
The King of Bad Movies - Nicolas Cage 10 best movies, have seen, you are no longer young today half a cat is going to bring a wave of memories to kill ready! The memory killing has begun! (Suggested background music – Rock) Concluding remarks

author:The old film reviews half a cat

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="1" > half a cat today is going to bring a wave of memories to kill</h1>

The King of Bad Movies - Nicolas Cage 10 best movies, have seen, you are no longer young today half a cat is going to bring a wave of memories to kill ready! The memory killing has begun! (Suggested background music – Rock) Concluding remarks

Nicolas Cage

Nicolas Cage, the famous "master of expression management", has 10 of the best movies.

The King of Bad Movies - Nicolas Cage 10 best movies, have seen, you are no longer young today half a cat is going to bring a wave of memories to kill ready! The memory killing has begun! (Suggested background music – Rock) Concluding remarks
The King of Bad Movies - Nicolas Cage 10 best movies, have seen, you are no longer young today half a cat is going to bring a wave of memories to kill ready! The memory killing has begun! (Suggested background music – Rock) Concluding remarks
The King of Bad Movies - Nicolas Cage 10 best movies, have seen, you are no longer young today half a cat is going to bring a wave of memories to kill ready! The memory killing has begun! (Suggested background music – Rock) Concluding remarks

On January 7, 1964 (the same month as Half a Cat, hahahaha [laughs]), Nicholas Cage was born in Long Beach, California, united States, and his real name was Nicholas Kim Coppola. Uncle is the director of the movie The Godfather, Francis Ford Coppola, and aunt Talia Hille is the heroine of The Godfather and Loki. It can be said that he is from a famous family. However, in addition to the circle, there are not many people outside the circle who know his wealth.

Although, now that Cage has put on the hat of the "King of Bad Films", it is difficult to take it off, Cage himself does not seem to care much.

The King of Bad Movies - Nicolas Cage 10 best movies, have seen, you are no longer young today half a cat is going to bring a wave of memories to kill ready! The memory killing has begun! (Suggested background music – Rock) Concluding remarks

Cage's latest movie of 2021 "Pig"

But in the impression of half a cat, Cage is a real superstar, he can come up with a blockbuster, a good film, not an ordinary person can compare. This time, let's review Cage's 10 best movies.

The King of Bad Movies - Nicolas Cage 10 best movies, have seen, you are no longer young today half a cat is going to bring a wave of memories to kill ready! The memory killing has begun! (Suggested background music – Rock) Concluding remarks

Nicholas Cage

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="7" > ready! The memory killing has begun! (Suggested background music – Rock).</h1>

10th Place - Soul Chariot (2007)

Douban score: 6.7

Referral Index: ★★★★

Suspense Index: ★

Visual Index: ★★★★

Plot Index: ★★

The King of Bad Movies - Nicolas Cage 10 best movies, have seen, you are no longer young today half a cat is going to bring a wave of memories to kill ready! The memory killing has begun! (Suggested background music – Rock) Concluding remarks

Soul Chariot

Film description:

Johnny Brazeben is a motorcycle grand cast who, when he discovers that his father is suffering from cancer, signs a pact with the demon Mephistopheles. He transforms himself into a ghost car god and serves demons. Johnny, who obeys the demands of the devil, is a starry superstar during the day; at night, dressed in leather, his body is transformed into a skeleton, and he is wearing a robe covered with spikes, and he drives a motorcycle to hunt down the most vicious people for the devil. But Johnny gradually discovered that the biggest demon was Mephistopheles, who began to move between good and evil. His lover, Lockhey Anne, summoned up Johnny's courage, and he made a decision in his heart.

Classic degree: 78 points

This is a Marvel movie, you read it right, but it has not been linked to the Marvel Universe.

The movie itself, to be honest, isn't very brilliant. But this comic book character is really too cool, so cool that the limelight has overshadowed Cage. The most absolute thing about "Soul Chariot" is that many people have long forgotten the movie after watching it, but the GIF in the movie is widely circulated on the Internet. Heroes who are both good and evil are always favored.

The King of Bad Movies - Nicolas Cage 10 best movies, have seen, you are no longer young today half a cat is going to bring a wave of memories to kill ready! The memory killing has begun! (Suggested background music – Rock) Concluding remarks

Famous scenes, also handsome

The King of Bad Movies - Nicolas Cage 10 best movies, have seen, you are no longer young today half a cat is going to bring a wave of memories to kill ready! The memory killing has begun! (Suggested background music – Rock) Concluding remarks

This comic book character is really cool

The King of Bad Movies - Nicolas Cage 10 best movies, have seen, you are no longer young today half a cat is going to bring a wave of memories to kill ready! The memory killing has begun! (Suggested background music – Rock) Concluding remarks

Thick hair, not very used to

The King of Bad Movies - Nicolas Cage 10 best movies, have seen, you are no longer young today half a cat is going to bring a wave of memories to kill ready! The memory killing has begun! (Suggested background music – Rock) Concluding remarks

The villain is also very cool

9th National Treasure (2004)

Douban score: 7.7

Suspense Index: ★★★

Plot Index: ★★★

The King of Bad Movies - Nicolas Cage 10 best movies, have seen, you are no longer young today half a cat is going to bring a wave of memories to kill ready! The memory killing has begun! (Suggested background music – Rock) Concluding remarks

National Treasure

The Gates family is a well-known family of adventurers. As a child, Ben learned a shocking secret of their family: the place where the country's wealth was buried at the founding of the United States was hidden in the Declaration of Independence. Although his father did not want the Gates family to be entangled in the national treasure, Ben began a treasure hunt with the computer master Reilly.

Ben's treasure hunt soon reached an impasse. At the same time, the British billionaire Ian also has his eye on this treasure, and he sends people to infiltrate the National Book of the United States to find the secret of the treasure in the Declaration of Independence and plot against Ben. Dr. Abigaar of the library, upon learning of Ian's sinister intentions, resolves to help Ben find the national treasure...

Classic degree: 82 points

I've always loved puzzle movies, so it's never possible to miss Cage's National Treasure. This film should be seen in conjunction with the history of the United States. Friends who like to play decryption games and play secret rooms will definitely like this type. Therefore, it is not surprising that the movie has a sequel, because this deciphering type of movie is the easiest to make people get on. However, to come up with so many exquisite designs in the film is also a big challenge for the production team.

The King of Bad Movies - Nicolas Cage 10 best movies, have seen, you are no longer young today half a cat is going to bring a wave of memories to kill ready! The memory killing has begun! (Suggested background music – Rock) Concluding remarks

Decrypt, how can it leave the open torch

The King of Bad Movies - Nicolas Cage 10 best movies, have seen, you are no longer young today half a cat is going to bring a wave of memories to kill ready! The memory killing has begun! (Suggested background music – Rock) Concluding remarks

Forget if ShaunBin survived to the end

The King of Bad Movies - Nicolas Cage 10 best movies, have seen, you are no longer young today half a cat is going to bring a wave of memories to kill ready! The memory killing has begun! (Suggested background music – Rock) Concluding remarks

When I don't exist, do I?

8th Place - The Man at Home (2000)

Douban score: 8.1

Visual Index: ★★

Plot Index: ★★★★

The King of Bad Movies - Nicolas Cage 10 best movies, have seen, you are no longer young today half a cat is going to bring a wave of memories to kill ready! The memory killing has begun! (Suggested background music – Rock) Concluding remarks

Stay-at-home men

In 1987, a full-fledged Jack Campbell bid farewell to his girlfriend Kate and went to New York to work alone. 13 years later, Jack has become a hot investment broker on Wall Street, his career is smooth, his life is luxurious, surrounded by beautiful women, like a flawless successful person.

However, just two days before Christmas Eve, Jack's life changed dramatically. When he wakes up, he finds himself in his hometown of New Jersey, Kate becomes his wife, and the two have two lovely children. The new and opposing life leaves Jack at a loss, and he will eventually choose between money and family...

Classic degree: 83 points

"Stay-at-Home Man", another "persuasion type" movie title. Two diametrically opposed lives, each with its own envy, is a besieged city, and people on both sides have been envious of the life on the other side all their lives. Be full of choices and cherish them even more if you know what you really need. A film full of warmth and thought, slightly niche.

PS: The heroine is very beautiful

The King of Bad Movies - Nicolas Cage 10 best movies, have seen, you are no longer young today half a cat is going to bring a wave of memories to kill ready! The memory killing has begun! (Suggested background music – Rock) Concluding remarks
The King of Bad Movies - Nicolas Cage 10 best movies, have seen, you are no longer young today half a cat is going to bring a wave of memories to kill ready! The memory killing has begun! (Suggested background music – Rock) Concluding remarks

The heroine of this movie is very good, and later became the "secretary of state"

The King of Bad Movies - Nicolas Cage 10 best movies, have seen, you are no longer young today half a cat is going to bring a wave of memories to kill ready! The memory killing has begun! (Suggested background music – Rock) Concluding remarks
The King of Bad Movies - Nicolas Cage 10 best movies, have seen, you are no longer young today half a cat is going to bring a wave of memories to kill ready! The memory killing has begun! (Suggested background music – Rock) Concluding remarks


7th Place - Stickman (2003)

Douban score: 8.2

Referral Index: ★★★★★

Suspense Index: ★★★★

Visual Index: ★★★

The King of Bad Movies - Nicolas Cage 10 best movies, have seen, you are no longer young today half a cat is going to bring a wave of memories to kill ready! The memory killing has begun! (Suggested background music – Rock) Concluding remarks


Roy is a skilled professional liar who has a bold and greedy partner, Frank, who has been working together for many years and has barely missed a hand.

Roy is also a mental obsessive-compulsive disorder sufferer. He loved to be clean and did not allow anyone to walk into his house in their shoes; he was cautious, checking the gas and power switches five times every time he went out. Frank helped him find a psychiatrist for this.

With the help of a psychiatrist, Roy finds his long-lost daughter Angela. The appearance of his daughter changed his life and made him slowly feel the joy of being a father. But he didn't want his daughter to know his profession.

But after all, the paper can't contain the fire, the daughter knows his secret, and shows an excellent talent for deception, Roy decided to pass on all his skills to his daughter.

Soon, a "big deal" came, father and daughter, partners came together, what will be the result?

Classic degree: 85 points

Affection is the most superb deception. "Stickman", an American slang term, is the kind of liar who makes you pay for your lungs and money. The film is cleverly conceived and revolves around a "deception" word, which has both the warmth of family affection and the ruthless betrayal. In the end, with nothing, he chose to forgive, chose a peaceful and peaceful life, and began another part of his life

After all, it is the work of director Lei Gong, and the quality of the film is not said

The King of Bad Movies - Nicolas Cage 10 best movies, have seen, you are no longer young today half a cat is going to bring a wave of memories to kill ready! The memory killing has begun! (Suggested background music – Rock) Concluding remarks

Scammers with obsessive-compulsive disorder

The King of Bad Movies - Nicolas Cage 10 best movies, have seen, you are no longer young today half a cat is going to bring a wave of memories to kill ready! The memory killing has begun! (Suggested background music – Rock) Concluding remarks

Old liar, be a good dad

The King of Bad Movies - Nicolas Cage 10 best movies, have seen, you are no longer young today half a cat is going to bring a wave of memories to kill ready! The memory killing has begun! (Suggested background music – Rock) Concluding remarks

Two-sided life

The King of Bad Movies - Nicolas Cage 10 best movies, have seen, you are no longer young today half a cat is going to bring a wave of memories to kill ready! The memory killing has begun! (Suggested background music – Rock) Concluding remarks

Cheater partner

6th place - City of Angels (1998)

Douban score: 7.9

Suspense Index: ★★

The King of Bad Movies - Nicolas Cage 10 best movies, have seen, you are no longer young today half a cat is going to bring a wave of memories to kill ready! The memory killing has begun! (Suggested background music – Rock) Concluding remarks

City of Angels

The angel Seth has all the mana an angel should have and can live forever. His mission is to wander around the hospital every day to bring the people who have gone to another world, but he falls in love with the hospital doctor Maggie, and in order to be able to be with his beloved, Seth gives up his angelic identity, gives up eternal life, and falls into the mortal world.

However, he did not understand that what awaited him was not only touching love, but also the fate of people.

Love is a problem, dizzying and fascinating. The same is true for angels.

Love, because of lingering pity and confusion, because of the parting of life and death and sorrow, because there are lovers who eventually become dependents and the heavens and the earth are forgiving, because Lao Yan flew to the west and east and the viewers wept for it. Love, want to say goodbye but can't stop.

At that time, Megryan was really too sweet, too beautiful, such a beauty, and it was difficult to find later.

The King of Bad Movies - Nicolas Cage 10 best movies, have seen, you are no longer young today half a cat is going to bring a wave of memories to kill ready! The memory killing has begun! (Suggested background music – Rock) Concluding remarks
The King of Bad Movies - Nicolas Cage 10 best movies, have seen, you are no longer young today half a cat is going to bring a wave of memories to kill ready! The memory killing has begun! (Suggested background music – Rock) Concluding remarks

Lang Cai female appearance

The King of Bad Movies - Nicolas Cage 10 best movies, have seen, you are no longer young today half a cat is going to bring a wave of memories to kill ready! The memory killing has begun! (Suggested background music – Rock) Concluding remarks

The heroine is so beautiful

The King of Bad Movies - Nicolas Cage 10 best movies, have seen, you are no longer young today half a cat is going to bring a wave of memories to kill ready! The memory killing has begun! (Suggested background music – Rock) Concluding remarks

We are angels

The King of Bad Movies - Nicolas Cage 10 best movies, have seen, you are no longer young today half a cat is going to bring a wave of memories to kill ready! The memory killing has begun! (Suggested background music – Rock) Concluding remarks

We were in bed

5th Place - Birdman (1984)

Douban score: 8.3

Plot Index: ★★★★★

The King of Bad Movies - Nicolas Cage 10 best movies, have seen, you are no longer young today half a cat is going to bring a wave of memories to kill ready! The memory killing has begun! (Suggested background music – Rock) Concluding remarks


Berdy is a child who has lived in fantasy since childhood, he has always longed for the life of birds, envied that they have wings to fly, and he is also excited to make wings, fantasizing about one day flying into the sky. The outbreak of the Vietnam War interrupted the dreams of teenagers. The cruel scenes on the battlefield greatly stimulated the fragile Birdy, and finally lost his mind, became a "mental patient" in the practical sense, and was sent to the hospital. In the hospital, he never spoke, squatting as a bird every day, eating in the form of a bird, looking at a small blue sky in a cage and yearning to fly. In order to treat Burdy, the hospital brought in his childhood friend Al, hoping that he would guide Burdy to communicate with people again. Al opens Up Buddy's mind with a large number of shared memories, and realizes that for Berdy only the dream of flying is eternal...

Classic level: 88 points

"Birdman", there are many movies called Birdman, and Cage began to become famous from this one.

Anti-war, friendship, these two words are the most frequently mentioned ideas in this movie. But after I watched it quietly, I saw a kind of hidden love that was mentioned in 1988, the love between the same sex.

When you are in a depressed mood, don't open this movie, this movie expresses a lot of things, different people, see different things.

The King of Bad Movies - Nicolas Cage 10 best movies, have seen, you are no longer young today half a cat is going to bring a wave of memories to kill ready! The memory killing has begun! (Suggested background music – Rock) Concluding remarks
The King of Bad Movies - Nicolas Cage 10 best movies, have seen, you are no longer young today half a cat is going to bring a wave of memories to kill ready! The memory killing has begun! (Suggested background music – Rock) Concluding remarks

Young Cage, young is so good, hair is so good

The King of Bad Movies - Nicolas Cage 10 best movies, have seen, you are no longer young today half a cat is going to bring a wave of memories to kill ready! The memory killing has begun! (Suggested background music – Rock) Concluding remarks

A pair of friends

The King of Bad Movies - Nicolas Cage 10 best movies, have seen, you are no longer young today half a cat is going to bring a wave of memories to kill ready! The memory killing has begun! (Suggested background music – Rock) Concluding remarks

Anti-war theme

4th place - Prison in the Sky (1997)

Visual Index: ★★★★★

The King of Bad Movies - Nicolas Cage 10 best movies, have seen, you are no longer young today half a cat is going to bring a wave of memories to kill ready! The memory killing has begun! (Suggested background music – Rock) Concluding remarks

Prison in the Air

The Air Prison is a plane dedicated to transporting the nation's most dangerous criminals. Cameron took the plane not because of his heinous crimes, but because he applied for a flight to give her a gift on her birthday. He did well in prison, and the warden granted his request. However, there is a problem - on this plane, a group of murderous maniacs are also escorted.

Detectives are very careful about the dangers that may arise at any time, but it is difficult to prevent that the mob still holds all the police on the plane hostage during the flight, and Cameron is forced to help them complete the escape mission.

The federal forces on the ground decided to shoot down the plane and wipe out the maniacs, and should Cameron, who was in danger, escape from this air prison?

Classic level: 91 points

"Prison in the Air" is simple and rough, and there are too many stars to count. Find a reason to put Cage in jail, and then put Cage on the plane. A group of prisoners was then very unlucky.

Now it seems that many settings have been rotten, but at that time, the concept of "prison in the air" was still very fresh. So a lot of action scenes, let people watch it well.

PS: The most important thing about this movie is that you can see Cage's most handsome long hair style. (The back is starting to get greasy)

The King of Bad Movies - Nicolas Cage 10 best movies, have seen, you are no longer young today half a cat is going to bring a wave of memories to kill ready! The memory killing has begun! (Suggested background music – Rock) Concluding remarks

Long flowing hair

The King of Bad Movies - Nicolas Cage 10 best movies, have seen, you are no longer young today half a cat is going to bring a wave of memories to kill ready! The memory killing has begun! (Suggested background music – Rock) Concluding remarks

Long hair is handsome

The King of Bad Movies - Nicolas Cage 10 best movies, have seen, you are no longer young today half a cat is going to bring a wave of memories to kill ready! The memory killing has begun! (Suggested background music – Rock) Concluding remarks

Cruel people

The King of Bad Movies - Nicolas Cage 10 best movies, have seen, you are no longer young today half a cat is going to bring a wave of memories to kill ready! The memory killing has begun! (Suggested background music – Rock) Concluding remarks

Super classic lenses

3rd Place - King of War (2005)

Douban score: 8.7

The King of Bad Movies - Nicolas Cage 10 best movies, have seen, you are no longer young today half a cat is going to bring a wave of memories to kill ready! The memory killing has begun! (Suggested background music – Rock) Concluding remarks

King of War

Originally, the family business of American immigrant Yuri was to open a restaurant. But by chance, he stepped into the arms business and began his "career" in arms trafficking. Yuri's wit and boldness not only allowed him to successfully capture the heart of the beautiful woman Eva, but also made him more and more courageous in the underground arms business.

But then came the unpleasant things: a nemesis in the business and an international policeman who was always staring at him; his brother was addicted to drugs and died in a single business transaction; and, despite his best efforts to defend his image of justice in the family, he could not hide the truth. Yuri begins to reflect on the justice of his business and tortures his conscience, but it is too late, he has rebelled...

Classic degree: 94 points

There are hundreds of millions of arms in circulation in this world, that is to say, every twelve people have a gun, and the only question is: how do we make the other eleven people have guns?

This film is based on many real cases, fictionalizing the career of an international arms dealer. The actors in the film are very good. Needless to say, Ethan Hawke's Interpol is also brilliant, and Jared Leto, who plays Yuri's younger brother, is also very fond of me, a big kid who is more emotional than rational. Director Andrew Nico has many more famous works, and "A Thousand Guns" is half a cat's favorite movie, and there is no one. "King of War" does not see too many imprints on Nico in style, but the core of being good at delicate expression has not changed. Great movie.

The King of Bad Movies - Nicolas Cage 10 best movies, have seen, you are no longer young today half a cat is going to bring a wave of memories to kill ready! The memory killing has begun! (Suggested background music – Rock) Concluding remarks

We don't dare to say, we don't dare to ask

The King of Bad Movies - Nicolas Cage 10 best movies, have seen, you are no longer young today half a cat is going to bring a wave of memories to kill ready! The memory killing has begun! (Suggested background music – Rock) Concluding remarks

Brothers and sisters, Leto is also super powerful

The King of Bad Movies - Nicolas Cage 10 best movies, have seen, you are no longer young today half a cat is going to bring a wave of memories to kill ready! The memory killing has begun! (Suggested background music – Rock) Concluding remarks

In good shape

The King of Bad Movies - Nicolas Cage 10 best movies, have seen, you are no longer young today half a cat is going to bring a wave of memories to kill ready! The memory killing has begun! (Suggested background music – Rock) Concluding remarks

Reflections on life

2nd Place - Face Changing (1997)

Douban score: 8.5

Suspense Index: ★★★★★

The King of Bad Movies - Nicolas Cage 10 best movies, have seen, you are no longer young today half a cat is going to bring a wave of memories to kill ready! The memory killing has begun! (Suggested background music – Rock) Concluding remarks


Kester is a terrorist who intends to kill Agent Sean, but accidentally kills Sean's son, and Sean has formed a feud with Kester. After his arrest, he thought he could put an end to it, only to learn that Kester had dropped a gas bomb in a crowded corner.

In order to find out where the bomb was, Sean decided to use plastic surgery to replace the unconscious Kester's face on himself, pretending to be Kester to tell his brother the truth. The matter was highly classified by the FBI, and only a few people knew about it.

Kester woke up, and now he had Sean's face. So he decided to make a plan, and after killing the insider, he became Sean...

Classic degree: 96 points

"Changing Face" or "Double Face", is really too classic. Cage's performance in the movie is really amazing. Originally thought that Cage could only play a good person, but I did not expect that he could play a bad person and be so meticulous. It's really a good film that Cage can't get.

For director Wu Yusen, "Changing Face" can also be called his pinnacle of Hollywood, and like the two heroes, it has become a classic work in film history, the action and connotation are too wonderful, and Lao Wu himself is afraid that it is difficult to surpass.

The King of Bad Movies - Nicolas Cage 10 best movies, have seen, you are no longer young today half a cat is going to bring a wave of memories to kill ready! The memory killing has begun! (Suggested background music – Rock) Concluding remarks

Meme 1

The King of Bad Movies - Nicolas Cage 10 best movies, have seen, you are no longer young today half a cat is going to bring a wave of memories to kill ready! The memory killing has begun! (Suggested background music – Rock) Concluding remarks

Emoji Pack 2

The King of Bad Movies - Nicolas Cage 10 best movies, have seen, you are no longer young today half a cat is going to bring a wave of memories to kill ready! The memory killing has begun! (Suggested background music – Rock) Concluding remarks
The King of Bad Movies - Nicolas Cage 10 best movies, have seen, you are no longer young today half a cat is going to bring a wave of memories to kill ready! The memory killing has begun! (Suggested background music – Rock) Concluding remarks
The King of Bad Movies - Nicolas Cage 10 best movies, have seen, you are no longer young today half a cat is going to bring a wave of memories to kill ready! The memory killing has begun! (Suggested background music – Rock) Concluding remarks


The King of Bad Movies - Nicolas Cage 10 best movies, have seen, you are no longer young today half a cat is going to bring a wave of memories to kill ready! The memory killing has begun! (Suggested background music – Rock) Concluding remarks

Very cool

The King of Bad Movies - Nicolas Cage 10 best movies, have seen, you are no longer young today half a cat is going to bring a wave of memories to kill ready! The memory killing has begun! (Suggested background music – Rock) Concluding remarks

No. 1 - Brave The Island (1996)

Douban score: 8.6

The King of Bad Movies - Nicolas Cage 10 best movies, have seen, you are no longer young today half a cat is going to bring a wave of memories to kill ready! The memory killing has begun! (Suggested background music – Rock) Concluding remarks

Brave the Island of Death

Dissatisfied with the government's compensation and welfare of veterans and the families of veterans and killed soldiers and their families, Admiral Flang of the United States Marine Corps led his subordinates to smuggle the latest biological and chemical weapons developed by the U.S. Military, the VX gas bomb, to Rock Island, abducted 81 tourists who were sightseeing on the island, and took control of the island. Blackmail the U.S. government into paying a ransom of $100 million over 48 hours or kill hostages and attack San Francisco with gas bombs.

Rock Island was previously the most heavily defended prison in the United States, easy to defend and difficult to attack. The U.S. government accidentally found out from the archives that the former British agent Mason had successfully escaped from the prison, so they invited Mason and asked him to lead special forces to capture the "Devil's Island" within 30 hours...

Classic degree: 99 points

Some movies, always want to watch it again.

Daredevil Island has always been the number one action movie in my mind. It is the first time in the life of half a cat that he has walked into a movie theater to see. Too impressed. Although the level of violence in the film was not very suitable for me at that age, I enjoyed it the whole time.

The young mind, the aesthetic of action movies, has since played a particularly high tone, and then later, for various action movies, it is a bit unpleasant, because I have watched "Brave to Die Island". Truth be told, I liked this movie, not because of Cage, but because of two other old drama bones, Sean Connery and Ed Harris. In front of the two of them, Cage is still a little immature, perhaps related to the role, Cage originally played a rookie detective. But this kind of immaturity, on the contrary, complements Sean Connery's sophistication.

I was impressed by almost every scene in the movie, the funeral of the soldier, the theft of poison gas bombs, the city car chase, the brave invasion of the magic island, the destruction of the commando team, the terrorist infighting, and finally Cage inserted serum into his heart. These images, as if engraved in my mind, are unforgettable when they are mentioned.

The King of Bad Movies - Nicolas Cage 10 best movies, have seen, you are no longer young today half a cat is going to bring a wave of memories to kill ready! The memory killing has begun! (Suggested background music – Rock) Concluding remarks

Childhood Shadows

The King of Bad Movies - Nicolas Cage 10 best movies, have seen, you are no longer young today half a cat is going to bring a wave of memories to kill ready! The memory killing has begun! (Suggested background music – Rock) Concluding remarks

Rookies and old birds

The King of Bad Movies - Nicolas Cage 10 best movies, have seen, you are no longer young today half a cat is going to bring a wave of memories to kill ready! The memory killing has begun! (Suggested background music – Rock) Concluding remarks

This island, really exists

The King of Bad Movies - Nicolas Cage 10 best movies, have seen, you are no longer young today half a cat is going to bring a wave of memories to kill ready! The memory killing has begun! (Suggested background music – Rock) Concluding remarks

Childhood nightmare – gas bombs

The King of Bad Movies - Nicolas Cage 10 best movies, have seen, you are no longer young today half a cat is going to bring a wave of memories to kill ready! The memory killing has begun! (Suggested background music – Rock) Concluding remarks

Old handsome guy

The King of Bad Movies - Nicolas Cage 10 best movies, have seen, you are no longer young today half a cat is going to bring a wave of memories to kill ready! The memory killing has begun! (Suggested background music – Rock) Concluding remarks


The King of Bad Movies - Nicolas Cage 10 best movies, have seen, you are no longer young today half a cat is going to bring a wave of memories to kill ready! The memory killing has begun! (Suggested background music – Rock) Concluding remarks

Classic famous scene

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="119" > concluding remarks</h1>

Well, the above is half a cat review of the Cage top ten. If there is an omission, welcome to add, and welcome to leave a message to talk about your most detailed Cage movie.

The King of Bad Movies - Nicolas Cage 10 best movies, have seen, you are no longer young today half a cat is going to bring a wave of memories to kill ready! The memory killing has begun! (Suggested background music – Rock) Concluding remarks

Cage Movie Classics Ranking:

01-99 points "Brave to kill the island" (1996)

02 - 96 points "Changing Face" (1997)

03- 94 "King of War" (2005)

04 - 91 "Prison in the Air" (1997)

05 - 88 points "Birdman" (1984)

06-85 min. "City of Angels" (1998)

07- 85 min. "Stickman" (2003)

08- 83 min. "The Man at Home" (2000)

09- 82 min. National Treasure (2004)

10-78 points Soul Chariot (2007)

#Nicolas Cage ##老电影 #

The King of Bad Movies - Nicolas Cage 10 best movies, have seen, you are no longer young today half a cat is going to bring a wave of memories to kill ready! The memory killing has begun! (Suggested background music – Rock) Concluding remarks

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