate others, there may be something uncomfortable at the work level, but because of many restrictions, you can't take a position or change the result, but rest assured, you will eventually be compensated. Emotionally, pay attention to communication with your partner, be honest, and don't hide it. Be restrained in spending money and avoid being scammed. The interaction between the Sun Saturn, bringing collisions, provocations, occurs at the family level, pay attention to know how to avoid.

Companion Pisces, most people's feelings this month are still stable, even if there is a water reversal, your feelings have accumulated a lot of trust foundation in the past, but will not waver, those who appear to be shaken, themselves are people with unstable emotional foundations. In this month, you need to pay attention to the use of money, the grasp of the scale of communication, and the use of money to be honest with each other. The scale of communication is to avoid the starting point of "I am good for you", because what you think is not necessarily what the other party wants, so as not to cause disagreements. Single Pisces, because the water retrograde ended on the 18th, before this, you may still be obsessed with what to wait for, or you want to fall in love but do not do some practical actions, the peach blossom horoscope will improve after the middle of the month, when more social, more with people, will leave a bright feeling, and some people will interact with people who have been ambiguous again.

Breast, acne, allergies, blisters, sleep, diarrhea, athlete's foot, tinnitus, rhinitis, mouth ulcers, chest tightness, heart