
Crazy NFT Avatars: Two Months Surge 144 Times, $11.8 Million to Buy a Virtual Avatar?


Now the most popular NFT, non-NFT avatar is the only one.

An alien avatar wearing a mask costs $11.8 million, an alien avatar with a pipe costs $7.56 million, and a monkey avatar costs $210,000.

Crazy NFT Avatars: Two Months Surge 144 Times, $11.8 Million to Buy a Virtual Avatar?

"When I looked at the BORED Ape Yacht Club two months ago, the floor price (the cheapest price) was 0.5ETH, and now it has risen to 72ETH." He Wenxin told the whipper. If ETH's own price fluctuations are removed, calculated according to the price of 22,000 yuan at the time of writing, in just two months, the price of an NFT avatar soared from 11,000 yuan to 1.58 million yuan, and the price rose 144 times.

"I missed the opportunity to get rich again." He Wenxin sighed, under the influence of the huge wealth effect and FOMO sentiment, the NFT avatar has snared a large number of users outside the circle.

From the NBA superstar Curry's $180,000 for an avatar to the follow-up of domestic Internet giants such as Cai Wensheng, Feng Bo, and Wang Feng, and then to a new round of investment carnival in the currency circle, this market mixed with art, meta-universe, and capital has really been detonated.

A monkey worth $180,000

Last weekend, the topic #Curry spent $180,000 on avatars was on Weibo's hot search list.

NBA star player, three-time NBA champion and Golden State Warriors point guard Stephen Curry bought a "monkey head" for 55 ETH (worth $180,000 at the time).

Crazy NFT Avatars: Two Months Surge 144 Times, $11.8 Million to Buy a Virtual Avatar?

Netizens expressed shock, but more is to express that they do not understand, "people are stupid to have more money", "180,000 to buy a JPG", "I directly saved, I actually prostituted 180,000".

The monkey in the rough suit that Curry paid for was a hot "NFT avatar", which will surprise outsiders even more that in the NFT avatar transaction, $180,000 is already a cheap price.

The 7523 avatar on CryptoPunks, an alien figure wearing a medical mask, priced at $11.8 million, the head numbered 7804, and an alien figure with a hat and a pipe for $7.56 million.

Crazy NFT Avatars: Two Months Surge 144 Times, $11.8 Million to Buy a Virtual Avatar?

According to OpenSea data, the most concerned Cryptounks has reached a total of 464290.93ETH, with a total transaction value of more than $1.6 billion, followed by BAYC with a total transaction volume of 138744.56ETH, with a total transaction volume of about $500 million.

According to the Larva Labs website, as of August 31, the floor price of CryptoPunks has risen to 118.5 ETH, about $381942.08.

On Aug. 25, financial services giant Visa bought an NFT on CryptoPunks for nearly 50 ETH (about $150,000 at the time of purchase), which didn't even make it into the top 60 sales at the time.

However, because of Visa's addition, the NFT avatar is out of the loop again. According to media reports, within one hour, 90 CryptoPunk transactions were completed, and the daily trading volume exceeded $86 million, setting a new high.

The addition of star companies and celebrities has once again pushed up the popularity of NFT avatars.

Sun Yuchen, founder of Tron, bought "the first avatar in his life" for $10.5 million. This is not surprising, because Sun Yuchen has participated in the auction of NFT works many times before, according to incomplete statistics, as of now, Sun Yuchen has auctioned nearly 20 NFT collections, with a total value of more than 200 million.

Some netizens also found that Xu Jinglei, a well-known Chinese director and actress, also changed her Instagram avatar to Animetas. In fact, Xu Jinglei is also a big NFT avatar, and the data shows that Xu Jinglei has a total of 495 NFT avatars.

Why buy an NFT avatar?

According to the previous understanding, a unique NFT avatar is a symbol of the social status of the crypto world, and is also considered by some people to be the identity of the future meta-universe, "like having a limited edition luxury bag, or a Ferrari".

Now, there's a more immediate reason to buy an NFT avatar: own it, and then wait to get rich.

From NFT to NFD

A picture is as high as tens of millions, and those who enter the market later cannot join the carnival? There is no hurry, there is already a "solution" in the market.

path.eth@Cryptopathic, who owns the original Kabosu Shiba Inu photo, minted the NFT fragmentation token NFD on the

If the previous NFT avatar trading is still a premium game of "electronic luxury", then the emergence of NFD is the real capital tipping point of NFT.

Crazy NFT Avatars: Two Months Surge 144 Times, $11.8 Million to Buy a Virtual Avatar?

Specifically, path.eth@Cryptopathic released a total of 100 billion NFDs based on this photo, and whoever buys an NFD has a 100 billionth ownership of the painting. If you materialize the avatar, each person cannot be divided into a pixel.

This model, much like the "fundraising to buy a house" that has been stopped by regulation in reality, raises money to buy the ownership of a house, lowering the entry threshold.

"Raising funds to buy a house" is not to live, but to speculate, and the same is true for NFD. According to Blocklike news, on August 23, NFD was officially issued, on the same day, NFD rose as high as $0.0009, and the trading volume exceeded $140 million in the past 24 hours.

NFD is not the only fragmented NFT.

In March, artist Beeple combined 5,000 paintings into an NFT work, Everydays: The First 5000 Days, which fetched a staggering $69.37 million (about 450 million yuan) at Christie's, which is still the most expensive NFT work to date.

Crazy NFT Avatars: Two Months Surge 144 Times, $11.8 Million to Buy a Virtual Avatar?

At the end of 2020, an NFT fund acquired 20 works from 5,000 paintings in Everydays: The First 5000 Days and then issued 10 million Shard tokens, the B20 Collection.

In the first half of 2021, fragmented NFTs are slowly infiltrating the crypto community. This method is also considered by the cryptocurrency circle to be the best way to solve the poor liquidity of NFTs.

At present, platforms such as Transactional, NFTX, Unicly, etc., are providing fragmented NFT tools for investment collections.

For example, on NFTX, more than 100 CryptoPunk avatars have begun to be "fragmented", and each CryptoPunk is converted into a fragmented token "PUNK".

Crazy NFT Avatars: Two Months Surge 144 Times, $11.8 Million to Buy a Virtual Avatar?

With the help of these platforms, NFT avatars have been redistributed into different kinds of tokens, which help new investors lower the threshold while also helping coin holders and fragmented platforms to bring profits and reduce risk.

The avatar of 2017, four years later?

Leaving aside the dizzying price numbers, let's take a calm look at these NFT avatars.

CryptoPunks, BAYC and Meebits are images of a human avatar, an ape and a 3D doll, respectively, with low pixels, bright colors, and a relatively high recognition rate.

Among them, CryptoPunk is a 24x24 pixel avatar, with a total of 10,000. These avatars were born in June 2017, when anyone with an Ethereum wallet can claim for free. But four years later, these once-free avatars are no longer on the rise.

Crazy NFT Avatars: Two Months Surge 144 Times, $11.8 Million to Buy a Virtual Avatar?

As a result, some players refer to CryptoPunks as "Bitcoins in the NFT space," and today nearly $50,000 a piece of bitcoin was also given away for free in the early days.

What He Wenxin missed is also the recent rise of the NFT avatar, which is BAYC.

Crazy NFT Avatars: Two Months Surge 144 Times, $11.8 Million to Buy a Virtual Avatar?

BAYC consists of an NFT collection of 10,000 ape images, each with 4-7 different attributes, including expressions, hair, headdresses, clothing, etc. Depending on the combination of different attributes, the rarity of apes also varies, and rarity is also the main factor in distinguishing prices.

Nowadays, celebrities from all walks of life have bought BAYC and replaced their social media avatars. According to incomplete statistics, the celebrities from all walks of life who have publicly announced that they hold BAYC are: Taiwanese singer Ma Ji's eldest brother Huang Licheng, actor Wu Jianhao, Ke Zhendong, Chen Bailin, Chinese Hong Kong movie star Yu Wenle, NBA star Pelicans scoring guard Josh Hart, Hornets star LaMelo Ball, NFL American Football League star Franklin and so on.

OpenSea, the largest NFT trading platform, has reached new monthly trading volumes, with OpenSea trading in August exceeding $2 billion, about seven times the monthly trading volume of July, and a single-day trading volume of $209 million on August 24.

Driven by the celebrity effect, the NFT avatar quickly stepped out of the currency circle and became the focus of public attention, and the recent market attitude towards the NFT, quoting the stock market, reminds people of Napoleon's escape from Elba To a newspaper whose title changed rapidly from "Corsican monster" to "The Supreme Emperor's Majesty".

That is, in just a few months, the market's cognition and investors' subjective mentality have adjusted a lot, and the attitude towards the NTF avatar has changed from "incomprehensible" to "real fragrance".

Andrew Kang, founding partner of blockchain investment firm Mechanics Capital, has written an article comparing NFT avatars to luxury goods, art and high-end real estate, and hinted that the future NFT market will be greater than 40 billion.

But the NFT avatar cannot escape the problem of the NFT work itself.

"After transferring ownership of a collection from the actual collection to a certificate of authenticity, most of the value of the collection that owns it is lost." Litecoin founder Li Qiwei once said, "Everyone in the world can spend $1 to download a song and enjoy good music, but what is the value of a song's NFT?" ”

Standing in the current market situation, there have been many NFT fragmentation projects before NFD, and the increase of fragmentation projects has been stimulated after NFD has become popular. Judging from the publicity, operation, promotion and other ways of these existing projects, in fact, it is almost different from the coin, and even the issuer avoids the risk invisibly, and throws the risk of fragmentation to market investors.

While enjoying the huge wealth brought by the NFT avatar, are you ready to withstand the failure of speculation and the bursting of the bubble?