
Telling the Red Story of the Haining People Haining's first anti-war film premiered today

author:Zhejiang Daily

2018-08-19 17:37 | Zhejiang News Client | Reporter Shen Yeting Correspondent Chai Tianming

Telling the Red Story of the Haining People Haining's first anti-war film premiered today

On July 7, 1937, the Japanese army created the Lugou Bridge Incident and launched a long-planned all-out war of aggression against China, and since then, the war has been fully ignited on the land of China. On November 5, 1937, the Japanese army landed on the line from Jinshanwei to Quangongting in Hangzhou Bay, and then moved west along the Huning Highway and the south shore of Taihu Lake, trapping Jiashan, Jiaxing, Haiyan, Haining and other places.

Telling the Red Story of the Haining People Haining's first anti-war film premiered today

The Japanese army occupied The Salt Guan Haitang

On December 23, 1937, the salt officials of Haining County fell, and then the Japanese army caused one major tragedy after another, and the blood stained the chaoxiang land red..... 1938 has become a history that the people of Haining cannot forget. In this year, countless heroic sons and daughters of Chaoxiang fought bloody battles under the iron hooves of the Japanese army, leaving countless heroic deeds that can be sung and wept.

Telling the Red Story of the Haining People Haining's first anti-war film premiered today

On the afternoon of August 19, the premiere ceremony of the movie "Haining 1938" was held in Haining City Administrative Center. More than 700 representatives from all walks of life in Haining City participated in the premiere ceremony, and the film producers, creators and audiences watched the film together and carried out various forms of interaction.

The movie "Haining 1938" is adapted from the novel "Children of Chaoxiang" by Chen Zhongxiang, a writer from Haining and honorary chairman of the Haining Literary Association Writers Association. Published in 1999, the novel is a long novel that integrates history and legend, which has won the Jiaxing Five One Project Award, which is based on the history of the guerrillas in northern Zhejiang and the Japanese Kou fighting wits and courage during the War of Resistance Against Japan as the background, mainly revolves around the anti-Japanese hero Chen Shibo's anti-Japanese complex, and reflects the heroic and resourceful personality of the sons and daughters of Chaoxiang through the shaping of the characters of Bao Fengzhu, Liang Mei, Chen Liang and other characters.

Telling the Red Story of the Haining People Haining's first anti-war film premiered today

Why was this novel made into a movie? Behind this has to mention a person - Lu Jinxiang, chairman of Zhejiang New Home Real Estate Development Co., Ltd., who is a native of Haining. "This film tells the story of our own Haining people. There is a plot, there is feelings, there is positive energy! At a party, Chen Zhongxiang and Lu Jinxiang talked about the idea of changing the novel into a movie, and Lu Jinxiang immediately made a plan to invest in the film. The first red film written by Haining people, invested by Haining people, and starring Haining people was born immediately.

Among the main actors is also a Haining person, Ying Kenu. She is Hua Dan of Haining Yue Opera Troupe and a national second-class actor, who has participated in and starred in many plays such as "Clouds of the Western Heavens" and "Justice of Heavenly Dao", among which "Clouds of the Western Heavens" won the Silver Award of the Chinese Drama Festival.

It is worth mentioning that the extras of this film are all Haining people, and they have been filmed in Haining Jiaoshi, Yanguan, Chang'an and other places, and Haining's tide culture, lamp culture, and celebrity culture are also integrated into it, which can be said to be a film with strong Haining elements.

Telling the Red Story of the Haining People Haining's first anti-war film premiered today

It is reported that Lu Jinxiang, producer of "Haining 1938", Qian Yanjun, chief producer, Chen Zhongxiang, screenwriter Haining writer, and Yao Jianxin, member of the Standing Committee of the Cpc Haining Municipal Committee and director of propaganda, served as the director of the film. In terms of the main creative staff, the director Gao Liqiang has directed the TV series "General Zhang Xueliang", "There is a Weihaiwei in the Sky", the movie "Divine Courage Projectile" and other works, which are famous for their red works. The cast includes Zheng Xintong, Yin Xiaotian, Wang Chaowei, Chen Jianfei, Lou Yujian, Ye Zitang, Wang Leifang, Ying Kenu, Kong Honghao, Yu Jian, etc. The theme song of the movie "Dancing with the Tide, Flying the Flag" was composed by Lin Shangqing and Zhu Yaoming, lyrics by Mo Yongqiang, and sung by Wang Zhe. Produced by Zhejiang New Home Real Estate Development Co., Ltd., Haining Bohai Culture Co., Ltd., and produced by Zhejiang Hewen Film and Television Co., Ltd. "Haining 1938" started filming on November 1, 2017, and successfully completed on November 17, 2017.

"Haining 1938" is about to be released in theaters, will also be broadcast on CCTV, on the eve of the release, as an independent cultural product, "Crossing Haining 1938" album is also officially published and distributed. The album informatively introduces the real historical background of the Haining War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, and tells the people and stories that future generations should never forget.

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